Friday, 24 January 2014

DCUK They do love their petty torments !

As reported earlier, DCUK have blocked me from reading the forum from our near London apartment/flat computers. Most of the time we live on the south coast with a different Internet provider. I can read the forum from my phone, but that is a pain in the butt, how can one man frighten them so much ?



  1. I had seen your comment earlier Eddie and thought, no you must have got it wrong? I, of course do not know what you can see and can't see but DCUK doing this? How utterly utterly PATHETIC.

    You have been a thorn in their side for many years but this I find to be UN-believable. Would someone from DCUK care to comment? I'm sure all readers and DCUK followers are waiting for your reply.

    Grow Up perhaps this is needed all round but I thought decent people in the UK had a voice and could use it? Plus of course have eyes to see and lips to read but that may be something else?

    Pathetic, Pathetic


  2. Eddie, I find this hard to believe but have no cause to doubt you. Why should I ? This is the UK we are talking about and not some way out in the jungle village that does not have inter net connection.

    If I was Tim Yeo who I'm not I would at least call for a parliamentary committee to hold DCUK to account.Who made this decision, are we allowed to ask such a question? Come on please DCUK, at least Eddie for his fighting words to help diabetics gives his full name and photo for us all to see but do you? So many hide behind forum names (their choice) but the question must remain WHO ARE YOU AFRAID OF?

    Power to the people and continued power to this team who promote what is good to help diabetics. Have they ever censored or banned anyone.? I think the answer is NO but feel sure they will correct me if I'm wrong.


  3. You frighten them simply by telling the truth. Truth may not be wanted by all, but please keep saying it for those of us who do. In this your country you can speak out for the good of the people. DCUK must make a question to them selves? Do they want to help all diabetics. Please search deep within your hearts. Your blog the Diet Doctor and others truly speak out for diabetics in Europe, the rest of the world must have good Doctors also. Truth is so important many are being killed becos truth is not being seen and told.

  4. @ Nicky & Martin.

    Blocking ISP's was a tactic first used by cugila a disgraced and banned ex forum mod who applied it to Dr Jay Wortman a T2 diabetic. That admin at DCUK could sink to the depths of cugila speaks volumes about the integrity of admin at DCUK

    More on the disgraceful treatment of Dr Jay tomorrow.


  5. Laura

    Thanks for the kind words.DCUK does not want the truth. They just want an easy life, it's all about money and they let around a dozen drug addled carboholics wreck the place. it was ever thus.


  6. You don't frighten them and you seem to be whitewashing over your previous behaviour that got you banned.
    "Button it or else" ring any bells?
    Sexist comments, intimidation, failure to debate without threats. I could go on but you know the truth.
    Truth is sometimes painful but has to be acknowledged in order to move on.

  7. "Sexist comments"

    You have said that before, you obviously have a few hangups.Women read and write for this blog, no ones complained to me yet, maybe it's because they have a life and don't creep about like anonymous pervs in the night.

    Get a life.


  8. You don't frighten them and you seem to be whitewashing over your previous behaviour that got you banned.

    Oh but we do! You and your ilk come over to this blog as anonymous because you have history and know you will be outed and that scares you stiff, whitewashing don’t think so unlike that little weasel noblehead who edited his posts when we showed just what a hypocrite he is.

    "Button it or else" ring any bells?
    Sexist comments, intimidation, failure to debate without threats. I could go on but you know the truth.

    Sexists! remember the nasty joke that your mouthpiece bonkers had deleted? Intimidation! Remember the disgraceful treatment of Ali B when the clique attacked en masse lead by that howling banshee the cherub, and then there were the many attacks on Hana by the same baying mob.

    Truth is sometimes painful but has to be acknowledged in order to move on.

    And therein lies a lesson that needs to be acknowledged by the clique, oh how they whine when
    faced with the truth.

    Give my love to phoenix
    Graham xxx

  9. As an observer rather than a participant, I saw it all unfold.

    Yes there were faults on both sides but you seem to be saying that you did nothing wrong and are whiter than white.

    You didn't get banned because you were low carbers, there were plenty of low carbers who did not act in the destructive way that you did.
    You used every opportunity to tell people that low carb was the only way forward and ridiculed anyone who did not agree with you using postings and private messages.

    You had the run of the forum until people stood up to you and that was your undoing, not being able to accept that others could be right too. You then tried to undermine anyone who did not follow your doctrine but you ended up getting banned.

    Things have moved on at DCUK and the partition that you created no longer exists except within the minds of a few of your followers.

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it but don't try the sympathy card. It would be better to admit that there were problems that you created too.

    Low carbing does not mean the same thing as you would have us believe. DCUK members have a variety of carbohydrate intake and as long as they are doing well why would you care?

    Yes this is an anonymous posting because I cannot stand the way you behave and do not want you to know who I am on the forum. A little clue, my posts are under 100. I may not have posted much but I have learned a lot in the years that I have been a member. MY education has been more about personalities than diabetes management. It's not what people say but the way that they say it. I would rahter read something genuine than all the scientific papers that people offer to show they are right.
    It's a sad diabetic world when people would ratherargue than debate for the good of their fellow sufferers.

  10. Anon

    Please see new thread re your comments.



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