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Sunday 2 March 2014

The Wonder Diet Mysteries Are Revealed !

"A more likely scenario is that, under the conditions stated, that those who claim a sustained low carb, low fat, lifestyle are charlatans or naive fools."

Nice one John, something I wrote a few years ago, when low carb, adequate protein and low fat was being promoted on the flog. As you and I, and straight thinking people know, it is unsustainable when weight loss has been achieved and is not viable as a long term strategy for the control of diabetes.

I have often wondered, how a diabetic can low carb, and reduce fat, down to what many people would regard as a low fat diet, and stay fit and active. With only three main food groups, proteins, fats and carbs, how do you reduce carbs to a low carb level, for me, that’s between 30 and 50 carbs per day i.e. around a tenth of what is considered normal, for a non diabetic, and reduce fats down to, let’s say half of the daily recommended 90 grams. Other than supplementing with a huge amounts of protein. The answer appears to be starvation and minimal physical activity!

Reading various posts on the forum of fun, calorie levels reported in some cases are very low. Some people are claiming low calorie, low fat, and low carb diet. According to Dietitian, Julie Kellow BSc RD, the daily recommended calorie intake for 4-6 year old boy is 1715 and for a 7-10 year old boy 1970. So, how does an adult get by, and live an active life, on a low calorie, low carb, low fat diet.

Let’s take a look at energy expenditure.

About 70% of a human's total energy expenditure is due to the basal life processes within the organs of the body. About 20% of one's energy expenditure comes from physical activity and another 10% from thermo genesis or digestion of food. So, with 70% of energy being used just to stay alive and only 20% of ones energy available for physical activity, one has to ask the question. What levels of physical activities do low carb, low fat and low calorie diabetics participate in ?

Judging by the times, frequency and duration of some individuals on the forum of fun, and the minimal calorie intake, I deduce the total physical activity appears to be, the moving of a plastic mouse.

Source of information wiki here.


FredT said...

Thanks Eddie

You can only live low fat as long as you have a non eating source of fat, aka, you have weight to lose. That is why diet fail, we get hungry.

The problem really shows up as our fat reserves get lower, the rate of fat liberation declines, and we lose energy.

But you knew that.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for your comments Fred. It never fails to amaze me how some people try to kid others they are on a low everything diet long term.

Even people in a coma have to be fed or they would starve to death. There is nothing for nothing. If someone had the willpower and had burnt off all body fat, the next stage is burning off your muscle tissue, then the organs and then death.

"But you knew that."
