Monday, 24 March 2014

Tinker Tailor Liar Troll ! Part three

Karla awoke with a shudder from the usual nightmare. Laying in her chair and in a cold sweat. Was it the never ending nightmare, or the surfeit of junk she had been eating since dawn. The thought quickly left her mind as she put on the kettle, as she put the cat out, the loyal cat that would always be her friend, she kicked it hard up the jacksy and the poor creature landed in the garbage compound, sparko. 

She went in search for her chocolate digestives. The tea and biccies cheered her up and she felt more positive. How could I have been so stupid she thought to herself, sending a bogus PM to a sound member and getting found out. She had worked the PM system for years, the lure of some hugs and kisses here, and a cake recipe there, the old I have a recipe for you PM ploy had always worked. Like the Pied Piper the easily lead and vulnerable came running. Once in her grasp she could play the big game. The non stop lies for sympathy, slagging off the forum behind their backs, ridiculing the members who were liked. What pleasure it had given her over the years. Queen of her own PM empire, how easy her loyal subjects had been taken in.

After munching her way through two packets of Hob Nobs and six cream eggs, she realised there was no way out. She would announce on the forum it had all been a big mistake and crawl back into her make believe world. She knew most of the dullards would believe her, and so what, with so many other sock puppet names on the forum, and so many carefully constructed persona's, the game could continue, after all, she had not posted for a long while, under the name of Karla. She booted up her computer and prised the lid off a 5lb tin of celebration choccies, it was time to bump Kman's drivel to the top of the front page. With so many falling for Kman's antics, she knew there would always be a steady stream of new recruits, who would fall for The Big Game.

To be continued…….

1 comment:

  1. See Whitbyjet is back again. Must be fun talking to herself so often on the flog. How does she keep it up all those troll aliases?
    Wonder what drama will unfold to explain her absence in this persona? Abducted by Dracula? Carrying his love child?
    Escaped rrom the Bermuda triangle? Hurry up Karla. We need to know! ;-)


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