Sunday, 23 March 2014

DCUK Stunt of the day Sid Bonkers goes err...Bonkers !

"Private messages (PM's) or conversations call them what you like should be as the name suggests "PRIVATE" and it is very bad form to post one to the open forum.

If you receive a PM that you feel is inappropriate then forward it to a moderator or Giverny thats what they are there for. 

To post this on the open forum and mock the sender for his appearance is outrageous and if you are not sure if the PM is genuine then a courteous reply saying that you dont know anything about the condition would have been a better thing to do, of course you could also have reported it if you think that it was improper but from what you have posted it sounds like a genuine request for help to me. 

And how is it possible for a member who has never posted to send PM's? You always had to have made 5 posts to use the PM feature? If that is no longer the case then it should be rectified immediately if only to stop spam.

This whole thread should be removed IMHO."

Sid (the enforcer) Bonkers having a go at a member who posted part of a dodgy PM on the open forum. Glad you're out of rehab Sid, we missed your slapstick antics. Just as a coincidence the member who received the PM is a low carber and a member of our team. More corn flakes and a splash of semi slimmed milk anyone ? On second thoughts, give it a miss, look what that sort of breckie has done to Sid.



  1. My private conversation box has become quite busy ;)

    Geri :)

  2. I wish you'd put a link in guys, I CBA to trawl through all that crap to get to the juicy stuff.

  3. Any tips on sending nasty pms Eddie?


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