Wednesday, 26 February 2014

DCUK Your age when diagnosed with type 2?

Recently a thread was started at DCUK called 'Your age when diagnosed with type 2?' by a guy called Rob Mitchell (not a relation) and it makes for very sombre reading. Rob became a type two diabetic at 26 years of age. Even more surprising to me is the fact so many people who have posted, are in their thirties and forties. I have not counted the posts and worked out an average age, but clearly the average age is much younger than I would have expected.

I can think of no logical reason to believe this does not reflect the wider picture across the UK. If you bear in mind only a small percentage of diabetics post on forums and take their diabetes seriously, the overall situation is very grim indeed. I have read of the increase in teenage type two diabetes, but the thread really brings it home how bad the situation has become, and we know it's getting worse.

Not so long ago type two diabetes was regarded as an old man's disease, now it's becoming a disease that affects all age groups. Our team members, with the exception of Paul who is not a type two, and Jan who is not a diabetic, are all in our sixties. We did not develop type two diabetes until our late fifties or mid sixties. We have I believe a reasonable idea of our life expectancy given our ages, state of general health and diabetes control. This being said, what chance of many young type two diabetics getting to sixty or seventy years of age and remaining complication free, or even living to that age ? virtually nil I reckon, unless !

These youngsters, for that is what many of them are to me, must control their diabetes with utmost dedication. Control of blood glucose must become their number one priority in their life. You may say what kind of a life is that, and you may be right, but if these people want a life, an active life with no diabetic complications, they have no choice.

“Some say I am too strict with control of blood glucose, I have no other choice, nothing else works”

Doctor Richard Bernstein arguably the worlds leading expert on blood glucose control.



  1. As long as they keep away from the Titanic they should be alright.

    How can you run a forum with so few members and Admin seeing themselves as the be all and end all
    It's like trying to run a firm in administration.

  2. The worrying trend of how the younger generation are becoming ill is becoming far more obvious. The type of food that is now being eaten is far removed from the type of food available in the 50's. My family has three reasonable meals a day, my father provided quite well for us. We didn't go hungry and we didn't eat sweets or have fizzy drinks. I remember my child hood and times spent with parents. In 2014 it is very different.


  3. I think it's because of processed foods and what is added to them. The last years have seen such growth in the ready meals available it is time to focus on home cooking.

  4. To quote Nora Gedgaudas, "Which generation Pottenger's cat are you?"

    I'm wondering how many generations it will take before the diet of death stops the human species from being able to reproduce at all?

    The research of Dr Pottenger has many lessons to teach us - let's hope we learn them before its too late.

  5. I'm one of the responders in my thirties, and I had the exact same thoughts about the age distribution.

    We are the "low fat" generation. We have grown up counting calories and avoiding fat, chewing on the latest breakfast cereals, or eating a lunch of Ryvita crackers. We've essentially gorged on "healthy" carbs because we believed that we could look like *insert name of latest celeb in latest advert* by eating anything with "light" in the title.

    - Luceeloo.


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The best of health to you and yours.
