Surfing around the internet you get to see it all, especially on US health and diet related sites. Well know serial stalker, and self confessed morbidly obese Evelyn Kocur aka Carbsane, has attacked countless people on her blog. Just about every well know blogger in the low carb and paleo world has been rubbished by EK. One thing i will never understand is how a morbidly obese person, has the effrontery to comment on others, with weight problems and act as authority on weight loss and diets. As you can see below, EK believes she can rubbish anyone 24/7 but when people comment on her, she shows her true colours, she can dish it out, but squeals like a stuffed pig when the tables are turned. Note this "Maybe I'll just drop Tess or Galina's real full names into every other post here until she comes out or Eddie shuts up or both or whatever" Does the bloated one think I will back down to blackmail ? She is more deranged than I thought if she believes that's going to happen. She can't get to me, so she threatens my friends. And this behaviour from a School Teacher, how standards have dropped in the world of education. Still, in this world you get what you pay for.
Posted by EK yesterday in a comment link below.
Posted by EK yesterday in a comment link below.
"Oh lordie I'd recognize Galina Bedeveled's fake broken English anywhere. Last time it was loose skin. I'm surprised she doesn't address that guy as Eeddie, though she seems to have learned to spell Jimmy ... for years he was Jemmy. Can't wait for her next comment on how her advises landed a young lady in the hospital with ketoacidosis over on Nurse Natalie's wee wee pad. It would appear old NV has an "out wish" these days. I'm happy to assist if she'd like, but the Menlo Park Mall Sephora is a bit out of my way (grin). Maybe I'll just drop Tess or Galina's real full names into every other post here until she comes out or Eddie shuts up or both or whatever.
If you really believe in your cause folks, blog about it, bring the science, go for it. Ad hominem attacks on me aren't going to bring you anything but the wrong kind of attention at this point. But it would appear that's what "Jane Plain" wants, because there is no other explanation for her reckless behavior."
Link to the blackmail attempt here.
Link to the blackmail attempt here.
Dear, sweet Eddie.
ReplyDeleteYou'll be telling us next that you do not resort to ad hominem attacks.
We go after spreaders of fear and misinformation, people that hang out on forums and blogs telling lies. Big pharma shills and floggers of junk food. Idiot dietitians who tell diabetics to base their meals on starchy carbs, while taking money from junk food. Trolls with nothing to add, ego trippers only interested in self aggrandisement. We call it ‘bear huntin’ and the hunting season never closes for us.
ReplyDeleteWe bully the bullies and we have been very successful over the years. Anyway anon thank you for your most courageous comment and adding to our page views and comment count. Tell me, did you learn anything of value over here ? Lots of people do.
BTW we draw the line at blackmail.
I'm beginning to wonder if she and Nikoley aren't long lost twins -
ReplyDeletethat's a play from his handbook too, like that recent attempt on the guy
at Wooo'sblog (can't remember his name). Just proves how truly pathetic
and psychoticthey both are. Maybe she thinks because she scared Wooo
once before that she can do it again? I doubt it somehow. Real shame
that she managed to scareCarole off 'cos it's undoubtedly gone to her
head. Not that it takes much tostroke that woman's saddo ego.She
definitely has a bad case of 'can dish it out, but can't take it'.
Hadto laugh at the first comment on your post - as if you give two
hoots about ad hominem attacks.
Evelyn, if you are reading my comment , I want to say to you that I absolutely agree with your criticism of my spelling. I am guilty as charged here.
ReplyDeleteI am really sorry about it, and I didn't mean to show you any disrespect with mispronouncing of your name, and I hope JM would forgive me too.
I asked Evelyn in a past not to use my family name which she knows, and she didn't. So she did nothing wrong, her criticism of my spelling mistakes is fair.
ReplyDeletei have nothing but contempt for Evillyn's "science" or her character. ironically, though, it was "Christopher" who let the dogs out on her. i wasn't naming any names of those bloggers who either lie or are too stupid to understand what they read. I TOLD THE TROLLS, pester me with your bullshit and i let loose on YOUR guru. i did.
ReplyDeleteYou might be out of the spotlight Galina, Grashow and the bloated blogger are going after the wooo on twitter at the moment.
ReplyDeleteTrouble is they haven't got an ounce of wit between them, she is wiping the floor with them. It was ever thus.
Hi Tess
ReplyDeleteAfter Carols expose of the bloated one she was finished as far as being taken seriously. Very few people ever did. She is trying to up the anti to flog her book "How to stay an obese slob and learn to love yourself"
What a dead beat, knows all the answers, but can't figure it out to get to a healthy weight.
Would you take flying lessons from a kamikaze pilot ?
Tragic !
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Since Carbsane mentioned one of my comments about the girl who got into the hospital due to a ketoacidosis, I want to re-post part of it here
ReplyDelete"About insulin not being fat-promoting. I recently met again the girl my son was friendly with approximately 3 years ago. She came to my house for a dinner when he came for a visit. She is D1 since 14, 3 years ago at 16 she was slightly plump, but now poor girl is pretty much obese after using insulin pump for a while and being on a regular diet, recommended for diabetics. I understand why the health professionals like Wooo going into rage on regular basis - they see how people suffer. I still feel like heart turns in my chest when I think about that girl with gorgeous face, smart, perfectly groomed, but robbed from normal for her age appearance by the health advisers who believe into the importance to get the bulk of your energy from healthy starches and into the eating like everybody else. I gave her the Bernstein's book 3 years ago. It was maximum what a stranger could do. I know she is not on the pump any longer, and I was told she recently went to a hospital with ketoacidocis. I suspect she intentionally missed some injections because got desperate of her weight issues. I hope she will overcome the challenges of her condition eventually."
So, I think the standard medical advice made her fat, and she started to behave in a reckless way, while another opinion is that the Bernstein's book imposed the unreasonable fear of an insulin, and the girl ended up in a hospital. I am still upset when I think about her, after meeting her, I got terribly upset, of course, I didn't display it or said something. Shortly after I was listening that interview on the Sugar-something radio about the danger of food restrictions.
We participate in discussions on nutritional blogs partially for entertainment, but also because we see people suffering of illnesses related to their diets and it makes us emotional. I get upset when I see people ballooning while diligently following the "whole grains, low fat advice, all in moderation", probably, Evelyn gets upset when she sees photo of a perfectly healthy girl who is working on turning into a skeleton and then reading somebody talking too much about food restrictions, or eating mostly butter and hardly anything else. I don't preach to the people who I meet, but I have a place on the internet to say something.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a twitter account. If you can, can you put the link to the conversation you mentioned.
Hi Galina
ReplyDeleteThis link will get you started.
CarbSane may well be everything you paint her to be, but the bottom line is that she's got Jimbo's number and she's not keeping quiet about it. THAT is what has everyone so pissed off. And I say good for her.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that this girl has celiac disease.
I have tried to explain to you that it probably wasn't the carbs + insulin pump that made her fat, but poor micronutrient absorption due to celiac disease.
Micronutrient deficiencies can damage beta cells and raise insulin requirements. Thanks to you, she will believe the insulin pump made her fat when it probably didn't. Micronutrient deficiencies can damage the hypothalamus so food intake goes up, and adipocytes so they store fat instead of burning it.
"Thanks to you, she will believe the insulin pump made her fat when it probably didn't"
ReplyDeleteDo you know that for a fact Jane ? No, I don't think you do. What makes you so knowledgeable ?
Christopher said...
ReplyDelete"CarbSane may well be everything you paint her to be, but the bottom line is that she's got Jimbo's number and she's not keeping quiet about it. THAT is what has everyone so pissed off. And I say good for her."
Carbsane is everything I paint her to be. She has stated she has had weight problems all her adult life, and the weight she quotes makes her morbidly obese.
She has spent years rubbishing many in the low carb and paleo world. Read her blog.
Listen to her podcasts, they say so much about her. Not my idea of a measured and balanced person.
As for "the bottom line is that she's got Jimbo's number and she's not keeping quiet about it" are you and your ilk so thick you needed to be told by EK what Jimmy's shortfalls are ? Do you really think any person with more than five functioning brain cells have been helped by EK ?
The only points the bloated blogger tells us about Jimmy, is what Jimmy has told us himself.
Jimmy sets himself up as a target at times, but he is out in the open. EK would rather die I suspect, than publish some recent photographs of herself on line. She just can't see it, no one will take advice from a morbidly obese person regarding weight loss. No one will ever be a real player in the blogging world while hiding in the dark sniping at others.
She bleats about people making money from blogging and books, yet flogs books herself and hangs out the begging bowl. And wait for it, accuses others of hypocrisy.
Only in a world this sick.
Christopher said...
ReplyDeleteCarbSane may well be everything you paint her to be, but the bottom line is that she's got Jimbo's number and she's not keeping quiet about it. THAT is what has everyone so pissed off. And I say good for her.
Isn't that the truth, looks like she has Galina L's number too lol.
ReplyDeleteI've got your number !
Compulsive obsessive masturbater hanging around on blogs jerking off, and not an original thought in your head.
Get a life lad !
ReplyDeleteJane doesn't have a knowledge about what happened, just a grudge against me because I have an opinion that she doesn't have a common sense, well, and the lack of common sense. You see, the poor micro-nutrients absorption due to her celiac decease caused the development of obesity for that girl only after the insulin pump was installed.
ReplyDeleteWell, Evelyn didn't criticize me unfairly, my English is not up to a notch, and I definitely should pay more attention on how I spell names. Only fool would be offended in my place.
ReplyDeleteYou are a very much valued and loyal commenter here. Your English is fantastic, especially for a person whose native language is Russian. Only a pedantic oaf would make a negative comment.
As for Jane and her ilk, another waster with not much to say. All we can say is what we think is honest information. We don't pretend to know all the answers.
When people turn on my friends, I will come out all guns blazing. So many have zero loyalty and without loyalty we are nothing.
Anyway, me and Evelyn are not enemies.I have been an active participant of her blog, until a year ago I seriously cut on my blog-participating activities.
ReplyDeleteIf recommending RK Bernstein's "Diabetes Solution" is tantamount to attempted murder through ketoacidosis, then I too am guilty your honor.
ReplyDeleteNo-one who had actually read that book could possibly claim that it "induced a fear of insulin".
I credit RKB with saving my life, and I recommend his book to every diabetic that I talk to.
Richard Bernstein the number one man.
ReplyDeleteDr.Bernstein's Diabetes Solution is possibly the best book on blood glucose control, if you only ever buy one book on diabetes this is the one to have. 519 pages covering all aspects for the complete control of diabetes.
Dr.Bernstein's Diabetes Solution ISBN-13: 978-0-316-16716-1
ReplyDeleteIntensive insulin therapy is associated with weight gain, and also with worsened blood pressure and blood lipids. Did the insulin do all these things?
You have to ask yourself what causes type 1 diabetes. Until recently 'it's genetic' was good enough, but not now. It often develops after the child becomes obese, and lots of people think the obesity actually causes it, in genetically susceptible children.
But what if something else causes both the diabetes and the obesity? And the raised blood pressure and blood lipids? Isn't this just what metabolic syndrome is? What causes metabolic syndrome? It really isn't good enough just to say it's all genetic or caused by insulin pumps.