Wednesday 26 March 2014

Last nights grub Low carb unsustainable long term, don't make me larf !

This is the sort of food Jan and I eat, low carb high fat. Many dietitians and low carb antis say this is wrong and is not safe. Pork medallions, cheese stuffed mushroom with peppers, asparagus tips with a big knob of butter, mashed swede and carrot, roast celeriac (left over from last night). Swilled down with a glass or two of good wine. Less than 15 carbs.

Low carb unsustainable long term, don't make me larf !



  1. Tsk, tsk Eddie & Jan - what about portion sizes? Apparently diabetics can't survive without 'em :-P

  2. Hi Jill

    No 'portion control' in our house, not in the kitchen or anywhere else LOL.


  3. Mmmmm.... that looks really good. You guys really do eat like we do :)

  4. "A glass or two"... My kind of portion control ;)
    Looks good guys.

    Take care
    Geri :)

  5. Wow is that pork?

  6. Err.........yes and it was delicious thank you.

    All the best Jan

  7. good to hear but it doesn't look very nice - sorry needs browning!

  8. Looks a very tasty meal. Val

  9. looks great to me, Jan! do you marinate your pork loin before roasting? what do you use for the gravy?

  10. You and Jan, if you're straight Eddie there's hope for Dale Winton yet.

    DCUK forum management
    postscript : eddie when's the welsh dr going to post again on the forum. We know you know.

  11. Hi to all and thanks for the comments ...on a positive note the pork was delicious and cooked in the frying pan on the hob just as we like it. Of course should you wish your meat to be cooked a little more - that's fine - each to our own choice.

    These were pork fillet medallions, so I always cook them in a little butter for about ten minutes or so in a frying pan on the hob. I don't marinate them, although I guess this could be an additional taste, I will perhaps have to try it one time.

    These were simply served with a little gravy, and those lovely vegetables.

    The important thing with food is to enjoy it and guess what? Our choice is LCHF...for us a good healthy choice.

    Thanks to all for reading - and as it's just after 6.30pm here in the UK have a pleasant evening.

    BTW if you're in the middle of cooking or shortly going to eat bon appetit. Dinner tonight for us is chicken breast in a creamy basil sauce with some green beans, and some lovely buttery mashed swede.

    It's going to taste GREAT.

    All the best Jan

  12. @Tess sorry didn't mention - for the gravy I just mixed up a few gravy granules from a well known brand here in the UK. Not quite as good as making your own stock but it did the trick and we only had a spoonful or so over the pork.

    It was a very tasty meal.

    Thanks as always for your comments.

    All the best Jan


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