Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush
Yesterdays post from Shane at DCUK
"honey if you think its old age .you better buy yourself a good iphone or something wit ha big memory for when you get older :D, im 52 .!on the serious side ,are you under any stress or strain lately ? sometimes that can cause short term memory loss as you are not concentrating on things properly ,have you discussed it with your gp ? might be an idea to have it checked out anyway ,shane-1, Yesterday at 8:32”
Yesterdays post from Shane at DCUK
"honey if you think its old age .you better buy yourself a good iphone or something wit ha big memory for when you get older :D, im 52 .!on the serious side ,are you under any stress or strain lately ? sometimes that can cause short term memory loss as you are not concentrating on things properly ,have you discussed it with your gp ? might be an idea to have it checked out anyway ,shane-1, Yesterday at 8:32”
And his post from 2013 at DCUK when he was known as Shanet before he joined ETYM posting complete bollocks with the name of Shane. Maybe Shame would be a good name for this oaf. He can't even get his age right.
"shane 48 male wales type 2 janumet 50/850 twice a day and 1000 glucophage once a day .sinlge guy,totally confused and finding it all a bit overwhelming to sort out ,thats why i am here :D im new too.shanet, Mar 22, 2013 at DCUK”
The $64,000 question, are the mangement at DCUK and ETYM so desperate for page views and posts, they allow complete liars and time wasters to post year in and year out. These oafs cause nothing but confusion. Remember DCUK is the forum that banned Dr. Jay Wortman, medical Doctor, type two diabetic and low carb expert, and why was Jay banned? for telling the truth.
Post up date at DCUK a few minutes ago.
"keep feeding your rubbish to your friends im outa here, I duno why admin didn't boot you with the rest of the loonies"
There are plenty of sock puppets on DCUK. Look at how the wind up merchants post to upset people even if off topic.
ReplyDeleteTo be a good sock puppet you have to feign empathy and not antagonise people all the time.
There is an ongoing feud between Paul and Shane but then Paul likes to call anyone a troll that does not agree with him.
Socialo skills are sadly lacking for a lot of people on DCUK. regardless of how they control their diabetes.
Andy 12345 likes to play the clown to upset threads.
But Andy and Paul are good guys White Knights who help and encourage people. Thats why so many people like them.
ReplyDeleteOthers are Black Knights who are liars and spreaders of fear and confusion.
What are you anon?
You may think they are white knights but they do a lot of damage too.
ReplyDeletePaul is a sarcastic little man who lets rip on anyone who does not follow his "wisdom" and Andy is a lemming. How white is that?
Andy is posting as much as he can to get his post count up and his friends are giving him likes even if it is only for a fart. Quantity as opposed to quality.
Your so jealous aren't you anon, I can feel it coming down the wires.
ReplyDeleteYou post for years and get ignored most of the time and no one loves you.
Those guys post with their names, they do not hide like you anon. Oh how you envy people that are liked and do not skulk in the shadows.
Shane is banned from DSF.
ReplyDeleteShane emailed me the other night threatening me with legal action, clearly the lad is deranged. His lunacy is all over the internet for all to see. The blokes barking.
I don't think ETYM is much better,
ReplyDeleteUntil Shane was eventually banned he kept the post count going. The few remaining members will have to think of something else to get people interested now that Defren has gone. She could sure spin a yarn.
Agree some great yarn spinners out there. They never last, sooner or later people realise they are full of lies and bullshit.
ReplyDeleteTrouble is so many are taken in by the idiots, and become even more confused. It was ever thus.
Your comments seem to indicate that you are extremely intolerant of people who may have mental health problems. Do you discount the experiences of a diabetic who may have also have mental health issues? I think you ought to examine your own prejudices before you start calling people "barking" and similar insults. A certain percentage of people with psychiatric conditions will have diabetes so think before you cast doubts on the "sanity" of people who you dislike and want to ridicule for a bit of sport.
ReplyDelete" Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYour comments seem to indicate that you are extremely intolerant of people who may have mental health problems. Do you discount the experiences of a diabetic who may have also have mental health issues? I think you ought to examine your own prejudices before you start calling people "barking" and similar insults. A certain percentage of people with psychiatric conditions will have diabetes so think before you cast doubts on the "sanity" of people who you dislike and want to ridicule for a bit of sport."
Are you squeezing my melon?
I find mentally ill people very honest, too honest for their own good very often. They don't hang around on forums telling lies and winding people up.
There are some very F**ked up people out there, we find them, we expose them, we hound them, whenever possible, in any way we can.
Have you got a problem with that?
How soon people forget. Paul was the soul of patience with Shane - for much longer than anyone else would have been, because he is like that.
ReplyDeleteHe has been through so much himself he always does his best to help others.
What thanks did he get?
That's the real problem wih idiots like Shane. They waste the time of those who could be helping those with genuine problems.
So right Kath.
ReplyDeleteIf most people had suffered like Paul had suffered they would have gone under. But he spends so much time helping others.
Some see him as a soft touch, or an easy target. Paul can see 'em coming from a mile off, and out thinks them every time.
The most thanked and liked member at ETYM and doing a great job at DCUK. He has BG numbers most diabetics can only dream of, and a sense of humour, that none of the dullards get close to.
A star man for sure, we only have stars in our team.