Part of a comment made by Indy on the Prof. Roy Taylor thread.
"I sent you a link to another video today which more or less confirms that the only "good" diabetes drugs are Metformin, Januvia and Acarbose - with a question mark still over the DPP-4 class - and agreeing with everything you've always said about insulin for type 2s."
Some time ago at the DCUK forum a thread was started called 'recent Insulin study' linked below. This was referring to new information regarding Insulin and type two diabetics. As for over five years, the low carb antis came out of the woodwork. Phoenix, Catherinecherub, Noblehead, Sid Bonkers et al. It was a great thread very informative. The antis realised immediately it made a mockery of their thousands of posts regarding low carb anti activity, and shovel the carbs down and take the meds. As we have seen so many times over the years, the thread was locked. Just what the antis wanted. It was locked by a non diabetic forum manager who said.
"Thread closed. This isn't the place to be scaremongering and dishing out potentially dangerous information" Giverny
This was not dangerous information, it was 100% accurate information as can be seen by watching the amazing video sent to me by Indy Jill. The only danger the locked thread posed, was to the low carb antis. It completely destroyed, much of what they have been saying for years, in their constant meddling in type two diabetic business and threads. As you would expect, I will be saying a lot more on this situation. But in the meantime watch the video. Please be warned you will be hearing a lot of truths, the last thing Phoenix et al want you to hear. Eddie
If you had read the thread properly you would have seen that people had the audacity to disagree with you. You were posting as Fatbird, another of your aliases.
ReplyDeleteIf you cannot stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen. I saw it as a very good debate and do not understand why it was closed unless some posts have been deleted.
Nobody was shafting anyone, people commented as to how they saw things.
Would you describe Mo as an anti? He contributed to the thread and I don't think his posts were popular with you either.
Name not supplied due to repercussions.
Nice try my friend.And yes I was posting as fatbird. You and I know who has wrecked threads and got threads locked for five years. The same bunch who got the thread I refer to. Mo and others have not been getting threads locked for years for obvious reasons.
Both Brett and Mo disagreed with you.
ReplyDeleteAre they now on your anti list?
Ridiculous post, a debate where you did not win hands down is against you? Paranoia?
It was a debate, you know where people put their views across and not a battle for a winner to rise victorious. You obviously do no understand what a debate means.
Points of view Fatbird, points of view. Your views are contested and you don't like it?
You have completely missed the point. The thread was locked I quote ""Thread closed. This isn't the place to be scaremongering and dishing out potentially dangerous information" Giverny"
ReplyDeleteThe thread topic and links posted were not dangerous, so why was the thread locked ?
Wake up anon you are 100% wrong FACT !
It was never about "my point of view" it was about medical facts, that you and your kind want to ignore and thread lock into oblivion.
The thread got derailed and morphed into a type one discussion, it's pretty obvious many had little or no understanding of type two diabetes, lets hope they will educate themselves by watching the video.
Name not supplied due to repercussions said...
ReplyDeleteIf you had read the thread properly you would have seen that people had the audacity to disagree with you. You were posting as Fatbird, another of your aliases.
And just who were those that disagreed with Eddie, it was T1s who as another commentator said hijacked the thread, the OP was in agreement with and thanked Eddie but of course he was a fellow T2.
From the first post by academicdiabetic:
A few days ago, the email 'newsletter' from flagged a very recent study which showed that Type 2 Diabetics taking insulin had 3 x the mortality rate of Type 2s taking, for example, metformin
So there you have it an excellent thread warning of the dangers of insulin (dose dependent) for T2 diabetics hijacked by T1's with little if any knowledge of T2.
So it was the Type1's who highjacked the thread?
ReplyDeleteMake your mind up I thought it was supposed to be the antis. They are not all Type1s.
Too much wine?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSo it was the Type1's who highjacked the thread?
Make your mind up I thought it was supposed to be the antis. They are not all Type1s.
Spotonski on it was indeed T1's who hijacked the thread but not all were anti's, some were naive and ignorant about T2 but were drawn into an off topic debate about T1.
Agreed not all anti's are T1 but and I emphasis no T2s hijacked the thread.
Too much wine?
It's beer tonight sunshine, as for too much not yet sweetie.
Love and hugs
I've never understood the culture of hiding the truth from people in case they're delicate little flowers who can't handle it but it seems to behind a lot of the thread locking that goes on.
ReplyDelete"Scaremongering and potentially dangerous information"? Why? Because it's true but goes against everything their HCP's have been telling them for years while upping their dosage of insulin and other meds?
It reminds me of the old Victorian admonition about scaring the women and horses :-P
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBoth Brett and Mo disagreed with you.
Are they now on your anti list?
We have the utmost respect for Brett and Mo unlike wimps like you they at least have the courage to use their forum names on this blog, so to answer your question we do not consider them anti's.
Love and LowCarb hugs
You see that's the problem with some forum posters ( usually anonymous ! ). They use forums as a way of trying to make themselves appear more important or intelligent than they actually are. Those that don't want to participate in a discussion but want to "win" it, to have the last word ! I disagree with people all the time over certain things. This doesn't make me an "anti" ! People who never disagree don't have an opinion. I disagreed with my Mrs this morning over mushrooms, does that make me anti too :-)
ReplyDeleteThat thread should never have been locked. Locked threads fall of the grid. The thread was full of sound information.
It was about type two diabetics, and as usual the low carb anti clique ruined it, as they have done for five years.
Have you watched the video, very important information.
BTW How the gutless anons hate you and other forum members posting here under you forum names. You have to remember it is "their forum" they think they own it.