Sunday 12 January 2014

Why I believe low carb antis are mentally deficient !

All forum old timers will remember the dire warnings from the resident dietitian, scurvy, chronic constipation, osteoporosis and worse, was coming our way. Clan members Nobhead and Bonkers tell us regularly most people cannot stick to a low carb diet. Phoenix the high priestess of carb promotion an insulin pumper, spreads doom and gloom at every opportunity. CatherineCherub pushes a low GI diet, but has never posted a scrap of information on her low GI diet, that keeps her BG non diabetic with nil meds. She did post over here once in her own name, and stated a chronic thyroid problem was the reason for her low BG numbers, pity she never tells anyone on the forum. There are a few new kids on the block, clearly backing the clan. Lot’s of carbs, lots of insulin and meds, good luck with that over the years to come. So, let’s have a look at this food that will lead to a plethora of disease and grim outcomes. Let’s have a look at the food people cannot stick to, let’s have a look at the sort of foods and diet, the antis have devoted their lives to naysaying.

Now, if you think these sort of low carb meals and foods are dangerous, cannot keep you satiated and happy and healthy in the long term, or will lead to further chronic disease. If you believe eating these sort of foods and reducing medication, in some cases, nil medication (type two diabetics only) is not an intelligent and highly viable method of diabetes control, and eating low nutrition sugar and high starch foods covered by increased (often with serious and life threatening side effects) medication is the way to go, then I genuinely believe you are mentally deficient. There is one other point to consider, how many people have been lead astray and confused and received lies and misinformation from the clan over the years ? How many poor souls followed the recommendations of the NHS and DUK and the rantings of the clan, and have suffered irreversible damage, we will never know.



  1. Has anyone noticed that the cherub is now using the dementia butterfly as her avatar?

  2. That is quite a disgusting comment - grow up !

  3. Anonymous said...
    Has anyone noticed that the cherub is now using the dementia butterfly as her avatar?

    I had noticed, she also posted over a tubolards forum for the failed as butterfly, that was also her troll name at DCUK.


  4. Disgusting troll said...
    That is quite a disgusting comment - grow up !

    Oh dear I do hope we've not upset you sweetie!

    Love and hugs

  5. You never got over the butterfly showing you up for what you are just before you got banned from DCUK.

    You are a sad old man with a life filled with regret and booze and pasting and copying articles. Your only outlet is to ridicule people.
    Another one who needs to get a life.

  6. Anonymous said...
    You never got over the butterfly showing you up for what you are just before you got banned from DCUK.

    That old drama queen the cherub colluded with the troll silver fox AKA cugila the control freak to get me banned, and I hasten to add not for anything I said on the forum. For your information it was not an outright ban and was under review, I could have appealed but chose not to I'd had enough of the bent forum mod and his minions the clique.

    But ain't Karma great it was me that traced Dr Jay Wortman who enabled the pod cast which of course led to the demise of cugila.

    Realising there was now a level playing field and the and the protected status afforded to cugila's bootlickers was no more, lead to much weeping,wailing and gnashing of teeth by the cherub, bonkers, phoenix, noblehead et al, and not forgetting cugila's numerous pseudonyms.

    What goes around comes around don't you agree anon.

    You are a sad old man with a life filled with regret and booze and pasting and copying articles. Your only outlet is to ridicule people.

    Sad I don't think so sunshine,I've got a supportive and caring family, lovely grandchildren and life long friends. The booze! anther lie coming out of carbo's blog from your anonymous clique members, yes I enjoy a drink with my mates at the weekend hardly qualifies me as an alcoholic now does it. Pasting and copying, well I'm only trying to keep up with phoenix.

    What I really find sad are obnoxious anonymous trolls like you, but hey just like the rest of the cowardly anti's you hate a level playing field.

    Another one who needs to get a

    And you've got a life have you sad little troll !

    Regrets Non,je ne regrette rien

    Give my love and kisses to cherub!
    Graham xxxx

    P.s Not all cherubs are angels.


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The best of health to you and yours.
