What is wrong with the management at DCUK ! BAN this mutant ! You have banned so many good people for far less !
Tell us why Kman still posts, has he got some special status ? Who is he related to ? is Kman the troll one of the forum owners or mods ? we need to be told !
The despicable Kman is a mockery and a total travesty for those who are genuinely suffering and have lost loved ones. What is wrong with the moderators and management at DCUK ? Why are they aiding and abetting an obvious troll and total liar ?
Quote of the day
"Could the moderators offer a bit of clarity?
If the 'terminal and scared' thread was a hoax, why has kman not been banned? If the thread was not a hoax, why was it locked?"
The trolls versus the genuine people who will win?
ReplyDeleteThe trolls
The mod's couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time.
It's become quite amusing to see the trolls trying to.deflect attention away from themselves by hurling accusations of trolling at genuine members who have shown no previous signs of troll behaviour. There is one non-shoe-wearing member who I never suspected of being a troll but now has me wondering because of her very forceful and aggressive posts on Kman threads. Am I the only one who thinks there are now way too many threads dealing with kman? It's all just feeding the pathetic craving for attention
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable, to see this shit on that forum still
ReplyDeleteI've been ploughing my way through that laughable thread on Kman and 'his' impending death.
ReplyDeleteAre people really that stupid that they can see it's all a crock of shit?
If my simple calculations are correct, 'he' admitted to taking 980mg of morphine in one go but the lethal dose is 200mg.
See Kman is thinking of 'resurrecting' - excuse the pun, (bad taste really when their are people out there who are genuinely suffering the complications of diabetes) a blog 'he' has.
ReplyDeleteNot related to Carbophile is he......?
Anyone who was taken in by kman needs help.
ReplyDeleteThe outrageous posts about his active life despite gulping down morphine as though it was water should have been enough to alert most posters to the fact that it was a spoof intended to get people to use their kleenex tissues and part with their personal details via pm. I wonder how many addresses have been passed to him? How many idiots have agreed to keeping in contact other than through the forum?
Now we have the gullible calling people trolls who did not believe kman.
You cannot cure stupid.
I don't know whether you are right or wrong about this person. I'm not so naïve as to realise that there are people that do this and have seen it happen. I will admit that thread did raise questions.
ReplyDeleteHow though do you know that you are right? I've seen you totally misinterpret things before.
Your ways of intervening are brutal and cruel so I hope to God that you are right.Otherwise you could have caused harm.
Some of the reasons you give are wrong, which also raises questions.
He doesn't, as far as I can see, say he has multiple organ failure, he says that he has permanent damage and that organs are failing. He says that he has end organ damage.
If you've got retinopathy or any of the other diabetic complications then you have end organ damage caused by diabetes and these complications can effect almost every organ.
You, or at least the earlier commentator, are wrong about maximum doses of dosing of morphine as anyone who has cared for a person with chronic pain will tell you. People can need huge doses of oral morphine to alleviate pain, The problem is often getting them to take enough.
How about this case
'For three weeks he was pain-free on 600mg morphine every 4 hours, but he then needed a further dose increase to 1000mg morphine every 4 hours.'
I imagine the Mods on DCUK were very grateful to this blog.
ReplyDeleteUnless they stand up to him, however,they will soon find themselves in the same position.
If more members were prepared to put their heads above the parapet and ask questions it might help.
I suppose that now some action has been taken they may have felt able to ask Kman for some proof of his condition.
The fact that he is talking of a blog seems to indicate that it won’t be forthcoming.Maybe this was always the plan...
At least some seed of awareness must have been sown in the minds of his most vehement supporters - which may help protect them in the future.
Morphine doses in a hospice setting are different from someone charging around on a motor scooter don't you think?
ReplyDeleteMultiple organ failure is not something you treat casually.
"I don't know whether you are right or wrong about this person. I'm not so naïve as to realise that there are people that do this and have seen it happen. I will admit that thread did raise questions.
ReplyDeleteHow though do you know that you are right? I've seen you totally misinterpret things before.
Your ways of intervening are brutal and cruel so I hope to God that you are right.Otherwise you could have caused harm."
I am sure and so are many of the straight thinking and honest members. The threads that have locked in the last 24 hours stunk like 4lb of condemned veal and you know it. BTW How did the skiing trip go ?
Eddie x
Basically when threads @raise questions@ as they seem to have in many minds -even amongst those who don't normally find themselves in agreement then they should be looked at by someone who has the authority to take some action. Someone who has responsibility to all the members not just the OP. People are quick enough to contact mods about differences in dietary approaches etc and we see this acted upon very often. Look at the Southport GP business as posted below. I have written to Mods and admin in the past and not received any reply or acknowledgement. This probably puts many members off trying to alert them - and hen the situation becomes more difficult to handle. There is a tendency for many people to believe anything they see in print, unfortunately. And that is usually the first thing they see in print on a particular subject. Maybe DUK could try printing warnings in large letters. RRB posted some time ago about people checking they were giving out correct information..
If someone is on massive amounts of morphine plus other powerful analgesia, none of which has been named..... morphine being the most emotive......Would they "lose" it during a house move? Do ID users mislay their supplies? IMO and from personal experience, NO!