Thursday 9 January 2014

DCUK Quote of the day !

"You have properly failed if as a T2 you end up on insulin. Properly...

Poor b******s you have my sympathy.

Posted by Tony Truthful

The thread " Recent insulin study" has been thread locked 

"Thread closed. This isn't the place to be scaremongering and dishing out potentially dangerous information." 

How ironic when the discussion was started after uk management sent out an email to members and a member started the thread with "A few days ago, the email 'newsletter' from flagged a very recent study which showed that Type 2 Diabetics taking insulin had 3 x the mortality rate of Type 2s taking, for example, metformin"

As we have seen for five years and more, the truth is not wanted at DCUK. 

Stand by for a full report,


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