Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Disturbing Trend on Blog

A little history of The Resident Dietician. During the six years since diagnosis, Eddie, Graham and I were given a constant stream of hilarious dietary warnings from The Resident Dietician on DCUK [from Eddie’s post:

I presume she is no longer The Resident]. 

Such warnings included scurvy, osteoporosis, and constipation. A feature of the warnings was the liberal use of the acronym LOL.

Now to the main thrust of the post. I have noticed a disturbing trend in the use of LOL in posts and comments. I would ask the posters to have due consideration of the effect of this acronym on Eddie and Graham.  The acronym brings back long buried memories of The Resident Dietician and may result in prolonged bouts of hysterical laughter. Whilst laughter is the best medicine, they are getting on a bit and we don’t want to overdose them. I leave you with a little flavour of Ally 5555:

"What do you miss from carbs - fibre ( that seems to be why constipation is a problem) folic acid and vit C ( pots) or and seratonin [Her spelling] which increase from carb consumption and makes you happy - that might account for the loss of a sense of humour in alot of low carbers ………”.[My italics].
4 August 2011 22:16

So, there we have it, The Resident Dietician, let’s be charitable and call it a mistype, LOL, whoops there I go CASHIN on my own post (alright groan, groan that’s one for the long term members).



  1. How wrong she looks from where we stand today, and we are standing on our own two feet.

    We can look back and laugh, others cannot look back and have gone blind, following garbage promoted by far too many dietitians.

    The tide has turned and only big pharma, junk food and idiots do not want to admit it.


  2. I can't help it! I LIKE to giggle! ;)

    oh, and thanks for adding me to your blogroll! I've hit the big time! :D

  3. Good play on those words John. What a funny few years it's been to us longer term blog readers. We've been with the team every low carb step LOL.

    Anon but of course LOL


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The best of health to you and yours.
