Wednesday, 12 February 2014

I've been taking 'em for years and no side effects !

So often I see people on forums and blogs say "I've been taking 'em for years and no side effects !" regarding statins and other drugs. The same could be said for smokers, heavy drinkers and users of street meds. People can burn the candle at both ends for years, before they pay the price for bad habits, and there is always a price. Get my drift, with so many drugs no one, and I mean no one knows the long term risks with almost any drug. We know drugs can cause serious damage that's why they have been banned. All drugs carry side effects, sometimes we have no choice, sometimes the drugs are life savers and we take the risk. Type one diabetics have no choice, it's insulin or death. But why take unnecessary risks ?

Why not make drugs the last resort, not the first, especially for type two diabetics. The medics and boffins tell us type two diabetes is linked to obesity and lifestyle (they are wrong)* but if they believe they are right, why are they so keen to get people on drugs rather than change lifestyle ?

Imagine going to your Doctor and saying when I drink a bottle of hard spirits a day I get a headache and feel awful, would he say never mind old chap here's a box of prescription drugs, or handing out drugs to smokers so they could carry on smoking, that would be complete madness, but tell him high sugar/starch junk foods make you feel ill, and he prescribes drugs as fast as he can get to his prescription pad.

Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.


* I believe type two diabetes is caused by a combination of many factors, if it was caused by being over weight, why do most overweight people not succumb to diabetes. Why are 20% of type two's slim and have never been overweight?

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