Tuesday, 25 March 2014

DCUK Management have they gone completely BATSHIT ? or is it more spoofery ?


Jona is a muppet and has made his last post on this blog. Next!

We wait with baited breath, for your next comic villainous character.

We know you like to pretend your being persecuted for your beliefs. 

We also know you and Paul are the same person, we got the IP numbers from our forum to prove it.

Who's the Muppet now.

DCUK Forum Management" 

Sent in as a comment around ten minutes ago.

Prove it whoever you are, and prove you are DCUK Forum Management. Thanks for adding to our page views, on the last lap to 1,000,000 When you become a cult hero like me, all sorts of complete 'cults' come out of the woodwork. Just ask my good friend Tess.

There's No Business Like Show Business LOL Let's go on with the show !



  1. So Paul Jones was using Eddies already banned IP address.

    "Who's the Muppet now,DCUK Forum Management?"


  2. How does someone use an already banned IP address? Highly illogical.

  3. So Paul Jones was using Eddies already banned IP address.

    "Who's the Muppet now,DCUK Forum Management?"

    When you post on the forum your IP Address gets logged.

    We compared IP numbers of when Eddie lasted posted to Dr Jones when he posted on our forum: THE SAME.

    Its what we call in IT a slam dunk.

    Eddie's been rumbled.

    DCUK Forum Management

  4. "Its what we call in IT a slam dunk.

    Eddie's been rumbled.

    DCUK Forum Management"

    Total bollocks I can't even read the forum other than by a proxy server FACT !

    Try harder anon if you want to wind me up.

    Once again thanks for adding to the page views.


  5. When you post on the forum your IP Address gets logged.

    "We compared IP numbers of when Eddie lasted posted to Dr Jones when he posted on our forum: THE SAME.

    Its what we call in IT a slam dunk.

    Eddie's been rumbled.

    DCUK Forum Management"

    Your a bigger bullshitter than Paul Jones and that takes some doing. The IP address is automatically blocked by the forum software.

    The genuine DCUK Forum Management

  6. "Your a bigger bullshitter than Paul Jones and that takes some doing"

    Hang on you numbskull you said I was Paul Jones. Make up your mind.


  7. Anyone who thinks there are no sock puppets or trolls oin DCUK needs their head examined.

  8. "Your a bigger bullshitter than Paul Jones and that takes some doing"

    "Hang on you numbskull you said I was Paul Jones. Make up your mind."

    Eddie I was not having a go at you, it was the previous commentator who said they compared IP addresses. As your IP is permanently blocked it could not have been used when Paul Jones posted at DCUK.

    The genuine DCUK Forum Management

  9. Bring on the clowns eh!

    Reminds me of the lyric "Two men claim they're Jesus-One of them must be wrong..." from the 'Dire Straits' track 'Industrial disease' as we've now got 2 anon posters claiming to be the management of the big forum! whoever's going to post next? LOL


  10. "Eddie I was not having a go at you, it was the previous commentator who said they compared IP addresses. As your IP is permanently blocked it could not have been used when Paul Jones posted at DCUK.

    The genuine DCUK Forum Management"

    If you are genuine thank you. There is so much bullshit on forums and blogs you need wings just to stay above it.


  11. Love the video with this post.


  12. Eddie I was not having a go at you, it was the previous commentator who said they compared IP addresses. As your IP is permanently blocked it could not have been used when Paul Jones posted at DCUK.

    Its amateur night at the bog,we never blocked Eddies IP just the troll's multiple accounts.

    We like to keep an eye on what he's doing.

    you been rumbled Eddie a.k.a dr Jones as a sad lonely douchbag who only life is post endless rants.

    DCUK Forum Management
    P.s The genuine DCUK Forum Management a.k.a Graham

  13. Eddie,


    You may very well ask WTF.

    I am happy to supply you with a phone number so you can call us and verify who we are troll. You do have a phone under that welsh bridge you live.

    DCUK Forum Management

  14. Dickhead Creepy UK Forum Management Troll said...

    Its amateur night at the bog,we never blocked Eddies IP just the troll's multiple accounts.

    What a load of bollocks* If that's the case it will mean Eddie does not need to use a proxy server to view the DCUK forum then!!

    P.s The genuine DCUK Forum Management a.k.a Graham

    OK I'll own up my real name is Giverny

    Love hugs and kisses sweetie XXXX

    LCD Blog Management


    *naughty word verboten at DCUK

  15. Dickhead Creepy UK Forum Management Troll said...


    You may very well ask WTF.

    I am happy to supply you with a phone number so you can call us and verify who we are troll. You do have a phone under that welsh bridge you live.

    Unless it's a traceable landline that's pointless exerecise.

    You don't need to provide a phone number to verify who you are simply unblocking Eddies IP address for a couple of days would give us all the confirmation we need.

    Love hugs and even more kisses sweetie XXXXXXXXXXXX

    For and on behalf of the LCD Blog Management Team


  16. mdltion cisternsGraham,

    Unless it's a traceable landline that's pointless exerecise.

    You don't need to provide a phone number to verify who you are simply unblocking Eddies IP address for a couple of days would give us all the confirmation we need.

    Your such a douchbag, your and Eddies recent escapades on are prestiges forum.

    Means there no IP to unblock and for a traceable landline WTF.

    Call us and we will be able to tell you personal stuff like your PM activity, IP etc.

    We would have to be thicker than the son of a bitch that father you Graham, to give landline numbers for to stick up on the BOG (their blog) for the cretins that follow this BOG (their blog).

    DCUK Forum Management


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