Tuesday, 25 March 2014

What a Difference Diabetes Can Make.

As you may have read in an earlier post, six years ago Eddie was diagnosed as a Type Two Diabetic …. This changed our life …. For the better !
This may seem a very strange thing to say - but it’s true. That day was the beginning of the rest of our much healthier lifestyle. Through the research, he did, we both discovered the benefit’s a LCHF lifestyle brings.
I’ve been fortunate all of my life. I have been healthy, fit and active. A PE teacher for twenty years, I’ve never been overweight .. This has sometimes annoyed friends, as they have sat and watched me eat a lot of great food. Yes,  I’ve always loved my food and these days I’m enjoying it even more because I now realise that eating the LCHF lifestyle my inner body is in a far fitter state, than it ever was.
Our life and how we choose to live it is a personal choice, but like Eddie I also feel strongly how living the low carb high fat lifestyle can greatly improve health. For some illnesses it is not a miracle cure, alas for some illnesses there is not a miracle cure... But for changing general health and certainly for assisting in the control of blood sugar numbers you can’t beat it.
Speaking from the woman’s perspective this lifestyle certainly helps when going through the menopause, and you only have to read around other health and lifestyle blogs to learn and discover more about this.
Whether you are young or old, or somewhere in between, this lifestyle is well worth thinking about.
These days I like to think of it as five simple health tips, but I am not a medical person, these are just my thoughts and how I have found this lifestyle suits me.
1) Eat Low Carb
2) Eat High Fat
3) Eat Moderate Protein
You need to balance these three to suit your daily lifestyle, I normally eat no more than 50 carbs per day, and many days only 30, just adjust the fat and protein content. You will find that after time this just becomes second nature.
4) Take regular exercise
5) Establish a good sleep pattern
There …. just five simple tips but what a difference they can make.
However you choose to live your life, that decision can only be yours to make.
But by sharing news, stories and ideas, there may be areas that your life could be improved ……...maybe?
Thanks for reading.
All the best Jan


  1. Spoken from the heart Jan, good post.

  2. Puts in in a nutshell perfectly :)

    Thankyou Jan

  3. Eddie's lucky to have you, Jan ... but of course he know it!

    best wishes to you both!

  4. Great post Jan. You and Eddie are a brilliant team... Geri :)x

  5. Like your five tips :)

  6. I greatly enjoyed this post and the earlier one from Eddie. Perhaps on quiet reflection it takes illness to awaken us and become more aware of what often can be a healthier life. So often this comes in middle or later in life. Your sentence, However you choose to live your life, that decision can only be yours to make,although stating the obvious is true, and there are those who do not wish to or appear unable to see the truth.
    With Eddie he has his meter, with you it is how you feel.

    Thank you.


  7. Thank you to all who have read this post and very special thanks to all who have commented.

    Let's keep on spreading the good news that LCHF lifestyle can and does bring.

    Thanks again

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
