Saturday, 25 January 2014

Why all the aggro !

People often say to me why all the aggro Eddie, what aggro I ask, ok I'm winding them up. Winding people up is one of the talents I have honed over the years. Still with me ? good. Winding people up gets their attention, gets people involved, gets a debate going. Some say you can attract more people with honey than you can with vinegar, not in my experience. For diabetes forums and blogs nothing sells like aggro, and trust me, I know a lot about aggro on forums, I know all there is to know about aggro on forums, I have been banned so many times from forums, I haven't got a clue how many times I have been banned. So why all the aggro, am I just the UK's most argumentative bastard, or could there be a sound reason for kicking the hornet's nest ?

Have a look at the graph below I screen shot it about nine o'clock this morning. As you can see we chug along at around a thousand page views per day, dropping to about eight hundred on a quiet day. Yesterday with all the hoo ha over my banning at we had a big rise in page views. Now, if extra page views only meant people were only interested in aggro it would be meaningless, in fact totally negative and unproductive. But here's the story, the stats also tells us what pages people are viewing, and guess what, they are reading links to diabetes studies and papers, they are reading low carb articles, they are checking out recipes and going to our non fight clubs blogs and website. People are checking out our website and emailing us from the address on the site. We are helping people to a better way to control their diabetes and better health.

The Romans knew how to get the people in, chuck a few Christians to the lions and the gaff is full, nothing's changed folks. I may be the madest bastard in diabetes town, but I ain't stupid. I will use any trick in the book to spread the low carb high fat message, whatever it takes to at least tell people what a low carb diet can achieve for their health and safe control of diabetes. Jeez I have even considered baring my arse live on youtube, but let's face it, who would be interested in my shriveled contribution, plus it may well put people off their low carb grub. I'm sticking with aggro, aggro works for me, and if it ain't broke I ain't gonna try to fix it.

Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes, a world where I fit right in, but not on forums methinks.



  1. OMG - Eddie you are so amusing - that is why I look as it is funny watching the tantrums! I think alot of people look for the same reason as the reading the same old articles every where is getting a tad boring!

    Seriously I think your obsession is getting out of hand!

  2. hey Eddie/Fatbird lol

    I do enjoy reading your blog, i very much like the fact the its so unpolitically correct, i also find you very funny, i don't know what went on in the past and don't really care, its a shame you court the agro in my opinion because i like a lot of what you have to say and i think it would be helpful for folks to hear it that don't visit your blog, by being banned they are denied your opinion which is a shame, in this them and us situation we have lost a soldier in the war against carbs which is the most important thing, anyway i hope you sneak back in somehow and i will suspiciously look at all new members from now on lol, thanks for the laughs

    i know this post will be frowned upon, but its not a popularity contest


  3. "Seriously I think your obsession is getting out of hand!"

    "obsession" I think that's a strong word for your obvious lusting after me, but I can understand It.

    Could it be you're interested in my shrivelled contribution ?


  4. Hi Andy12345

    Thanks for the kind words, the feelings mutual. The DCUK members love you for good reason, a sense of humour is a very rare thing on that forum.

    All them thank you's, more than all the antis put together. Most of the members aren't fooled by the wreckers.

    Come back here and join in the lunacy anytime.

    Be lucky Eddie

  5. Eddie - get real they banned you because you cause trouble - you start it wherever you are - this place is the only one you can control.

    I actually feel rather sorry for you!

  6. I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday. A bottle of Rioja and a good portion got me straight in no time at all.


  7. Anonymous said...
    hey Eddie/Fatbird lol

    I do enjoy reading your blog, i very much like the fact the its so unpolitically correct, i also find you very funny, i don't know what went on in the past and don't really care, its a shame you court the agro in my opinion because i like a lot of what you have to say and i think it would be helpful for folks to hear it that don't visit your blog, by being banned they are denied your opinion which is a shame, in this them and us situation we have lost a soldier in the war against carbs which is the most important thing, anyway i hope you sneak back in somehow and i will suspiciously look at all new members from now on lol, thanks for the laughs

    i know this post will be frowned upon, but its not a popularity contest

    Andy your a breath of fresh air at DCUK love your humour, but beware mate you will now have the carb monsters breathing down your neck.

    Respect along with Brett and Mo you have had the guts to use your forum name something the carb monsters never do.



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The best of health to you and yours.
