Thursday, 13 February 2014

DCUK Thread Lock Alert ! Thread Lock Alert !


“There's also enough studies showing the risk with LCHF.”


“Ok, name one then; if there are so many.”


“No, not again. You don't believe it has any form of risk at all, that's down to you really.
This thread's not about you, the op can read enough arguments about LCHF without another thread bring dragged down.”


So, where someone is asking about how to low carb it's ok for you to come along and say 'watch it, it can be dangerous' but not ok for me to question that statement? I've already posted on here with suggestions to Charles about how to handle things; you have just come along, like a stuck record, and started trying to dissuade him. Yet I'm hijacking the thread?

This is a low-carb thread in the low-carb section of the forum do you have anything useful to add?


“You claim it's entirely risk free on the basis no one can 100% prove it isn't.
I advise to beware of possible side effects.
You claim mentioning anything that you consider inappropriateon a thread "advice for going low carb" is therefor trying to dissuade him, and only your suggestions, or ones you agree with can therefore be considered?
The OP's big enough to decide if my post " liver function and bone density, as well as the rest of the bloods are also good checks iif you lchf for life" needs to be censored out by you, as it's too controversial to be seen?
And failing that, abusively complaining "you have just come along, like a stuck record" somehow helps your claims?

Last post from me, as it's not a LCHF fight again, no matter how much you post from now.”

Link to thread here

As usual douglas99 talks complete bollox and then drops into waffle mode. How long before he goes bleating to the mods ? Eddie BTW Have I mentioned douglas suffers from Fat Phobia.

Low-carb Diet Forum

A forum for those that low-carb, and those that wish to learn more about low-carb diets.


  1. "A forum for those that low-carb, and those that wish to learn more about low-carb diets."

    Which in plain English means IT'S FOR LOW CARBERS so please desist if you are not. Alternatively presented as F**K O** !

  2. Too right anon

    Poor Duggie is going batshit from a lack of good quality fats.


  3. Trouble is there are so many definitions of a low carb diet now on DCUK that everyone thinks they are low carbing.

  4. I think that turned out very well with Douglas refusing to comment further; it reminds me of that suicide bomb instructor who blew himself and his class up the other day.

    I bet both he and Douglas thought; "this'll show 'em"



  5. awwww, man! I was hoping to see if there was actually ONE study that showed a risk of low-carbing BEYOND BAD BREATH.

    "everybody knows" there are dangers ... but nobody can DEFINE any.

  6. tess said...
    awwww, man! I was hoping to see if there was actually ONE study that showed a risk of low-carbing BEYOND BAD BREATH.

    "everybody knows" there are dangers ... but nobody can DEFINE any.

    Dream on Tess, this douglas99 is just another in a long line of idiots we've seen proclaiming the dangers of LC whilst coming up with nothing of value to back their claims up.


  7. I see duggie the muggie could not keep away and crept back on the thread last night.

    Other members put him straight,what larks eh Dillinger.



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The best of health to you and yours.
