"Actually 1% of £160 million is £1.6 million which is exactly the same amount that the government pay ATOS to reduce the benefits bill. So where is the saving? All these reassessments do is to cause unbelievable stress to those who are most at risk in our so called society." Sid Bonkers
I have been very lucky and so have my family, we have never had to rely on the state for help. But that could so easily change, our luck could run out, there but for the grace of God go us.
What sickens me to the gut, is people who have paid into the slush fund for 10, 20, 30, 40 years or more, are treated like thieves and scroungers when they need some help. And who makes these rules up, either a lot of civil servants paid for by us, or the true thieving, scrounging, lying bastards called politicians, also paid for by us.
People are dying and committing suicide in this country, because some chinless wonder or Tory boy prick, wants to make a name for themselves.
When are the British people going to wake up, and start kicking butt !!!
And are these people properly trained? From what I have read no would be the answer.
ReplyDeleteTo understand anything in this world, as the ancient Romans might have said "Qui bono ? "
ReplyDeleteWho benefits ?
A better phrase in my estimation is "follow the money."
Atos (the parent company of Atos Healthcare) holds 3 billions worth of contracts from the UK government.
Austerity is agenda-driven. Imagine a father telling his children they have to go without breakfast in order to subsidise his champagne lunches. I believe if this country knew how our 'leaders' gave away our money to the spurious charity sector and elsewhere, they would rise up.
We have modern-day Robin Hoods, stealing from the poor, and giving to the rich. Simple as.
Geoff J
ReplyDeleteThe people who fought and died for this country must be turning in their graves.
Fifty million died during world war two. What Hitler could not take we are giving away. I wonder what needs to happen before people wake up. I noticed the other day some Police Forces are checking out water cannons.
The trouble is it will not be political protest that brings people out fighting, it will because of yobs and idiots looting and pillaging on the streets.
Is the tide starting to turn ?
ReplyDeleteI'm not holding my breath, but surprising news nonetheless.
Geoff J
I think people are beginning to stand up for themselves, it is best to do this in a calm way, if possible, but if people go hungry go without then they will take, they will want to survive. This world has always had those who have plenty and those who do not but this government does not care about the ordinary worker, or those that through no fault of their own are unable to work.
Jeez Geoff I have just had a glance, I will read and report back.
Hi Martin
ReplyDeleteWe see all over the world when you ram a man into a corner and he has nothing to lose be afraid.
People are being rammed into corners with no hope in the UK. This is not going to end well. The rich of course live in high security homes, who wants to live in a fortress and be afraid to walk the streets.
More and more ghettos will appear, no go areas even for the police. Crime will go through the roof as more and more police stations are being closed and far less coppers on the street.
The Army is being decimated as is the NHS, we are becoming a banana republic, and to think we once ruled most of the world.
We are one of the most indebted nations in the world, we were once the richest. How the mighty fall eh.