Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The Monkey House Edition 1

The good guys

Over at the flog the good guys and new Junior mods Ian and Mo are doing a great job. Ian wisely keeping a low profile and Mo logged in 23 hours a day and trying so hard to 'Mr. Middle of the road' it's getting painful. Long time mod Osidge has come out of retirement, and is working overtime, to make up for lost time, which leaves Anna free to just thread lock and ban any members that take on the low carb antis. The new guys have freed up mods Daisy and janewatt to devote their entire time to the three word game, which is good, as their information for diabetics revolved around a very dodgy cut and paste job and hot air. 

Talking of good guys,I was considering asking Andy to join our elite team, but Graham reckons he can do far more damage to the low carb high fat antis at the flog working full time on the forum.

The scum bags

WhitbyJet has shown her true colours, long over due. Now the whole forum knows what some others have known for a very long time. Old Karen aka chocfish never gives up The Big Game. Just ask Kenny boy aka Cugila, she started his downfall, so she had some use, but those days are long gone. Rubber Ramada for her methinks. No wonder her family wanted her sectioned years ago, pity they backed off.

As always Phoenix, the cherub and co. continue to spread alarm and misinformation, those old warriors must be getting pretty pissed off the days, what with all the low carb good news on the forum and their staple diet getting a good kicking in the media 24/7. Have you ever noticed how quickly they congratulate a member who reports stunning improvement by way of low carbing ? No, neither have I. Meanwhile the Cherub is working overtime to limit the damage caused by her daily 'impossible zero fat diet' info expose, galloping round posting neutral stuff is known as 'doing a Florence Nightingale' no doubt she will be up to her old tricks soon.

From Noblehead Sunday Sunday 23/3/14

"So Annie, if your son just changed a few things in his diet he would see some benefits, there's no reason whatsoever to go down the LCHF route if he's diabetes is well controlled but eating a bit healthier is a must for longevity and to stay well."

How many type one diabetics are well controlled ? 7%, 93% fail to get to a safe HbA1c NHS stats. How many well controlled type two diabetics use Nobheads "I have tried going quite low-carb but it wasn't for me so I gradually increased my carb intake whilst closely monitoring my bg levels, I now eat around 180g of carbs a day so it's not low-carb but neither is it a high-carb diet" answer virtually nil, as well he knows.

The Lunacy and bullshit column

The screw ball who posted under the name of Paul Jones has been exiled. Another candidate for the Rubber Ramada, if ever there was one. He/she was a good laugh at times, but the material was beginning to stink like four pounds of condemned veal. 

Nice to see Sid Bonkers back, the forum never gets funnier than when Sid is throwing a wobbler, jeez I am gonna miss that guy if he ever calls it a day.

Talking of idiots, has anyone heard from Duggie lately ? has he done a runner ? or has his low everything diet croaked him ?

Meanwhile the diary of the worlds unluckiest man continues.

After suffering almost every known medical condition Kman's luck goes from bad to worse. Now we hear the wheelchair turned over, what will it be tomorrow ? hit in the head by a meteorite or struck by a bolt of lightning ? Acknowledged by the medical establishment as the worlds longest surviving multiple organ failure victim, the agony continues, someone do me a favour and wheel him up to the edge of Beachy Head.

"she didn't ask about your, in my humble opinion, crazy method of controlling diabetes" 

Dillinger talking to michaeldavid who shoots up insulin then balances BG by grazing on bread, did I mention he never carb counts. What larks as Dillinger would say.

More BS posted at the flog.

"Don't shoot the messenger here please. Scientific analysis and data is our best chance to understand what different foods and diets do to us, a group that are more susceptible to health problems. I will admit that the low carb thing has never seemed sensible to me but with this evidence will anyone be rethinking their decision?"

NO is the straight answer, Low Carb high fat or drugged to the gills on a bag full of meds for most. Less carbs and junk equals less meds. When will Phoenix and co work it out ? 

Professor Joe Schwarcz of McGill University recommends Greger's videos but says they contain "cherry-picking of data" and that Greger has swallowed veganism "hook, line, and sinker".[4]Sceptic and physician Harriet A. Hall has also criticized Greger's video Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death, saying his videos are part of a genre featuring "a charismatic scientist with an agenda who makes sweeping statements that go beyond the evidence, makes unwarranted assumptions about the meaning of studies, and omits any reference to contradictory evidence" (Wiki)

Novro Claphanger Editor in Chief 


  1. Beachbum has fallen in love with Eddie and is trying to help his mission. She is new on the scene and knows nothing about Chocfish but she certainly knows how to copy Eddie with his damning of Whitby. She doesn't even know if she has got the right person but she thinks she has. Her message to Whitby certainly is a low life answer. Will she be following it up with phone calls to scare the kids?

  2. Andy sure is one good guy.

  3. Edie shouldn'y tou be under lanatic?

  4. "Lanatic" is that an upmarket lunatic ?

    I hope so LOL


  5. Someone's rattled earth mother Whitby's cage so much that she is posting on here to defend her 'saintly' character - what a sad, sick excuse of a human being.
    Crawl right back under that stone Chocfish, (Whoops Whitby, not to mention all the other personas) - will you fit or will you all need a bloody big boulder - hopefully you'll never get back out.

  6. Anonymous said...

    "Edie shouldn'y tou be under lanatic?"

    Waht od yuo mane yb taht rmeakr?


    PS Did the sandbags do the job during the recent flooding?

  7. IanD is a silent Mod, or does he conduct himself via PM and congratulate the people who eat his vile porridge? About as much use as a Mod as a chocolate fireguard.
    Mo seems to be attached to the forum, another one who has very little to say, I think they have no guidelines as to what they should be doing or they did not understand them and the word impartial should really be something that they should both take on board.
    I wouldn't ask either of them the time let alone discuss anything with them.

  8. Anon

    You will never be fit to clean Ian's shoes. He has worked tirelessly for years to help fellow diabetics. Mo is doing a great job as a mod and gives his time for free.

    Shame on you for slagging two good men.


  9. Thanks Eddie, appreciate that. I don't pretend to be an expert but I try to help/support where I can. I do find these anonymous slagging offs quite amusing now ! They must be very proud of their bravery ! As for asking me the time, it's up your's o'clock :-)


  10. Good stuff here Novro. I see a good future for you.

  11. Miss Anon said
    Beachbum has fallen in love with Eddie and is trying to help his mission. She is new on the scene and knows nothing about Chocfish......etc etc

    Wrong on all counts sweetie, lol


  12. Hi Geri

    I'm gutted are you saying you don't fancy me and are only interested in spreading the low carb word and helping others.

    What about the next life ?


  13. Awwww, sorry to disappoint you Eddie, I'm promised to Douglas99 in the next life, but I'm happy to carry on doing my bit on here to help the cause ;) Geri :)

  14. THE MONKEY HOUSE, just one of foul mouth Eddies many closet racial slurs.

    DCUK Forum Management


    THE MONKEY HOUSE, just one of foul mouth Eddies many closet racial slurs.

    We are not colour prejudiced on this blog we don't discriminate against Monkeys whatever the colour of their skin lol!!!!

    Love and hugs to all DCUK Management Monkeys xxx


  16. navegGraham a.k.a Professor Milton Bowland,

    Love and hugs to all DCUK Management Monkeys xxx

    It seems Eddie has at last dug you up, we where concern at you absent.

    what would you do if you where not on the BLOG (this blog) posting crap.

    Ah yes, you be on our forum trying to pass yourself of as a Professor.

    We FORGOT it the mysterious Welsh doctor not you two spoffers.

    DCUK Forum Management

  17. Gobbledygook said...

    It seems Eddie has at last dug you up, we where concern at you absent.

    Absent! what since Monday night, as for the rest of your incoherent ramblings seeing it's late I'll pass till tomorrow.

    Love hugs and streaky bacon



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
