Tuesday 4 March 2014

More news from the 'Southport GP'

Here is the sheet we used -notice it includes a mention of you all on here !!

So what should I eat to control Type 2 Diabetes? ,For discussion with Health Care Professional 

Reduce starchy carbs a lot, if possible cut out the ‘White Stuff’ like bread, pasta, rice --though porridge, new potatoes and oat cakes in moderation may be fine. Sugar -cut it out altogether, although it will be in the blueberries strawberries and raspberries you are allowed to eat freely. Cakes and biscuits are a mixture of sugar and starch that make it almost impossible to avoid food cravings; -they just make you hungrier!! Increase healthy fats as they keep you full for longer and are fuel.

All green veg/salads are fine- eat as much as you can, So that you still eat a good big dinner try substituting veg such as broccoli ,courgettes or green beans for your mash pasta or rice- still covering them with your gravy ,bolognaise or curry ! Tip try home-made soup it can be taken to work for lunch and microwaved. Mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions can be included in this. 

Fruit is trickier; some have too much sugar in and can set those carb cravings off. All berries are great and can be eaten freely; blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples & pears too, but not tropical fruits like bananas, oranges, grapes, mangoes or pineapples.

Proteins such as in meat, eggs, fish- particularly oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna are fine and can be eaten freely. Plain full fat yoghurt makes a good breakfast with the berries. Processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausages or salami are not as healthy and should only be eaten in moderation 

Fats (yes some fats can be fine in moderation) olive oil is very useful, butter may be tastier than margarine and could be better for you!, coconut oil - great for stir fries. Four essential vitamins A, D, E&K are only found in some fats or oils. Try full-fat mayo or pesto. Avoid margarine, corn oil and vegetable oils.

Cheese only in moderation- it’s a very calorific mixture of fat, carbs and protein.

Snacks Avoid, but un-salted nuts such as almonds or walnuts are great to stave off hunger. A hard-boiled egg is another idea. The occasional treat of strong dark chocolate 70% or more in small quantity is allowed 

Finally about sweeteners and what to drink –sweeteners have been proven to tease your brain into being even more hungry making weight loss almost impossible -drink tea, coffee, and water or herb teas. I'm afraid alcoholic drinks are full of carbohydrate- for example beer is almost 'liquid toast' hence the beer belly!! Perhaps the odd glass of red wine wouldn't be too bad if it doesn't make you get hungry afterwards- or just plain water with a slice of lemon. 

Where to get more info ?
A book – ‘Escape the diet trap’ by Dr John Briffa - Well researched and easy to read. 
Internet - Google 'about.com low carb diet' for loads more info and recipes or look into the closely related PALEO DIET, also Google ‘diabetes.co.uk forum low carb’ for contact, recipes and hints: 

Link to thread here


1 comment:

  1. Quality " ‘Escape the diet trap’ by Dr John Briffa - Well researched and easy to read."


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