Monday 10 February 2014

DCUK Memo from Giverny to the deck swabs !

Get ya ears around this and keep ya gobs shut. The self styled comedian and King of mirth Andy was given a severe reprimand yesterday, clearly this geezer is getting a bit too popular. We have seen this before, and we will not stand for anyone being liked more than the low carb anti clan. The clan have spent years and posted thousands of posts on the forum, and this Johnny come lately, has the bare faced effrontery, to have received more likes than all the lickspitales put together, get it straight you chimps, we ain't gonna wear it, full stop.

Douglas, great work over the last week, sales of lard have gone through the floor. Chicken skin ! I’ll give those bastards chicken skin, I’ll have the skin off the backs of those low carb zealots before I'm through. Jesus Christ we are a forum of flog not some bloody diabetes charity. Most of those fat bastards brought it on themselves didnt they ? Well, that’s what Jopar reckons.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome new boy Shane. Without doubt the biggest time wasting tosser in the history of UK diabetes forums. My good friends Sid and Nobhead have taken him under their wings, and we are expecting some amazing stuff in the near future, once Shane has completed his therapy and got out of rehab. Shane's has got forum Mod potential if ever I saw it, you may larf now, but look how Anna turned out.

Phoenix will be back from her skiing trip next week and has strict instructions to start posting anti low carb dross as soon as she gets home, Jeez where would we be without the woman ? Up shit creek for sure. OK, I know she has a few loose roos in the top paddock, but she is worth her weight in chilled Fosters !

One more point. We have noticed some of you chimps have been posting comments on that low carb diabetic blog, take it from me, that Mitchell is certifiable, and should have been sectioned years ago. What anyone sees in that shit heap is beyond me.  Stay alert, those low carb gutter snipes are everywhere, keep ya eyes on that Andy geezer, he's got trouble written all over him. BTW, Mo, when are you going to make up your mind whose side you are on ?

Be lucky Giv

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