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Wednesday 5 February 2014

DCUK Totto asks for a straight answer from douglas99 !

"Now there. Douglas, I have created a place for you to tell us all why you hate fat, and what all us with high blood glucose should eat instead of it."

Grip and rip folks, this one has thread lock written all over it.

Will douglas99 come up with some straight answers? Will he stay skulking in the shadows, will the numbskulls and dullards win the day? Mo is working hard to fold the thread up, why? What does he fear?

Stay tuned folks! This one is going to be interesting!


Latest from big Mo

"You've PM'd him so see what transpires. I fail to see how a response from Douglas will benefit this forum. Certainly won't change my lifestyle or dietary choices."

Who gives a shit what Mo thinks? 

Big Mo, patron saint of the slow of mind and one foot in the grave. Get your butt over here Mo, lets chew the err........fat!

Latest from Noblehead the biggest liar and mod groveler ever to draw breath.

"Quite agree Mo, it does look like some people are intent on causing trouble, hopefully the Mods or Admin will take it down."

From Beachbag

"I am a LCHF fan. It's changed my diabetic life for the better, and I will defend anyone's right to argue their point as to it's benefit but I truly don't see the point of baiting Duncan in open forum because he has chosen a different way. Personal differences are just that...personal.... and IMHO ought to be dealt with in private."

Try and stay awake babe, it's 'douglas99' not Duncan, good grief!

Totto replies

"But how? I would like to, and have tried but am ignored. As douglas makes every thread I answer into a war between me and him I am at a loss. And he refuses to discuss this privately So what am I to do? I really want to know his view on fat."

Beachbag likes this post.

Jesus Christ, ya couldn't make it up!

From big Mo

"OK, I'll leave you to await Douglas's reply. Hope it meets with your expectations. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to antagonise you as you generally make very valid points and offer great advice but this thread was never going to benefit anyone other than yourself ! And I'd bet money that will not happen. Take care.

Link to thread here

Too right Mo because douglas99 is full of it, and knows nothing about the good control of diabetes.


Mo said...

Like your style Eddie !
Much love !
Big Mo !!

Lowcarb team member said...

Jeez Mo I was expecting a good verbal joust with you. Please feel free to put the boot in, I won't be offended.


Mo said...

I know you love me really Eddie ! I actually agree with a lot of what you say and I quite like your banter ! Some take diabetes too seriously ! I was not knocking the low carbs, there's just better ways of getting it across than calling out Douglas ! Take care Vader ;-)

Lowcarb team member said...

"Some take diabetes too seriously !"

Mo I am 65 years of age this year, I'm on the last lap. Many diabetics are very young including you I believe. It must be taken seriously, to live a long and active life.

I have seen first hand what poorly controlled diabetes can do.

Anyway stop all this friendly banter shite, I have to maintain a low carb cyber militant stance.


Mo said...

Little chink in the armour there Eddie ;-)
I'm 48 so no spring chicken. Also, don't get me wrong, I take my diabetes VERY seriously. My last HbA1C was 42. What I meant was you can still have some banter and a bit of piss take and laugh at ourselves ! Life's too short, diabetic or not ! Take care Vader :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

48 is young to me me Mo. In your shoes I would be hoping for another thirty good years.

"I meant was you can still have some banter and a bit of piss take and laugh at ourselves !"

Agree 100% Mo, I'm not that stupid to take a man like me seriously, I'm crazier than a shithouse rat, honest.

Just ask my enemies, I am barking mad.

BTW Give my love to douglas and Shane, I worry about those boys.


Beachbag said..., .yep, I probably was half asleep by then. It was a pointless exercise because there's no way Douglas was going to reply.... but it sure as hell passed some time ;)

Mo said...

Beachbag, hope we're still friends ! take care all ! I'll be back soon, from the dark side ! Be good Vader ;-)

Lowcarb team member said...


I am just an ordinary guy trying to help a few people before I shuffle off.

My Father and Grandmother died from a multitude of type two diabetic complications. One our sons is a 40 year old type two diabetic.

Beachbag, Mo If I go over the top feel free to kick my withered old butt anytime.


Beachbag said...

I enjoy reading your comments so definitely no hard feelings! ;).
Take care funny man x

Beachbag said...

Of course we are. Goodnight Mo, take care ;)

Lowcarb team member said...

Beachbag said...
Of course we are. Goodnight Mo, take care ;)

I don't you've a bad bone in your body Beachbag, I find it hard to understand how Mo thought he'd upset you.


Beachbag said...

Oh Graham, I do have some bad bones but they're well hidden by years of NHS eat plenty of carbs diet! It's a bit late but I'm learning. Mo is a decent guy who, I think, sees good in everyone, unlike me who is basically a cynical old lady who is extremely sceptical of some posters. Thank you for your kind comments and have a good night :)

Lowcarb team member said...

You come across as a kind caring person Beachbag which is a rarity on diabetes forums. I agree Mo is a decent guy we appreciate his honesty in posting here using his forum name, he still has a lot to learn about Type 2 though lol

Kind regards

Beachbag said...

Thank you Graham. You have me at a disadvantage because I have no idea as to who you masquerade as on the forum, so can't comment as to how you come across.....not that you would be concerned, lol.
Geri :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you Graham. You have me at a disadvantage because I have no idea as to who you masquerade as on the forum, so can't comment as to how you come across.....not that you would be concerned, lol.
Geri :)

Hi Geri, I was a member at DCUK joined in 2008 as graham64 but since I was banned I don't do forums anymore, far to much hassle from those who said LC was unsustainable and could lead to a myriad of complications which after all this time have not materialised.

In the spring of this year along with Eddie and John who post on this blog and many of our friends we will be celebrating our sixth year of defying all the odds and proving the naysayers wrong.


Beachbag said...

Ahh, now I understand why I couldn't work out who you were, lol. Shame you're not there now along with Eddie and John you'd all be a great testament to LCHF. I'm only a few months in but my diabetic life has totally changed for the better. Unfortunately I'm just another "lightweight" so doubt I'll be doing more than just providing Eddie with a few laughs and fuel for his daily problem. I love reading here.... Loads of info and some laughs too. Have to say I admire how you continue to push this lifestyle even in the face of some formidable challenges. It's good to make your acquaintance :) Have a good night.
Geri :)