Thursday 9 January 2014

DCUK The truth, the whole truth anything but the truth !

Recently the management at sent out an email to it’s members. The usual marketing memo plus enough information to make the communique half way legit, including an item that caught a members eye. This was a new study regarding insulin and type two diabetics. Forum member academicdiabetic started a thread called ‘recent insulin study’. The thread got off to a cracking  start, lot’s of comment and further studies posted,confirming insulin was not a get out of jail free card for type two diabetics, and serious complication such as three times the mortality rates in type two insulin users, compared to metformin only users.

As so often with type two threads on the forum, type one diabetics quickly waded in together with a few lowcarb antis and carboholics. They could see where this thread was going, they had shut down countless threads that cast aspersions on medication covering high carb consumption, they know full well a low carb type two diabetic rarely ends up on insulin, thereby avoiding the grim conclusions the scientific studies had highlighted.

The thread really got going when the forums queen of carbs and high medication, the one and only phoenix joined the fray. Over the years phoenix has worked tirelessly to get every diabetic on the forum carbed up and medicated to the gills. It’s her reason to live, why she wants everyone suffering diabetic complications, poor control and drug dependent is beyond me.  On a very high carb diet pushed by Hope Warshaw,  phoenix an insulin user and on a pump, is carb addicted, and as her guru Hope says “low carb is the old dogma, high carb diets and drugs are the new reality”

So there you have it, a few groveling toadies go screaming to the moderators, swiftly followed by mo1905 and Catherinecherub pressing the like ( the thread got closed ) button and the thread gets locked. Yet another debate that could have lead to greater understanding of the problems for type two diabetics using insulin shutdown. Insulin resistance had been mentioned and how it can be reduced, the thread was going somewhere, and that was a low carb diet and exercise can keep a type two diabetic from needing to inject insulin for many years, maybe for life. The carb addicted, drug dependent could not let that message gain ground again and wrecked the thread.

The thread was locked with this message."Thread closed. This isn't the place to be scaremongering and dishing out potentially dangerous information." What it should have said was this “The last thing we want on this forum is the drug and carb addicted being upset, the last thing we want is the faint hearted and squeamish learning the truth and how poor the survival rate may be for the people that do not control their diabetes religiously, the last thing we want is our advertisers upset with a real debate that could potentially cost us and them revenue."

Am I pissed off, you bet I am. Diabetes treatment in the UK is abysmal, and as I have said many times, 93% of type one diabetics fail to get to a safe HbA1c, as published in the audited NHS stats. Some of the dullards even doubted the accuracy and integrity of the audits (check the thread out). You see the thing is, so many diabetics do not want to know the truth, they want to carry on the same lifestyle that lead to their obesity and type two diabetes. Eating the same junk, staying overweight and kidding themselves the drugs will keep them safe, they will not, as the various studies and peer reviewed papers proved.

Check out the thread here. Reading the thread will be worth your time, if nothing else, it shows the lengths some people will go to suppressing debate and continuing the lunacy that results in an early death for so many diabetics.



Final comment from Giverny on locking the thread:
"Thread closed. This isn't the place to be scaremongering and dishing out potentially dangerous information."
Diabetes is a potentially life threatening, posting relevant studies to highlight the possible dangers of insulin use in Type 2 diabetes is neither scaremongering nor dangerous. We can't bury our heads in the sand and pretend these risks don't exist.

Comment from Academicdiabetic who as the name suggests is clued up about the subject.
"I think this is one of the most productive discussions I've had about insulin (forget most doctors!)."
Most of the negative comments were from insulin dependents who don't seem able to differentiate between insulin use in T1 and T2 diabetics apart from a select few including SamJB, Dillinger, Smidge and Academicdiabetic.

More from Academicdiabetic
"The promising thing about the study I posted is that the authors found the adverse impact to be 'dose dependent' so if the study outcomes are valid (no study is perfect and all studies therefore should be replicated) those of us who 'have' to take insulin can lessen the risk of any potential damage by doing anything we can to keep our daily dose as low as possible."
Note the "dose dependent" the more carbs the more insulin and increased risks of adverse effects, that's something our old adversary phoenix needs to take on board when she's promoting  the 45 to 65% carbs diet a la Hope Warshaw for Type 2 diabetics.



  1. So many times a good debate is stalled, debate and exchange of views is how people learn. Some begin to question; how can I make this better, how can I help make my health better?

    It was only by reading this blog and your website did I begin to question and realise; there is more that I can do.

    You are quite right to highlight the good and bad; we need to be more aware.

    Thank you


  2. Thanks for the comment Jean

    How sad the UKs largest my member numbers diabetes forum (99.9% never post) is controlled by liars and weak moderation.

    Time after time debate is thread locked by idiots, why I am surprised it's a mystery to me, I should have expected it.


  3. My HbA1c 6.9, whilst I'm experimenting with a lowcarb vegetarian menu to lower it.

    Should I take an anti-glycation agent in attempt to minimise some of the side effects of high blood sugar.

    Aspirin is the most accessible anti-glycation agent, its cheap and got got cardio-protective properties to boot.

    What do you lot think?


    Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

  4. Dr Paul Jones said...
    My HbA1c 6.9, whilst I'm experimenting with a lowcarb vegetarian menu to lower it.

    Should I take an anti-glycation agent in attempt to minimise some of the side effects of high blood sugar.

    Aspirin is the most accessible anti-glycation agent, its cheap and got got cardio-protective properties to boot.

    What do you lot think?

    We are not medically qualified and would never suggest you take any drug without first consulting your doctor or DSN.

    That said some studies have shown aspirin in can make a small improvement on blood sugar but come with side effects and is not something I would consider taking.

    You would be far better off asking you doctor about Metformin.


  5. Graham said -

    "You would be far better off asking you doctor about Metformin"

    I will probably end up on Metformin anyway which is so so.

    But I was considering taking a baby aspirin as it seems to have wide range of benefits.

    This lowcarb lark seems to be difficult if you don't eat meat.

    120 grams is the current level I've got to.

    Knob Celery "Celeriac" you can only buy that in Waitrose,


    Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

  6. Anyone who thinks a high carb/high insulin diet is acceptable for diabetics should read this article by Dr Rosedale. He explains in simple terms the toxic effect high carbs and high insulin have on the body.

    Dr Jones, please read the book The Diabetes Solution by Dr Richard Bernstein. You can even read the whole book online for free-

    Dr Bernstein has had type 1 diabetes since childhood, and is now in his 80's and still working as a diabetes specialist. His advice on diabetic management using a low carb diet is invaluable. He also explains many physiological facts about diabetes that most likely your doctor has never even heard of. I put into practice his recommendations with my type 1 son, who has an HbA1c of 5.5 and a perfect blood profile including lipids/triglycerides/cholesterol. It is not difficult to achieve, believe me.

  7. So the thread is not really affecting those type2s on insulin?
    Some poor souls do not have a choice about insulin even though they are trying their best to manage their diabetes. They may even low carb but still use insulin. Not everyone is as healthy as we think, they may have other health problems that are affecting them.
    How would you like it to be told by your fellow "supporting, compassionate" diabetics that the Grim Reaper has you in his sights?
    There is nothing they can do except for wonder how long before they shuffle off to their Maker.
    Do you really think that is support?

  8. "Knob Celery "Celeriac" you can only buy that in Waitrose,


    Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen"

    Celeriac is usually available in Lidl and often in other stores.

    Here in Norfolk it can be found in many High St., Greengrocers.


  9. "They may even low carb but still use insulin."

    Exactly the point reduced carbs require less insulin and as was stated the adverse affects were dose dependent.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
