Wednesday, 16 April 2014

DCUK Another nutter giving it large !

Over at the flog a new head banger is winding up the natives, a woman called kyrani99. Evidently diabetes is a curable disease and it's all in our heads. Not only that, we up to our necks in repressed anger. Personally becoming a type two diabetic was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Only lots of tests regarding my diabetes saved me from a heart attack. I thought I had suffered from heartburn for years, tests proved it to be acute angina. A new low carb high fat lifestyle, more exercise, less stress, not to mention two heart stents and angioplasty and I am a new man. 

Am I angry, yes very angry, but not for me. I am angry about the lamentable treatment for diabetics in the UK, and the diet of slow death recommended by most dietitians. I expect to be angry for some time. Someone said on the flog today "Blaming and labelling others is a defence mechanism, it's not healthy" Give me a break, lots of people need to be blamed, big pharma, junk food and bent politicians for a start. The western world as we know it is going down the tubes rapidly, the UK and US are becoming banana republics and why ? Because no one gets blamed, robbing banks, bent pharma etc. pay out $billions in fines, no one goes to jail other than the poor man. This is how it works. Eddie


  1. Just google the new headbanger. She is everywhere and reliable forums have banned her.
    My dog knows more about the causes of diabetes than she does.

  2. I see what you mean, good grief she needs looking after. The nutters do liven the flog up, but false hope and snake oil salesman is the last thing newbies need.

    There are no cures, but diabetes can be controlled to a point it is not progressive in terms of grim complications.


  3. Wow - that Young Turks thing is kind of amazing isn't it? It makes me feel sick and helpless.



  4. The Young Turks reminded me of this quote;

    "Laws are like spiders’ webs: if some light or powerless thing falls into them, it is caught, but a bigger one can break through and get away.”

    Solon, quoted by Diogenes Laertius in Lives of the Philosophers

    Is it acceptable to say that it was ever thus? Probably not; because is we abandon our ideals and our hope for improvements then what do we have left?




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