Saturday 11 January 2014

The DCUK Clan Particle, does it exist ?

Scientists have announced that they may have discovered a previously unknown level of bullshit.

‘We have hypothesised for a long time that a level of bullshit so incredibly high as to be almost incalculable could theoretically occur, but now it appears that we may be close to proving its existence’, said leading researcher Dr Tony Crust. DCUK bullshit research enjoyed its golden age in the days when Kenny boy was at the helm, the Clueless, the Useless, and the Hopeless elements were all discovered, who together heavily promoted the US food pyramid, but it was probably the discovery of the Total F**kwit, just a few years ago, which revitalized the entire field and led directly to this newest breakthrough. Scientists have dubbed this latest discovery the DCUK Clan Particle. ‘The Clan Particle, if confirmed, will represent a level of bullshit several magnitudes above even the Total F**kwit’ Explained Dr Crust. ‘It really is almost impossible to overstate just how high a level of bullshit we are talking about here’ it was ever thus.



  1. I blame Global Warming !

    The two phenomena are correlated, and that's good enough for a carb-pusher.

    Reminds me. Must put on an extra jumper : )

    Geoff J

  2. Global Warming and a High Carb intake?

  3. "Anonymous said...
    Global Warming and a High Carb intake?"

    Read the article. It always helps.

    The other phenomenon, explained in the article is "a previously unknown level of bullshit."

    Geoff J

  4. OMG you write some rubbish - had a bottle of something!

  5. Where's Giverny when she's needed!

    From the thread "So low carb?" in the type 2 forum this from a TI who to her credit had apologised for mistakenly a replying to a T2.

    Sorry! Really similar picture to someone else I just commented on! My advice is definitely not valid haha

    Then along comes the latest expert in Type 2 diabetes that renowned endo Brett.

    don't be sorry hale, just trying to give your opinion.

    Should this not be viewed as dishing out potentially dangerous information to a newbie Type 2?


  6. Creepy troll said...
    OMG you write some rubbish - had a bottle of something!

    And you spout a load of crap - have you been snorting that Columbian marching powder again?

    Love and hugs
    Graham xxxx


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