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Friday 10 January 2014

Eddie escapes, but is it only a matter of time ?

A guest post from Geoff

When you 'fight the good fight' as Eddie does on a daily basis, it's inevitable that from time to time a few feathers are going to get ruffled.

People, usually anonymous, fake outrage and often descend to an attack on the messenger. These attacks are as impotent as many of their posters, and must leave their authors in a perpetual state of frustration, and dare I say it, 'annoyance.'

Anyone else find Eddie and his website 'annoying' ? I know DCUK do, because I got censored for posting a link to one of the blog's articles. The health truth within the article didn't matter. Eddie's website was a no-go area.

I suspect that in legislation currently being debated, truth won't matter either. It is proposed that "an Ipna could be approved merely if a judge believes the behaviour in question is "capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to any person".

Quicker than you can predict a carbophile-led thread disruption over on DCUK, antis would be reporting Eddie for his 'annoying' behaviour.

The good news is that the House of Lords has just voted out this proposal, and Eddie has been given a 'stay of execution.'

But a tweak here and a tweak there and this legislation, after a re-visit to the Commons, will return to the Lords.
Does Eddie need to be afraid ? 
Do we all need to be afraid ?
Watch out for more weird legislation coming your way soon !




Lowcarb team member said...

Eddie says it how it really is.The readers who know this blog wouldn't expect anything else.

There will always be those who go around with eyes shut or blinkers on.

The team, of which I've only in recent months become active, like to give a varied selection of posts. I really feel we do that. Of course, I'm biased. But our wide range of readers and followers tell us that the balance is right.

I also want to say I like your posts Geoff - please keep them coming for us all to read.

Variety is good. If the naysayers, not a word I tend to use, don't like anything, the comment box is always there and providing it's legal we publish.

Everyone's view is welcome unlike certain other places, well so it would appear!

Definitely peace, and .......

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

"The good news is that the House of Lords has just voted out this proposal, and Eddie has been given a 'stay of execution.'"

Eddie's the lucky one not so the members at Dcuk, were it appears this legislation has already been implemented.

Anonymous said...

'Everyone's view is welcome'

Well I have a complaint. There is too much good 'stuff' to read here.