Tuesday, 18 February 2014


We can now report, Head of Counter Intelligence and Black OPs supremo Dick Duck, working with our ex head of KGB and now head of  our ex Eastern-bloc Intelligence Chief, special agent code name Sokala has thwarted the DCUK arch troll code name Karla.

In a mission that risked life and limb, and requiring nerves of steel. The Black OPs operation has been deemed to be the team's finest work, since the valiant mission known as 'operation Goodbye Kenny Boy'

At a celebratory drinks party at The Savoy Hotel, Roger 'Keto Warrior' Jenkins was overjoyed and said "without a doubt, Sokala was key to this mission's success, without him we may have failed" Lord Beantipper will make a full statement within 48 hours.

Click on screenshot to enlarge the Sokala thread and post now deleted

The nail in the coffin evidence

The forum says its not accepting any new registrations, and you have to be registered to post yet i can post, but cant view profiles, my wife and i both want to register, will we be able to soon, is there any point ?
Kevin(Type 2 for 12.5 years and Wendie Type 1 for 13 Years)

Thanks Dan all sorted as you see,
looking forward to regular visits!



No other posts till  Nov 2013

I Guess many of you guys will think me weak, silly and pathetic, but honestly, other than that, I hope I'm a nice guy, I'm 52, just ! I'm very...
Thread by: kmanNov 1, 2013, 663 replies, in forum: Diabetes Complications

Dick Duck Head of Counter Intelligence and Black OPs supremo enjoying some R and R in the Hotel Pool. 


  1. Well done Team - the duck misses nothing. Sokala watch out for Roger when he has had a few!

  2. Hooray! I have started typing replies on that thread so many times but cancelled because I dont want to get banned, so glad somebody finally called the bullshit as bullshit! Having an icy old one to celebrate!

    1. I know how you feel. The longer it went on the harder it got to jump in and shout "TROLL" I have a horrible feeling there is more drama on the horizon after Kman assumes another identity.

  3. http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/terminal-and-scared-goodbye.53313/ ????

  4. how long will it be before we have a kevin has passed away thread!

  5. How long before the arch troll returns ? Banned on many occasions but oh so obvious.

    Anyone heard of Whitbyjet lately ?


  6. Police reports suggest Whitbyjet may have been in Whitby today (see comments on post below). Glad to see it wasn't you and Graham involved in her latest outburst.


  7. Very clever whoever sokala is what with that Estonian flag avatar.

    šokolaad is Estonian for chocalate


    kala is Estonian for fish

    so sokala is chocfish in Estonian!

    fucking ace!

  8. Thank Goodness, but wait is kevin passing away thread within sight, will Wendy make a come back, will this awful soap opera continue?

    I bloody well hope not.

  9. Whatever happened to dear old Whitbyjet??
    Will she resurface now to tell us why she has been conspicuous by her absence?
    No doubt there will be a dramatic or heart warming explanation. All to be washed down with a large slice of low carb cake. Hope she doesn't choke!

  10. "Very clever whoever sokala is what with that Estonian flag avatar.

    šokolaad is Estonian for chocalate


    kala is Estonian for fish

    so sokala is chocfish in Estonian!

    fucking ace!"

    You can feel the pathos, the roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd.


  11. Trust and fear not. We are staying around.


  12. Have you seen Sokala's new avatar.


  13. Chocolate fish keyring what could this mean LOL.

    How long before the Whitby one returns?



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