Sunday, 2 March 2014

Why has it gone so wrong?

Why has it gone so wrong? Everywhere we go a camera is watching us, our emails read by strangers, our phone calls, someone listening in. Our private information, including medical records, someone reading to be used against us in the future. The sea and land and air polluted, our food tainted, everywhere lies and corruption and greed. War in every corner of the globe. Innocent Children and Women and old Men being killed, in far off places by drone weapons, and Men imprisoned without access to independent lawyers and a fair trial. This is called progress.

I long for the simplicity of my youth, but it is gone, and will never return. I feel for the youth of today. I am glad I am becoming old, I am so grateful to have lived in my time. But my time is almost over. Young people going down with chronic diseases, unheard of when I was young, and big pharma waiting on the sidelines, like carrion vultures. This is called progress.

Everyone knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing. The latest plastic junk, paid for with a plastic card, just a click of a plastic mouse away. This is the modern world. Everyone hears the clock ticking, but so few know the time. Corrupt Banks and Politicians are richly rewarded, while the hard working Man and Woman is robbed. Robbed of their pensions, robbed of their savings, robbed of their birthright and robbed of their culture. Unborn Children saddled with debt brought about by greed and stupidity and avarice. This is called progress.

The NHS being destroyed day by day, piece by piece, brick by brick, by politicians who have never done an honest days work, or held down a real job in their lives. While Labour politicians like Tony Blair add to their multi-million pound property portfolios. When are the people going to stand up and be counted. When will they say, enough is enough, when it is too late? Is this progress?



  1. ? Progress it should be ssergorP.

  2. Is it really worse than our youth or are we just hearing about it more?

    When I was in grade 8 there was a shooting, two injured. It did not make the paper for fear of copycats. The next year there was a bunch of deaths that were not talked about. Suicides, I think. All silent on the western front.

  3. Nice piece, Eddie.

    Every time I hear some ewe claim "if you've got nothing to hide, you've nothing to worry about", in response to the latest invasion in to our privacy, I feel like screaming.

    The threat of terrorism (imaginary or not) is all the justification they need and the sheep just lap it up.

  4. That was awesome Eddie. Especially when read with the music. I long for the simplicity of days gone by but we do live in the now. But, I'm so glad we see all of this and can choose to live a better way.

  5. Thanks for the kind words.

    What a world our kids and grandchildren have to live in. I see another war could be starting in Ukraine.



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