Monday, 17 February 2014

Death Without Indignity

One of my core beliefs is encapsulated in the seemingly contradictory phrase “There is no dignity in death but I would like to die without indignity”. Examples of such indignities would be my marginalisation from decisions regarding my death and serious pain. The brief post is to be read as support for the following posts which all, in some way, reflect the declining (some would say rock bottom) ethical standards of DCUK.

In particular the following post on DCUK, illustrating the trivialisation of pain suffered, must represent the greatest indignity and affront to diabetics with terminal complications and their loved ones.

It is a complete disgrace. For the OP - mental illness vs evil – you decide? For DCUK – is it possible to get any lower?



  1. Is it DUK or DCUK?

  2. aka DCUK have no standards, this has been made very clear over the last few days. While the vulnerable and slow of mind have been taken in, (not forgetting most of the positive comments have have come in from the trolls trolls) the mods sit back.

    You would have thought mods would have the grey matter to see this is a banned member making a complete mockery of the forum.


  3. I think the Mods and Admin have also been taken in. lol

  4. Not even the current bunch of mods can be that thick, can they?


  5. Admin describes herself as a Tech Wizard so what hope is there if she cannot spot trolls?

  6. Anna befriendsShane after he has tried to introduce Paul to a post on Ken's forum, a thread which she locked and which has now been deleted and Daisy plays word games and cuts and pastes, any skills you can spot there?

    Both of them are not a great asset to anyone or anything and it shows.

    Use another sock puppet Eddie and see how long it takes these cretins to discover it.

  7. "If it puts your mind at ease, the information I have shows that they aren't the same person."

    Giverny on the flog, you couldn't make it up'


  8. I got banned from that cesspit when I posted on here:

    "The mod's couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time!"

    Nothings changed!


  9. Manchausen syndrome is quite common on health forums.

    There isn't a better place as most forum members are anonymous other than their forum name and any other private information they are prepared to give.

    God help the people who have given e-mail addresses when this kman is booted off.

  10. Red Alert, Red Alert, All trolls report to the Kman thread. This is Kornelia your batshit Captain speaking ...

  11. "Red Alert, Red Alert, All trolls report to the Kman thread. This is Kornelia your batshit Captain speaking ..."

    Message received Kornelia, will be on the way pronto.

  12. I must admit I was thinking about Kman whilst watching the latest The Walking Dead episode.


  13. Is it just me who thinks that Kman has morphed from a bloke as in her early posts into a girlie.

    Guess it must be all that morphine!

    Love and hugs sweetie
    Graham xxx

  14. Think I would be rather worried about the clothes in my wardrobe if K was MY man :(

  15. I think Kman is going to have to rethink "his" strategy. The natives are getting restless and there is an air of doubt creeping in.

    Watch out for more bullshit.

  16. Unbelievable. This last post has a tone of desperation about it, and not because of any impended demise methinks. For someone racked in agony and taking so much powerful pain relief they seem remarkably chipper. That amount of morphine would surely render someone only capable of fitful sleep?

  17. At last, the thread has been locked.

  18. Kman's thread has been locked. No message from admin to say why. NO doubt 'he' will slink away to resurface in some other person at some point. Thinking of it probably got several on DUCK already........

  19. Hop eyou were quick - which I had thought to take a screen shot. Interesting post about Kman and pms by Sokala? has disappeared

  20. I think Eddie will know more about sokola than the average poster on DCUk.

  21. Screenshot obtained in seconds just as well it was deleted almost immediately.

    That Sokala is one clever bloke I reckon, his true identity is a state secret and will never be revealed.



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