Tuesday 7 January 2014

Professor Susan Jebb, of Oxford University another dietitian on the payroll !

An article in today's Telegraph caught my eye an extract you see below. I am rapidly building up a list of so called independent professionals commenting about diet in newspapers and on TV, Susan Jebb was a new name to me.

“Every year, people pour millions of pounds down the drain to no avail following one fad diet or another,” said Professor Susan Jebb, of Oxford University, an advisor on obesity for the government.

This is true, most people who lose weight pile it back on again, diets don't work for most people, a lifestyle change for life is required for many people especially type two diabetics. Imagine my astonishment to learn Susan is on the payroll of Rosemary Conley’s Organisation. But wait it gets worse.

"Furthermore, a Food Standards Agency meeting which Dr Jebb chaired in 2008 concluded that Conley’s portion pots could be a valuable aid to losing weight. A spokesman for the MRC said that while it is ‘committed to transparency, scientific ­integrity and independence’, its scientists can ‘provide scientific advice or consultancy to third parties’. 

The spokesman went on to say that Dr Jebb declared her work with Rosemary Conley before taking up the MRC job. 

In 2003 she was criticised for saying there ‘was not a shred of evidence’ that the Atkins diet –which urges followers to cut out carbohydrates such as bread – worked. It was later revealed that MRC research into the topic was partially funded by the flour industry.

So there you have it, yet again we find a dietitian or highly influential person (Susan is both) in nutrition and diet linked to big pharma or the junk food industry and in this case, on the payroll of Rosemary Conley  a commercial outfit peddling weight loss products. Hang on a minute didn't she say today “Every year, people pour millions of pounds down the drain to no avail following one fad diet or another,” Rosemary Conley won't be amused. Oh well another day another dollar. So often we see, fact is stranger than fiction, but that's the dietitian business. Meanwhile the nation becomes more obese by the day.

Suzie Walker a nutritionist got it right in a comment.

Geez, for goodness sakes, when are the NHS and BDA going to realise that calories are not the answer and calorie restriction is DEFINITELY NOT THE ANSWER. 
1. Carbs not fat are the enemy
2. Calorie restriction hinders metabolism and can lead to muscle catabolism 
3. Weight loss is therefore muscle and water not FAT LOSS
4. Eating fats = Fat Loss
5. Follow the new Swedish guidelines - HFLC (High Fat Low Carb) and put a stop to this obesity epidemic not to mention reverse Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension and blood fat levels. 
Suzie Walker- Nutritionist


Post edit.

She's is also a member of Scientific Advisory Boards for Coca-Cola, Heinz, PepsiCo, NestlĂ© and Kellogg’s


Full Telegraph story here.

Source of more information here.

"The NHS has warned that people are ‘pouring money down the drain’ with fad New Year diets and has launched its own 12 week weight-loss plan.
January traditionally sees hundreds of miracle diet and detox plans rushed out in an attempt to cash-in on the guilt many feel after an over-indulgent Christmas.
But health experts warn that few have any nutritional or scientific basis and rarely work in the long term. Some can even be dangerous, they claim.
Now a simple four month plan has been developed by the NHS and British Dietetic Association (BDA) based on the latest advice on diet and exercise.
“Every year, people pour millions of pounds down the drain to no avail following one fad diet or another,” said Professor Susan Jebb, of Oxford University, an advisor on obesity for the government"


  1. Don't think Prof Susan Jebb will be a new name now. Once your teeth are into someone you don't let go.

  2. ^^^ what Anonymous said! that's why Eddie is hated and feared by the Anti's, and why WE admire him!

  3. I ask my mom to avoid listening to all diet advice on TV - it is an unhealthy habit - it often is a hidden commercial for something which is declared a super-food which can "cleanse body" or "melt fat" or whatever. They try to find food which you can eat in unlimited quantities instead of reaching for the food which will have you not hungry longer.

  4. Ah Suzie Walker - Nutr Therapist and supplement seller! Nutr therapists make their money by selling as many supplements to their clients as possible - need I say more!

  5. "Ah Suzie Walker - Nutr Therapist and supplement seller! Nutr therapists make their money by selling as many supplements to their clients as possible - need I say more!"

    Does she sell as much junk as the BDA dietitians that have featured in this blog over the last few weeks ?


  6. Do they sell junk - HCP are not allowed to sell anything.

  7. Read the blog BDA dietitians are flogging everything from tea to supplements,to promoting Conley READ THE BLOG !!!


  8. Anon

    Carrie Ruxton BDA

    Ex employee of the The Sugar Bureau, working for the The Fat Information Service, a Unilever shill flogging margarine, recently flogging tea to children via the The Tea Advisory Panel, working with The Proprietary Association of Great Britain (membership most of the worlds big pharma companies) flogging supplements.


  9. Anonymous said...
    Do they sell junk - HCP are not allowed to sell anything.

    Maybe not but they make loads of money from the junk food industry, she's also a member of Scientific Advisory Boards for Coca-Cola, Heinz, PepsiCo, NestlĂ© and Kellogg’s


  10. Anonymous said...
    Ah Suzie Walker - Nutr Therapist and supplement seller! Nutr therapists make their money by selling as many supplements to their clients as possible - need I say more!

    Were talking here of Susan Jebb who with her connections with the junk food industry and her involvement as a government advisor could affect the lives of millions of people, by comparison Suzie Walker 's client list will be small fry.

    As a diabetic I know who I prefer when it comes to diet and it's not Dr Jebb.


  11. I posted on another Telegraph article; the one about 'Why Is Britain Fatter Than Ever?'.

    I commented about why the BMI is rubbish and why the calories in/calories out is so flawed.

    I'm amazed at the responses; it's like YouTube comments on there but with slightly better spelling. Name calling, hostility, people getting very snarky because I posted a study - as if using 'facts' was some sort of terrible social faux pas. I almost missed the calm considerate well thought through views of Sid Bonkers. But not quite, but almost.

    It made me realise though that we are in a privileged state; we understand the arguments and they make sense. A lot of people don't even know there is an argument and view any questioning of the orthodoxy as some sort of tribal war.

    The first response I had to my post about calories in/calories out (with, you know, facts backing it up) was essentially to be called a fatty!



  12. The last thing many people want is FACTS just look how many people at DCUK fight tooth and nail to rubbish FACTS ! It was ever thus.


  13. " what Anonymous said! that's why Eddie is hated and feared by the Anti's, and why WE admire him!"

    Thanks Tess

    Dietitians, well most of them, can talk for five minutes and give me a weeks work correcting the garbage they spout !


  14. Listening to Susan Jebb on R4 has led me to your site...
    Have you read the original work by Surgeon Capt TL Cleave: The Saccharine Disease? The first to link refined carbs with degenerative diseases.
    Available here: http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library/Cleave/cleave_toc.html

  15. Thanks for the comment and the link Mike, looks very interesting, I will read fully and report back.



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