Thursday, 3 April 2014

DCUK Launch Blockbuster Soap Opera ‘The Paramedic’

DCUK are proud to announce the new blockbuster soap opera
The Paramedic.

Brought to you by the award winning team that created The Lost Flight of the Whitby Jet and the Oscar nominated Kman Conundrum.

A Dino De Dementis production in collaboration with Big Giv Films

Produced by Monty Beantipper and directed by Theopolis P Wilderbeast

See the first episode on catch up TV here.


It's official the DCUK Forum is the largest mental health institution in Europe !

Osidge aka Walls Pork (think about it) locks thread finally at 12,30 am Jeez can the flog get any crazier ? Only one person can out Kman Kman and that is Kman aka Karla


Paramedics final words before departing this mortal coil:

And these people today, upset me too much
I cant bear it anymore
The note is in my 4x4 Put a line into my left arm "housemans" vein
I'm tired.

600 units IV insulin. Its all i have left
50mg IV morphine sulphate
At least i can see the sea
Oiche maigh

Response from Andy

OH PALEEEEEEEEEESE lmao you couldnt make this up
no....dont do it!


the crowd gasps!


  1. Oh my God what total bullshit!!! It seems that forum is filled with nut jobs. Two options here; he's a total loser to caved at the drop of a hat and has NO problem showing up at a multitude of stranger's doorstop, pleasing imminent suicide with no chance of redemption. i.e., here's my sob story, wring out your hearts for me!!! OR, he's a complete liar and mentally unbalanced so much so that he'd make up this kind of bullshit just to fuck with people's minds and emotions.

    Neither speaks well of him. At all. I have half a mind to register on the website to post just that, but I suspect it wouldn't be the most auspicious first post for a person in message board history. LOL

    Yeah, I can see the bullshit of this character a mile away. The anonymity of the internet breeds all kinds of sick 'f's like this. sad.grim.uber-pathetic.

  2. Hi Gwen

    What is really sick about the forum is good threads get locked, but rubbish like this allowed to carry on. Even the semi comatose forum manager Giverny has smelt a big rat but refuses to delete the dross.


  3. Sounds like the board is more for watching train wrecks, than actually people learning via helping each other. eek. ;)

  4. and goodness gracious, I should've read my first post for dyslexic word errors before I hit 'publish.' Sorry. :(

  5. Worry not, thanks for your comments. Always appreciated.


  6. Well, I did it. I registered and posted this, most likely my one and only ever post there (LOL):

    I gotta a reader but not one who ever posted before, this is b.s. One of two choices here:

    1. this guy is a self-absorbed narcissist who caved at the drop of a hat and has no problem showing up at a message board with a multitude of strangers, and pleads imminent suicide with no chance of redemption...i.e., here's my sob story, wring our your hearts for me, but you can't do anything about it. What kind of person would do that?

    2. a variation of that theme, a complete liar who is every bit as mentally unbalanced as #1, but instead demonstrates it by concocting this story and lays it on innocent people for the sheer sick, twisted enjoyment of getting a rise out of people he doesn't even know, one way or another.

    Actually, there is a third option:

    3. someone already 'well known' at this board who has taken on another narcissist role / game.

    None of them bodes well for this individual.

    And the fact he posted several posts ago that he was gone for good, never coming back, and yet does keep coming back....yeah, right. He's feeding off of this, big time.

    It's really sad for the good-hearted people here who really fear for this person. Having been on many message boards over the years and admin for several, I've seen this type of sicko over and over again, no matter which of the three scenarios above he falls under.

    Yeah, I can see the b.s. of this character a mile away. The anonymity of the internet breeds all kinds of sickos like this. sad.grim.uber-pathetic.

    Now, if this is my one and only post, so be it. Had to be said. People, as P.T. Barnum said many years ago, there is a sucker born every minute. Please do not be so easily conned/drawn into these stories that are so easy to see through. Save your heart for people in your real life who really have earned it.

  7. Gwen you are a "sick individual" !

    ROFLMFAO Luv it.


  8. He's calling ME the sick individual. Yeah, right. LOL

  9. Gwen is that you? Wonderful, I do come over and read your blog.

  10. Yeah, I responded to THAT too. Not long before I'm banned, for sure... ;)

  11. see, unlike them, I'm not going back. Let them wallow in not baiting me further. It will KILL them. / him. ROFL

    I've been at these mb battles longer than they have, trust me. I know how to work them. In spades. My job is done. :D

  12. Yes, it was me. Thanks, Anon! :)

  13. W O W can't keep up


  14. Well, I'm done posting there, at least in that thread. I suspect I'll be banned soon. But since I'm not reading the thread anymore, they can make me the bad, bad sicko instead of the author who clearly is. It's all good. I made all points I wanted to make. ;)

    His type is like a tree falling in the forest. If I'm not there to hear it, it didn't happen. That's what the other people need to learn. Just ignore, move on. Stop giving him positive reinforcement. :)

  15. The forum has become a nut house. Let's see if they ban you, you naughty Lady lol.


  16. Let me know, will ya, Eddie? I really won't go back until the dust has cleared. If at all. Seriously. LOL

  17. Do a reverse image search, it's very interesting. For someone to claim to be hiding, hes all over the net!
    As for the complete crap he's posted, I feel sorry for the fools dishing out the tea and sympathy. How they cope with real life is beyond me.

    Where can I write to the NHS? Does anyone have an address for that?

  18. Africa Paramedic seemed cheerful enough on Twitter today. Not suicidal at all.

  19. Maybe some one has nicked some of his ID. Not the first time spoof pics have been placed on the forum.

    Interesting Bob saying "you have killed Kenny".

    One thing is for sure Paramedic on DCUK is a nutter. Look at how the dullards are taken in.


  20. Eddie said...
    Interesting Bob saying "you have killed Kenny".

    -OH MY GOD-Andy killed kenny!


  21. Anonymous said...
    Africa Paramedic seemed cheerful enough on Twitter today. Not suicidal at all.

    Thanks for the heads up, Anonymous.

    I think you might be right about this being a spoof identity theft job.

    Anyhoo, I've posted the question at DCUK as I figure I'm not the only enquiring mind who would like to know.

  22. Karla strikes again. Dougie99, kaman the list gets longer.


  23. too bad the twitter account was posted, and not kept secret until after he posted AFTER his suicide.

    Now though, if he has half a brain, he'll kill that twitter account and our proof is gone with the wind. ;)

  24. Well, he tweeted hours and hours after his intravenous whatever. And, based on his tweets, he's pretty much an alcoholic. Check out 3/29's DOZENS of tweets, and most of March he posts from a bar. all.night.long. geesh.

  25. Well, according to his post at 20.39 last night, he was just about to kill himself with 600 units of insulin he travels hundreds of miles to acquire and 50mg of morphine, enough to knock someone out for quite a while.

    He was last active on the site at 22.06

    There are people on that thread worried that they have contributed to his 'suicide', admin need to step in sharpish and tell them the truth.

  26. ...and he's alive and well right now on Twitter.

  27. The thread was locked shortly after I posted the twitter link because it was too upsetting for members or some such. I didn't read his tweets so didn't pick up on the alcoholic aspect. I thought maybe the poster at DCUK had nicked the pics and was pretending to be him - wouldn't be the first time someone with a grudge pulled that kind of cr@p on someone else.

  28. My dad was a cook in the navy in WW2. What can I say? LOL

    (I DID say 'pardon my Portuguese'...) hehe

  29. Don't blame your old Dad Gwen, you are a very naughty Lady.

    My old man was a Royal Marine during WW2 do I blame him for my bad ways ? Yes I do Ha Ha.


  30. you say 'naughty' like it's a bad thing, Eddie. We know better, don't we? LOL

  31. Looks like paramedic has been banned he appears as a guest now see his avatar here the thread has also been deleted.

    The gullible as usual were taken in by this farce, totsy said she had reported Andy to the police. donnellysdog was was another who was convinced paramedic was about to commit suicide! mind you these two were also taken in by the Kman lunacy.


  32. More games?...I knew I should have come home earlier in the week!

    Geri :)


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