A few days ago, Charles Grashow was awarded the Golden Gezza award, Charles was delighted, and commented on this blog.
"I wish to thank you and the awards committee for this prestigious honor. I would also like to thank all of the little people who contributed to my winning. They know who they are so it's not necessary to list them here. Again, many thanks to the awards committee."
My good friend Galina was not impressed. Evidently, a replica, erect, gold plated gentleman's sausage, was not her idea of a joke. Which only goes to prove, I can't win 'em all. I suspect it will ever be thus.
Anyway, without further ado, the reason Charles has picked up another award within the same week. Not only was he been banned from Dr. Eades blog this week, he has unstintingly attacked many of the big names in the low carb and paleo world. From Robb Wolf to Tim Noakes to Jimmy Moore, Charles hardly takes time to draw breath, before venting his angst at someone else. This is good, because Charles and his High Priestess of giggling gibber, the awful and morbidly obese Carbsane, prove with every post, comment and tweet, they are low level pond life, full of jealousy and hate. No straight thinking person, takes either of them seriously, and as such, unwittingly, they have done wonders for the low carb and paleo cause.
Check out Charlie's Twitter account here.
Robb Wolfe can be quite the turd miester when someone questions his little world.
ReplyDeleteI see Steven in there bragging about his H1Bac yet again. Not sure why??
I always brag about my A1c. Mainly because it's fucking awesome for a T2D.
ReplyDeleteModesty is over rated.
Stephen is spelled with a "ph" by the way.
"he has unstintingly attacked many of the big names in the low carb and paleo world. From Robb Wolf to Tim Noakes to Jimmy Moore, Charles hardly takes time to draw breath, before venting his angst at someone else."
ReplyDeleteI called out Naokes for this piece of crap
In his paper, Noakes wrote: “The study has several potential limitations.
“First, all data are self-reported and were not verified, but it is unlikely that all participants would fabricate this information.
“Second, there is no record of exactly what each person ate. Third, all reports describe only short-term outcomes.
“Let’s get the debate going. The next step is to fund a clinical trial that will prove this. It costs R3 million to do that, which I didn’t have. But it needs to be done.”
SO - Just how did this piece of crap EVER get published?
As to the pillsbury doughboy Jimmy Moore he has been UNABLE to control/maintain his weight since 1999! Yes - he's a "big" man but why ANYONE would take his advice is beyond me!
As to Robb Wolf - the man is a LIAR plain and simple! In his "famous" Reno Police study he and the doctor involved used statins, metformin, etc. to drive LDL-C<100 and LDL-P <1000 - BUT - I thought that LDL-C and LDL-P DON'T MATTER if one is on a VLCHF diet!
SO - I call out bullshit when I see bullshit.
As to your golden turd award Eddie - shove it up your ass!
Again - what makes you think I give a royal fling flaming fuck what you think/say with regards to me.
BTW - I expect a reply full of insults from you while you continue to ignore my legitimate questions/comments
"Again - what makes you think I give a royal fling flaming fuck what you think/say with regards to me"
ReplyDeleteAh, but you do care Charlie, you are all over the internet with your cut and paste, jumping up and down bellowing look at me ! look at me !
Trouble is everywhere I look people are avoiding you, or banning you, or ridiculing you. You just can't shut up Charlie.
How desperately you want to be one of the big boys, that ain't ever gonna happen Charlie. You're just hiding in the shadows in fear.
Let's have a look at you Charlie, like your master Carbsane, that will never happen. You have no blog, no website and contribute nothing new to the debate. You're just a cut and paste boy with one foot in the grave.
You have become very damaged goods Charlie. I would start again if I was you Charlie, under a different name, and please, try and come up with something original. You have become a very dull boy Charlie.
Have a nice weekend.
Charles Grashow said...
ReplyDeleteBTW - I expect a reply full of insults from you while you continue to ignore my legitimate questions/comments
Check and check. Lets face it, people don't come here for the science.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteCharles Grashow said...
BTW - I expect a reply full of insults from you while you continue to ignore my legitimate questions/comments
Check and check. Lets face it, people don't come here for the science."
Grashow and his ilk think we are here to play 20 questions with him. As can be scene all over the internet, he gets an answer and then comes back with ever more questions. I reckon he might make a good quiz show host, if only he wasn't so shy !
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteCheck and check. Lets face it, people don't come here for the science
That's because Eddie and his lackeys, sycophants and followers are - for the most part - useless twits!
@Eddie - you are correct - if the answer is unsatisfactory I come back with more questions - You answer NOTHING and reply with insults - you're as useless as tits on a man
"You answer NOTHING"
ReplyDeleteThis blog is my place Charlie and my fellow team members. Do you think we are here to amuse hypochondriacs and wasters like you ?
Get a grip son, you're a toy lad and when I have finished with you, you're history as far as this place is concerned.
Who's needs this person?
ReplyDeleteEddie I do not think your blog does.
I agree S
ReplyDeleteCharlie has made his last post on this blog.
I keep in touch with quite a few diabetics, we have over 200 years of low carbing between us, only one with serious complications, caused my excessive medication.
So goodbye Charlie, I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck and health to you and yours.
How long before Charles starts a trolling campaign against everybody's favourite cartoon dog Droopy?