Thursday 6 February 2014

A dog called Shane !

Many years ago my long departed Father had a dog called Shane. It was a good dog, playful and a lot of fun. It started to go somewhat batshit and went for the postman one day. Worried it might turn on someone and cause serious harm, my old man had Shane put down. Which brings me to Shane, a well known forum poster.

I have received an email from Shane, full name and email address received, but will not be posted here by me, I do not intend to identify the aforementioned. Best left as an anonymous person methinks. The Communiqué.

"I will give you one chance to withdraw and apologise for your posts about me before I take legal action against you for online harassment and defamation in following , please note all or any reply may be forwarded to my legal  advisor 

I replied. I have talked to my Lawyers and I have one question to ask. Are you squeezing my melon?

Well Shane, are you?

Shane began to realise being a forum Troll was a dogs life



  1. Ask him where he really lives Eddie

  2. Oh, give it a rest, will you? What do you hope to achieve by publicly ridiculing people? Don't you realise what a tedious bore you are? You are only showing yourself up as an odious fool who loves the sound of his own voice.

    Sinéad Mac Aodha

  3. Sinéad

    You can't fool me, I can feel your lust for me coming down the wires.

    Email me your number and I'll try and fit you in sometime.


  4. No Eddie is showing people the lying troll that is Shane. Why the Ireland .ie web link as on ETYM Shane said he lived in England. Just another sad troll like kman aka White Jet aka Choc fish.

  5. Looks like ETYM has gone behind closed doors since Shane left if their stats are anything to go by.
    They have a post count but no posts visible.
    Members only now?

    If that's the case then would be members will have a hard time deciding if the forum is for them.

  6. Ooooh lawyers you say?

    Let's have a look at harassment and defamation on this rainy Friday;

    So, the term harassment in law is used to cover the 'causing alarm or distress' offences under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 as amended (PHA), and 'putting people in fear of violence' offences under section 4 of the PHA. The term can also include harassment by two or more defendants against an individual or harassment against more than one victim.

    Although harassment is not specifically defined it can include repeated attempts to impose unwanted communications and contacts upon a victim in a manner that could be expected to cause distress or fear in any reasonable person.

    You know like sending them e-mails threatening to sue them, on the other hand commenting on what you say anonymously on blogs/fora doesn't quite seem to fit there does it?

    And what of defamation?

    A statement is not defamatory unless its publication has caused or is likely to cause serious harm to the reputation of the claimant.

    You are anonymous Shane and therefore no harm has been caused you. You are also an idiot; so you may want to look into that with your lawyers too.


  7. Anonymous said...

    Sinéad Mac Aodha

    Sounds like an Irish name to me. Quite a coincidence when Shane is apparently from Ireland and doesn't live in England as he claims. Are you Shane by chance?

  8. Sinead can be found here.

    Not the sort of person who would have heard of me, or would waste their time slagging me off, for sure.

    The plot thickens !

    Thanks Dillinger. BTW I have 427 blokes called Shane launching a class action against me, any advice ? LOL

    Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.


  9. The name you have hit upon is different to the name in an earlier post on this page. I reckon the two people have similar names but not identical.


  10. Shane lives under a bridge in la la land. He has taken it over since it was vacated by Fatbird.

  11. If Shane set out deliberately to destroy a forum and to waste the time of many good, well meaning people then He?she has achieved
    his/her objective.

    The question is Why? What a sad person!

    Even if Shane had been quite genuine he has deterred others from posting for a very long time.
    Something should have been done a long time ago.



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