Saturday, 29 March 2014

Diabetes: Good self-management helps to reduce mortality !

High self-management index -- low mortality

340 study participants with type 2 diabetes were interviewed with regard to their patient behavior -- e.g. regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, having a diet plan or performing physical exercise. Based on this data a self-management index was defined. The team led by Professor Rolf Holle and Michael Laxy correlated the index with the mortality of the participants, who were monitored over a period of 12 years. The analysis showed that patients with good diabetes self-management, that is patients with a high self-management index, had a significantly lower mortality risk than patients with a low self-management index. This association exists independent of other factors that can influence mortality, such as age, sex, comorbidities or medication.

Active participation of the patient in the treatment is important

"The results show that in addition to physician delivered treatment according to medical guidelines, the patient's behavior is also of great significance for the course of the disease and for the success of the treatment process ," said Holle, group leader of the research group Economic Evaluation at the IGM. "Patient-centered services, such as diabetes education, self-management training and information services therefore make a valuable contribution to good patient care and should continue to be expanded."

Source of information here.


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