Monday 6 January 2014

How getting diabetes eventually cured my poor sight.

A guest post from Geoff

The day, some two years ago (Dec. 2011), when I sat across from a GP, her face a picture of desolation as she announced my diabetes to me, was (as the old saying goes) the first day of the rest of my life.

She may have been desolated. I wasn't.
I'm a sort of 'get on with life' kind of guy. 
Not always displaying the most energy - my damaged metabolic state, with increasing thyroid-driven tiredness over perhaps a decade, has robbed me of some of my get up and go - but I can be gripped by ideas, and then driven on by them.

Back then I was gripped by the thought that i needed to find out how to deal with my new 'condition.'
One of the books thrown up by my library search of books relating to diabetes, and available for pick-up locally was Dr Briffa's 'The Diet Trap.' In it I encountered the (mis?)information that saturated fats were good for you.
That can't be true !!!!!!! I thought. 
Google will soon show me that I'm right and Dr Briffa is wrong.
That didn't go too well : (

Around the same time I discovered the DCUK forum where there seemed to be a great bunch of supporters of low-carbing.

My thyroid condition was still undiagnosed in 2012, and was a year of increasing tiredness, but the camaraderie felt online sustained my presence there. Since the late 2012 'clear-out' I've not felt the motivation to carry on, but I salute those who've taken over.

If 2012 did nothing else, it started to show me that the world is not as we believe or would want it to be.

I started to see that there are incredibly powerful forces at work, forces that seemed to have a mind-boggling interest in keeping the population in ignorance about healthy approaches to staying well, and profitting from that ignorance/ill-health.
In a word (two actually) : Big Pharma.

In 2013 it became increasingly obvious that main-stream politicians weren't there to serve us in any way. They seemed more like some Communist -style elite. Out-of-touch and out-of-humanity for their fellow man. UKIP started to appeal. especially as i saw that more and more of our laws were coming from the EU, and fewer and fewer were UK-driven. I started to see that staying in the EU was not good for UK democracy

I'd encountered conspiracy theories before, but to start to embrace them means giving up what you previously believe about the way the world runs, so I'd previously dismissed them. I'd also seen them as disconnected.

Somehow, a few months ago, I was led to a link on the internet, where a WW2 veteran in his 90's, Harry Beckhough, talked about the Nazi origins of the EU, and its peaceful plans to overrun Europe

Now my desire to be out of the EU was a need !

My surfing on the net these last few months have shown me that many are waking up to what is going on. And it's not only going on here. The USA is also being set up at the moment. It's been too powerful a country.

Fractional reserve banking to set up a National Debt. All done deliberately. (Eddie has already shared this concern)
NHS deliberately run down.
The poorest and weakest in society attacked, under the guise of 'austerity.' (hint : they're STARTING with these people)
UK Armed Forces deliberately run down.
Increasing privatisation of 'enforcement' and 'detainment' sectors.
Unprecedented public surveillance (internet, smart technology)
Moves to control our (ill) health
GMO campaign to rob people of their own freedom to grow crops. Only GMO seeds can be purchased. Don't expect them to improve your health. They won't.
Increasingly weird legislation e.g. illegal to give to beggars (such as sharing food) 
Increasingly petty legislation.
Multiculturalism as a subterfuge to break down a country's identity (across the EU)
** this list is not meant to be exhaustive **

Increasingly people across the net are talking about a Hunger Games future. An Orwellian dystopia as shown in 1984. 
But ONLY if we don't wake up. My feeling is that we will. it's become too obvious. And now all the conspiracy theories hang together. They make sense. Think The Wizard Of Oz, and think about looking behind the curtain. You owe it to your children and your children's children, and your children's children's ... you get the drift.

Two years ago I was blind.  I opened my eyes to Big Pharma and agenda-driven politics. Thanks to diabetes the scales have fallen from my eyes.

Peace to all

Geoff J (DCUK's librarising)


  1. Most go blindly on thinking everything is going to be all right. Eastenders or Coronation Street is on tonight, or that awful Big Brother or similar programme.

    Those who do succumb to diabetes or similar illness and have the instinct to not just take it for granted that the Health Care Professionals knows best, and take time to do their own research do have their eyes opened.

    What a shame it takes illness for so many of us to start to understand what does go on behind the scenes.

    I think a change is in the air. More bloggers and certain forums are saying what is really going on in this world of ours.

    This world is far from perfect. Has it ever been perfect? What one man/woman see's as perfect - another man/woman would not agree.

    We all strive for what we believe in and we need fair democracy's, but even that can be a bone of contention.

    Peace to all indeed

    I enjoyed your post Geoff, thanks.

    All the best Jan

  2. Thank you for sharing. Val

  3. What a thought provoking post.

    There are none so blind as those that do not want to see.

    Sandy Dennis BS c

  4. One of the good Doctors to read, Geoff. Good person to start with.



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