As readers will have noticed around 99% of negative anon comments are complete and utter dross. I can’t remember a single anon comment that taught us anything or added to the debate. So. why have we authorised them for so long. Various reasons, nothing could have illustrated better the pitiful argument the antis throw at us, as I said the comments have been dross and would not have taxed a lobotomised chimp. Secondly, we believe to a certain extent any publicity is good publicity and the miscreants who post anonymous dross have helped our blog cause enormously, as they have also done on the DCUK forum.
Sure, the old Kenny aka Cugila clique remnants comprising of Phoenix, Catherinecherub, Noblehead, Sid Bonkers et al (who believe it is their forum) and a few of the relatively new low carb antis have got countless threads locked and members banned, but hey, what have they achieved ?
Have they kicked low carb off the forum ? Have they been able to produce a long line of success stories ? Do many people on the forum believe eating a high carb diet (for a diabetic) and covering the eating of junk and poor nutrient content foods, and more meds, is the way to good diabetes control ? Not a chance ! The only people the antis fool, is the newbie or confused. Experienced diabetics, and straight thinkers see straight through the clique, the only people who can't see it, are the clique.
In over five years of reading and posting on the DCUK forum, I have never seen so much good and positive low carb high fat news on the forum. As posted on this blog the other day, the main DCUK site have a wonderfully positive page regarding low carb diets for diabetics. In the media, every day we are seeing high sugar foods (which also means high carb) foods getting a kicking. High quality natural fats are not the bad guys as also reported heavily.
So, thank you to all the people who have helped our blog, the low carb team, Kath, Geri, Jan, Paul, Graham and John, the positive commenter's, a special thanks to people who email us with links to great information (Indy Jill you're a star) big appreciation for the forum members who post on this blog under forum names, including Brett and a few others that don’t always agree with me and Graham. Our team are not yes men and women, we don’t expect anyone else to be, take us on, but as I say again, the days of meaningless snide comments are over at this blog.
A thank you to the low carb antis, yes you read that right ! Without the constant sniping at low carbers and their way of life and method of diabetes control, without the ludicrous negativity, without your lunacy, the forum would be a very dull place. Let’s face it, who done more for the low carb cause in the early days of the forum than ‘the resident dietitian’ Another point should also be made, without the antis and their treachery bringing about the banning of Graham, John, myself and other people that help us, including type two diabetic and low carb expert Dr Jay Wortman no less, this blog would never had been started.
Last and biggest thank you to our readers, without you folks we would have folded the blog up a long time ago, thank you for taking this blog to well on its way to a million page views.
Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.
Have a great weekend
Our other sites
Our website aimed at newly diagnosed and long term out of control type two diabetics.
Our low carb recipe and food idea blog.
Our low carb recipe and food idea blog.
Our new blog for diabetics and people interested in low carbing.
Good thinking, 99 :-)
ReplyDeleteEddie, how do you defined negativity or for that matter positivity.
ReplyDeleteFor example where does constructive criticism fall, is it ludicrous negativity?
I formed the impression a long time ago that you where the type that could not take a dose of you own medicine. That thee caustic criticism that you quickly and readily dispense to other are less than welcome when turned on you.
Time has bared witness and proven me right.
He's the thing without the so-called ludicrous comments or the ability to write back challenging your point off view and in return your replies.
This blog became like the DCUK forum, a scrolling billboard, in your case flogging dietary dogma.
From you know who..:oD
I have to say I have been trying for days to get in a comment about Indy Jill but as fast as I think of one she gives us reason for another.
ReplyDeleteJill is an incredibly well informed and loyal friend to all diabetics everywhere.
She never lets forum politics put her off from helping people everywhere and puts a great deal of time and effort into it.
Places she rarely seems to get the recognition she deserves -although this won't other her-but she gets it here and most certainly from me - her greatest fan.
So,thanks Indy on behalf of everyone who has benefited from your contributions.
"From you know who"
ReplyDeleteNo, I do not know who, and neither do I care. Your post got through because it appears to be more accomplished than the usual dross, but anonymous dross it still is.
Thanks so much Eddie for the kind comments - I'm blushing.
ReplyDeleteFor the most part I try to stay out of board politics wherever I go because I can't be bothered with the aggro. I really admire you and the others for having the drive and commitment you have to keep on fighting the good fight for as long as you have done.
I do quite often end up with a macerated tongue from so much biting down on it though - one of the big dangers of diabetes boards that nobody warns you about :-)
Oops, didn't read the signature - shame you can't all have your own logins - thanks so much Kath.
ReplyDeleteYou are one of the most reasonable people I've met online and I admire your spirit in the face of adversity so much that it's hard to put into words. Your never-ending education of people on the dangers to diabetics' eyesight has been an inspiration to me since I read your first post.
I guess everyone is prolly gagging over the mutual admiration society, but who cares?
You Know Who said...
ReplyDeleteHe's the thing without the so-called ludicrous comments or the ability to write back challenging your point off view and in return your replies.
Have you actually read Eddies thread on new blog rules, we are happy to accept constructive criticisms of our point of view.
This blog became like the DCUK forum, a scrolling billboard, in your case flogging dietary dogma.
We don't flog anything, as for dietary dogma isn't that what phoenix and all the other antis have been flogging for the past six years.
From you know who..:oD
No I don't know who you are and TBH I don't give a damn.