Thursday, 3 April 2014

The "We are all different" big lie !

How many times have you read that on a diabetes forum or blog ? I have lost count, and it is a massive lie ! Certainly as far as type two diabetes is concerned. I have never ever known a type two diabetic, with high blood glucose numbers, fail to improve when they gave low carb high fat a serious chance. I am not talking about a day or a week, although BG can plummet within a few days. Try it for three months and see how amazed your Doctor is at the improvement. Yet another great low carb high fat story from the DCUK forum. 


"I'm Danish, born and bred, and I'm 61 years old.
I was diagnosed with T2 two years ago and was immediately put on 3x500mg Metformin plus Simvastatin. The diagnosis was unexpected as there is no diabetes in my family, and I have always been underweight.

The doctors and nurses never told me anything about diet, and in the two years they never asked me what I eat.
The first six months I slept twenty hours a day, and the rest of the time my head never cleared up. My leg muscles ached and I could hardly move. I lost even more weight.
After six months I finally woke up long enough to realize that something was wrong. I stopped taking Simvastatin, and after two weeks my head was clear and the aches were gone.

Then I started to investigate on the net, and luckily I found this great site, which I am so grateful for. Once I learned about lchf and read all the good advice from you wonderful people, I was on the right track. My Hba1c went down and down, and the doctors were amazed. They still did not ask what I was eating, and I didn't tell them.

For the last nine months my Hba1c has been 38, and I am down to 1x500mg Metformin. My cholesterol is sky high but I refuse to take any more statins.
Recently when I had my blood tested, I told the nurse that my goal was to get off Metformin altogether. She said that she had never heard of anyone doing that, and that she did not think the doctor would let me.
A week later I told the GP the same thing. After thinking about it, she said that I could try it out for three months.

This was a few days ago, and I'm walking around with a big smile on my face, and I even catch myself jumping around like a rabbit.
I'm so happy, I'm about to burst.
Today is my first day without Metformin.

This is not my native language, so please ignore wrong grammar and other oddities."

Link to post here.

1 comment:

  1. How strange, that the diabetic clinics never ask about what you are eating, when the whole disease is caused by food in the first place. Just goes to show that diabetics must do their own research in order to have any hope of good health. I am never asked about food at any of my clinics either. A universal problem which goes to prove how ignorant the healthcare professionals are. It's too bizarre to be true.


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