Wednesday 5 February 2014

Stoke-on-Trent obese sent 'motivational' weight loss texts !

"Obese people in Stoke-on-Trent will be sent text messages to encourage them to lose weight, the city council has said. About 70,000 adults in the city are classed as obese according to the council, with the local NHS spending £50m a year on weight-related illness.

"Motivational" texts include: "Use the stairs more", "Eat fruit and veg" and "Keep a check on snacks and drinks".

The 10-week project will cost £10,000 and will be available to 500 people who sign up with the council.

Cabinet member for health Adrian Knapper said: "On average it costs the same amount [£10,000] to perform just one intervention operation to help people manage their weight.

Conservative group, Stoke-on-Trent City Council "Our programme means people who already want to lose weight and have signed up with us to get support will receive a cheap and effective nudge to help keep them motivated."

Looks like ten grand down the tubes to me. Until people start getting some sound advice on what foods i.e. high sugar high starch cause weight gain and the often linked type two diabetes nothing will change.

The Council would do better to send out texts to dietitians and the likes of Professor Susan Jebb the Government's dietary advisor. Susan must be a bit peeved as the cheques are likely to dry up from Rosemary Conley who folded two of her weight loss companies this week.

More on this story here.



  1. Not so off topic that I'd share with you, but protein is a big and important factor in losing weight. High protein diets preserve muscle mass and has been shown to lead to greater weight loss help with diabetes and hypertension plus a lot more.

    If you're interested in that and with other issues such as why protein doesn't cause kidney damage or bone loss check it out here:

  2. i agree to the points highlighted here for weight loss dear Jan

    snack check is of sheer importance so true


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