Thursday, 27 February 2014

Beachbag wins the Wallycorker prize !

In an unprecedented move, the trustees of the Wallycorker foundation have awarded the highly prestigious Wallycorker medal to Beachbag. Rarely is the award given to a person who has not been banned. Beachbag has worked tirelessly, to expose the bullshit on the forum of flog. Always talking sense and always putting a smile on the sane members faces.

In a special all night sitting of the board of trustees the vote was unanimous. The trustees were also highly impressed with Geri's courage and refusal to hide like an anonymous slime ball in the shadows. 

Chairman of the board of trustees. Roger (keto warrior) Jenkins stated today “this Woman is a positive force for good"

Lord Beantipper said after the meeting "Geri is a breath of fresh air, she adds great humour to the flog and refuses to suck up to idiots" He went on to say "We need more Women like Geri on the flog, gone are the days when the carboholic, fat phobia, high meds mob, ruled the roost"

Unconfirmed sources say Geri is holidaying in the Maldives with George Clooney. What a Woman.

When asked to comment, on his ongoing High Court bestiality trial, and to confirm douglas99 was his long lost love child, resulting from his long term relationship with Trixy, a Shetland pony, Beantipper head butted a Daily Mail hack, and left by a rear entrance.

The Sun


  1. woohoo congratulations mrs bag :)

    you rock :)

    do i have to give mine back or do we get to keep it? i wear it everyday and id feel nekkid without it, in fact when the kids are out its all i wear so i would be nekkid without it


  2. George Clooney I'm so jealous. You lucky person.

    Well Deserved Beachbag,

  3. Rushing from posh frock shop, tripping on steps to the stage... Knew I shouldn't have bought these bloody shoes....Oh shucks guys..thank you, thank you, thank you, really it was nothing!, (I'm in tears, lol.) This is a huge honour for me, have always wanted an award and Wally has to rank amongst the finest. I shall wear it with pride, polish it daily, maybe, and treasure it forever. Thank you so very much. Seriously... I really am in tears, very humbled to find myself mentioned so kindly and affectionately by people I consider to be second to none in their ongoing fight for the future of diabetics world wide... Something like that! ;) xxxx

  4. Oooo... thank you for giving me George too. Am sure I'll find some use for him ;) x

  5. I do like your acceptance speech lol

    Seriously well done you deserve it and yes George too. I envy you.

    From a fan on both sides of the fence!

  6. Fan on both sides of the fence

    Thank you muchly. I'm still in a state of shock, lol.
    Geri :) x

  7. Welcome to the very exclusive club Geri!

  8. Isn't wally the one who followed a LC diet and then put all the weight back on?


  9. Well done Beachbag, go get'em, because I just don't have the patience to deal with fools.

    Illegitimi non carborundum

  10. A bag is a bag whatever you want to call it.
    Sweet caring BB on DCUK and an ares licker on here.

  11. Anon's green dragon is showing;

    Beachbags red dragon wins every time;

    From 'an anon' who supports Beach Bag;

  12. "Anonymous said...
    A bag is a bag whatever you want to call it.
    Sweet caring BB on DCUK and an ares licker on here."

    Thank you for your most valuable and insightful contribution to our humble blog.

    How your jealousy and ignorance shines through. BB is popular, intelligent and lives a happy life. And unlike you, festering in the shadows, skulking like a gutless coward, she has posted her real name and photograph.

    Come back again when you feel you are fit to clean her shoes, you piece of excrement.

    BTW Have a nice day.


  13. Anonymouse said...
    A bag is a bag whatever you want to call it.
    Sweet caring BB on DCUK and an ares licker on here.

    Unlike you sunshine beachbag has nothing to hide, as usual you and your ilk post anonymously for you cant't stand a level playing field. Just what have you got to hide?

    Now crawl back into your bag, bodybag that is! you obnoxious little creep.


  14. OMG - you have the wierdest posts on here - what on earth is this one about.
    Maybe you and Graham - the nastier one, understand these wierd posts!

  15. Well deserved Beachbag :-)

  16. "Graham - the nastier one"

    Do you mind ! I am far nastier than Graham and don't forget it.

    Now FO !


  17. Eddie - charming as ever and your poor old wiffie writes such nice posts. Still doesn't explain what the heck you are writing about!
    Me thinks you issues!!

  18. Anonymous creep said...
    OMG - you have the wierdest posts on here - what on earth is this one about.
    Maybe you and Graham - the nastier one, understand these wierd posts!

    Yep I'm nasty especially when we get the weirdest* horrible little trolls like you posting weird* comments.

    *check your spelling dumbo!

    Love hugs and kisses sweetie.


  19. Oh dear Graham - so you have more concerns about spelling than the vile stuff you write.
    I looked at the front page yesterday and there is very little about diabetes on here - it consists of some very dodgy music choices - reflective ot the ages you are I suppose but the worst things are the number of posts about people you do not know. Quite sad - when I retire, one day, I hope that I do not turn into a grumpy old man! You do not portray that you are very happy people if you have to post in this way!
    It suprises me tht blogger allows you to carry on like this.

  20. Actually you don't annoy me - I think the whole thing is like a comedy sketch.
    Whoor what is carbos cesspit?

  21. Really nice guy3 March 2014 at 15:33

    Being anonymous means you can be whoever you want to be, at present I'm a really nice guy, free of sin and an upholder of moral values.


  22. Then again you could be a gutless, sad, lying wimp.

    Just a thought.


  23. Really bad guy3 March 2014 at 16:47

    There see I'm now a bad guy, done with being good for now.

    Off to do some boozing and whoring.


  24. RBG

    That's your lot. Any other comments will be deleted.



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The best of health to you and yours.
