Saturday, 15 February 2014

Calling all DCUK members and readers of this blog help me save Kman !

Guest post

I have been so impressed with the monumental courage and fortitude of Kman at DCUK, I have decided to start a fundraising mission to get the guy to Lourdes. A man that was going down with multiple organ failure back in November, but still has the energy to cavort about like a teenager, full of the joys of spring must be saved. I am in awe of the man, and he is way above my experience, and trust me, I have seen some amazing stuff in my life. How can we let this valiant hero croak without trying to save him?

I  request each DCUK member and reader of this blog, deposits a thousand sheets into my bank account (details below) I promise to get Kman out to Lourdes as swifty as possible, I also promise to keep my expenses to the minimum. I have taken the liberty of hiring a Bugatti Veyron and a private jet for a month, should Kman go downhill rapidly, and fast transportation be required. All good kind souls paying into my account will receive via Western Union $5,000,000 to your account once your funds have been cleared. Please note my Bank accepts Pay Pong

Okie Omboko
The Bank of Wonga
Sort code 12 34 56
Account number 789101112

Read about this poor unfortunate souls sad story here


  1. Dear Mr. Omboko,

    I have a few tins destined for the food bank but I am sure you could sell them for your fund. Do you have an address that everyone can send their food items to?
    I think this is a worthier cause than helping the destitute and disabled. You only get a kman coming along once in a while, a truly deserving cause.

  2. I'm worried about DUK. There hasn't been a post from Kman in 30 seconds.

    I've decided to auction my precious Cliff Richard records and will forward the proceeds.


  3. We are having a dinner and dance tonight in aid of children with leukaemia and I will mention kman and see if we can swell the fund. I am sure people would rather give to kman than kids who are dying through no fault of their own.
    Organ failure is happening to kman, his brain is on the way out. Kman needs psychiatric help.

  4. As a new reader, I'm totally confused about what DCUK is. Can you explain, please? :)

  5. Caron, I'm sure one of the team or other readers will be along soon and will shed more light on this for you. I believe it's quite a story with a lot of History.

  6. Hi Caron

    DCUK is the forum the largest diabetes forum in the UK.

    It has been been run by people who are in it for the money. For years a small group of staunchly anti low carbers have been allowed to wreck the place, getting countless members banned, countless threads locked and the reason less than 1% of the members ever post.

    Less than a dozen people have caused trouble for years but never get banned. Great people including Doctors such as Jay Wortman a low carb expert and type two diabetic have been banned.

    A great pity as the forum could have been world class, but allows complete hoaxers and liars to post year after year.

    Kman is the latest in a long line of forum names used by an arch troll. I'll post more later.


  7. "Who is James??"

    Who are you anon?


  8. Thank you, Eddie. I seemed to have stirred up something. Ha ha

  9. Stirred but not shaken as James Bond say's, sorry couldn't resist.
    James (again)

  10. hee hee and your name is James

  11. I see Karla, Kornelia, blah, blah is taking to herself tonight she must be bored or batshit or probsbly both.

  12. I struggled to read your link to the thread. It was all bullshit and I see that Andy12345 was well and truly hoodwinked, even writing a poem for kman.

  13. Found your blog the other day and glad I did. Been a member at dcuk for a while now and thought I was being cruel and cynical to have my suspicions about kman. So I googled and found this.
    15 years ago, but it was his wife with diabetes back then.

  14. Anonymous said...
    15 years ago, but it was his wife with diabetes back then.

    Same tales of woe! I've copied and pasted the last paragraph of the post.

    Wendie has not had any further related probems , But we recently had to cope with Cancer ( another page to come soon ) , and I suffered a Stroke and developed Epilepsy following an Inner Ear Infection , this was 2 days before my 36th Birthday ( now almost 38 ) , Again a page about that experience is to follow.



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