First post by Dizzyangel75 at DCUK Nicked without permission a future star I reckon. Eddie
"Its not unusual at all and yes its both shocking and appalling but seems actually to be more common to be given bad or misleading advice than accurate advice these days! I have met many diabetics who had never heard of the low carb diet idea and who either had no hbA1c blood tests at all, or were given 1 per year. Dieticians are equally as bad, giving very bad and out dated advice. As for diabetic nurses I have yet to meet one who I havent laughed at! Gp's can be just as bad as well. I had one GP have to look up in a textbook what normal blood sugar should be and had another call me obsessive because I demanded more than 1 hbA1c a year!
I have been appalled over the past 2 years how bad diabetic care has gotten in this country. I have only been diagnosed for 5 years (although probably been diabetic since childhood due to the gene being on both sides of my family) but in the time I've been diagnosed it has deteriorated more and more each year. What is going on!? I get it that diabetic medications and testing strips cost the NHS money but surely prevention is better than expensive complications? £20 a month on testing strips is surely a lot more economical than leg amputation surgery, kidney transplants/dialysis and loss of eye sight? I just dont get it.
Plus when are they going to force all GP's and diabetic clinics to read and understand the latest research and make sure that ALL diabetic patients are given the right and accurate information? Right now its an absolute lottery and I would say 80% of the time we are given false and inaccurate advice and information.
When I have tried to give other diabetics information on low carb and other things that I felt they could benefit from it gets thrown back at me because "their doctor told them" or "their nurse told them". Apparently doctors are gods! They know everything and couldnt possibly ever be wrong!!"
The girl friend of my youngest son is a 4th year medical student at a Russel group university. To date, one lecture on diabetes! Of course with her visits here she's seen the benefits of a lowcarb lifestyle and she's taken my copy of Bernstein's book. Talking to her fellow students there is agreement that radical changes in the NHS approach to diabetes will only come about with directives from NICE.
it's information like this that makes me slip into "conspiracy theorist" mode -- how can so many people be so dumb? are the "powers that be" PLAYING dumb, trying to rid society of some of the most vulnerable (and expensive) people? grrrr....
ReplyDelete"are the "powers that be" PLAYING dumb, trying to rid society of some of the most vulnerable (and expensive) people? grrrr...."
ReplyDeleteI think there are many that may think like this. It's quite a sobering and sad view point but at times what else can we think.
I'm waiting for the day when they pick up on Kurt Vonnegut Jnr's idea of "ethical suicide parlours" - they at least would give people a painless and dignified way out. All the press lately about Liverpool Care Pathways and treatments being denied to the elderly (and the age of 'elderly' keeps getting lower and lower) makes getting old a very depressing prospect indeed.