Monday, 21 April 2014

Carbsane stooge and acolyte 'Lighthouse Keeper' has a lot to learn !

Over at Evelyn Kocur's asylum for the failed, obese and nothing better to do's, one of her regular stooges Lighthouse Keeper said this yesterday.

"Eddie resides in the low carb foothills alongside cranks and nutritional hypochondriacs such as the "It's the wooo" blogger. From these environs he snipes and takes pot shots at registered dietitians and other medical professionals who do not conform to his fringe views."

"Low carb foothills alongside cranks and nutritional hypochondriacs" So if being a confirmed type two diabetic makes me a hypochondriac, I'm your man. The medical profession regards diabetes as a chronic disease, nuff said. Kocur et al kick low carbing at every opportunity, but most of her posts and comments received posted by her posse, of pussies, clearly demonstrate they have not even the basics understood. So busy are they trying to impress each other with high brow pseudo science, and taking prominent low carbers down, they have completely lost the plot, that is if they ever had a clue in the first place.

One thing is an established fact, the queen bee is morbidly obese and the drones never stop droning. As for taking pot shots at dietitians and medical professionals, I am guilty. But my defence is that most medical professionals know next to nothing about diabetes control and the published NHS audits prove that to be a fact. Also, when a dietitian tells a diabetic to base their meals on starchy carbohydrates, they too prove they are clueless. How ironic a man that hides in the shadows as an anon and uses the cover name of Lighthouse keeper, should be such a dim bulb, it was ever thus.

My idea of a low carb diet that will improve health for all, especially a diabetic.

When you hear the drivel talked about the low carb lifestyle, you have to wonder about the mentality of the naysayers. They make comments such as "it's dangerous and unhealthy" or "no-one can stick to it in the long term". They talk of diseases such as scurvy, osteoporosis and conditions like bowel disorders and lack of energy, the list of negative comments is long. If the naysayers were just your run of the mill bloggers or forum members, lack of understanding about what constitutes as a good healthy diet, would be understandable, but so much dross comes from the medical profession. Many dietitians seem to be particularly lacking in sound dietary knowledge.

These are the foods I live on. Looking at a typical plate of food I eat, vegetables cover around half of the plate, the kind of vegetables in the picture, only starchy vegetables like potatoes are not included.

The remainder of my food plate contains fresh meat

Or fish

The remainder of my food and a large percentage of my calories come from healthy fats

Small amounts of low carb fruits also feature in my daily food intake

Our wordpress blog is here.
Our low carb diabetic website is here.
Our food and recipe blog here.


  1. "Eddie resides in the low carb foothills alongside cranks and nutritional hypochondriacs such as the "It's the wooo" blogger. From these environs he snipes and takes pot shots at registered dietitians and other medical professionals who do not conform to his fringe views."

    "Low carb foothills alongside cranks and nutritional hypochondriacs" So if being a confirmed type two diabetic makes me a hypochondriac, I'm your man."

    Odd, she didn't call you a hypochondriac yet you seem to think she did.

  2. Healthcare professionals always know best though don't they?

    Oh, apart from not knowing that sick people need to drink water. But then again 'drinking water' is not exactly core medical knowledge so how should your average HCP be expected to know that?




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The best of health to you and yours.
