Tuesday 4 March 2014

DCUK Quotes of the day ! The stench gets worse !

Forum member asks questions

"Could the Moderators explain to me what the Low-Carb Diet Forum is for?

According to the forum, that section is ‘A forum for those that low-carb, and those that wish to learn more about low-carb diets’

Do people go into the Children &Teens section and tell them to grow up?

Do people go into the Benefits section to tell them that they are scroungers?

Do people go into the Driving and DVLA section and tell them that they are polluting the environment and should be cycling instead?

Do people go into the Weight Loss and Dieting section and tell people they are overweight?

Clearly I am missing something......"

Giverny Forum manager full reply and promptly locked the thread.

"There you go, I've clarified the section's description for you."

With all the negative news in all forms of media recently, re sugar and highly processed food, and all the good news re low carb, you would have thought people running a forum, would be glad the future looks good in the fight against obesity, and it's often linked type two diabetes. Not a chance, the thread locking, post deletion, low carb anti troll activity reaches new heights.

The $64,000 question is why ?

Could it be greed and avarice ? Could it be money is the reason for the years of low carb good news destruction taking place ? There is little or no money in a low carb lifestyle. As the forum has been up for rent or sale for some time, and big pharma would be the obvious target, if I was looking to offload the forum, is this the reason the misinformation and lies has not only been allowed to continue, it appears to be actively encouraged by the management.

This comment came into this blog as I typed this post.

"Some very heavy handed moderation has completely derailed that thread. I am completely disgusted with the way that the antis are allowed to continuously get away with this nonsense. Fortunately I have found a better source of information and support now. I do feel very sorry for those who come looking for info and instead get scaremongering claptrap handed to them at every opportunity by the anti low carb brigade."

Says it all don't you think !



  1. Let's hope he is not going to try ETYM, there is even less support there and you have to lick the owner's shoes.

  2. those are outstanding questions, Eddie! I don't read DCUK, but it does seem that the LCF there is a battleground FOR A REASON....

  3. No, I have not gone to ETYM lol, I've been caught out once and thats where I draw the line. I'm here, and at the original diabetes-support.org where common sense seems to prevail.

    No virtual pub though, although......

  4. Anonymous said...
    No, I have not gone to ETYM lol, I've been caught out once and thats where I draw the line. I'm here, and at the original diabetes-support.org where common sense seems to prevail.

    Good choice of forum, Patti Evans is also a member at DCUK but a couple of years ago she had a run in with one of the mods over the way the forum was moderated.

    No virtual pub though, although.....

    No virtual pubs I'm afraid but Andy has recently joined the forum so you should have some fun with him on board.


  5. Think I may have a look there too. It'll be interesting to see how another forum operates and I'm always looking for more info.


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