Friday 14 March 2014

Meanwhile over at DCUK The sick Kman show goes on !

The Pied Piper of the PM system still brings in the sick, the easily taken in and the trolls. Eddie


  1. Considering the mods killed this thread's predecessor, why are they allowing this sham to continue on another thread? If they are going to let it run they need to provide a hide thread option so those of us not taken in can avoid seeing this deeply offensive crap.

  2. The Kween of the pm system should be avoided.

  3. Considering the mods killed this thread's predecessor, why are they allowing this sham to continue on another thread? If they are going to let it run they need to provide a hide thread option so those of us not taken in can avoid seeing this deeply offensive crap.

    14 March 2014 13:15
    Oh, how I SO agree with you!! The mere fact that it's visible is deeply distressing to some of us. At least with a hide option I for one wouldn't actually begin to dread going onto the forum!

  4. I miss all the (train wreck) fun. :(

  5. They should have told him straight in the beginning that people found his thread offensive and full of lies and to get the hell out of the forum. Simples.

    You would have thought that BB's thread titles Gullible would have put people straight but there are always those people that are good for a sob story.

  6. An Anon said this the other day re Kman.

    "I am filled with disgust that this creature called Kman is still allowed to post. He/she is an evil, manipulative, attention seeking piece of work who relishes in the sympathy given by people who are either genuinely decent and caring souls, totally misguided individuals, or too thick to recognise it for what it is. A work of fiction of quite magnificent proportions, spelling, punctuation and slimey sentimental falicitations excluded. I am also disgusted that the moderators are unwilling to end this fairy tale yet frequently delete posts because someone complains of being offended, distressed or alarmed. Why can't these people be told " if you don't like it don't read it" ??"

    As has been said here, the mods locked the other sick thread, but they allow a new thread of lies so Kman can carry on the sick joke and signpost people to the locked thread. Maybe DCUK are so desperate for any posts or comments they need Kman.


  7. Imagine the parents/partners of those diabetics who are genuinely suffering or have lost loved ones. The posts of Kman at DCUK represent a total travesty of what a diabetic forum should represent. His posts exhibit a pathetic craving for attention and may indeed reflect an illness. However, such illnesses are as yet outside the remit OF DCUK. You have to ask the management and moderators of DCUK why they are indulging a fantasist’s cravings. Are the increased page views worth the damage such indulgence causes?


  8. Amazing the number of people this kman character collects along the way and the speed in which theses people jump to his defense. Crazy how gullible people are on these forums. Don't have any sympathy for them neither.

  9. Anonymous said " You would have thought that BB's thread titles Gullible would have put people straight"
    Obviously not, lol. There's none so blind as those who cannot see

  10. That place is full of drama queens (of both sexes) - has anyone read those over the top posts by "touchett"? I feel like I'm reading a Victorian melodrama :-)

    Even the thread titles are pretentious, LOL.


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