Yes it’s the BBC Sports Relief television coverage tonight. Are you ready for Beckham in Peckham? I’m sure fans of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ here in the UK are.
You may have been preparing yourself for Friday Nights Sport Relief television programme… and the various ‘Keep Fit‘ events that are going on in a place near you!
Our local paper is full of various events at schools, sports centres … even pubs!!
My take on sports relief is to enjoy a nice walk and send a donation, but I fully support all those who are more active than me. Having said that my football skills, for a Grandma aren't too bad, so my grandsons tell me .....LOL!
If you are taking part in a sponsored’s for a very good cause.
Take care and however you choose to keep fit … enjoy.
All the best Jan
Yes, many good causes. This one does go on for weeks both prior and after the event, my grandson had a walk around the school playing field that family members were invited along to.