Friday, 4 April 2014

DCUK Management needs to get a grip !

Yesterday the DCUK Forum reached new levels of lunacy. A well known, (to our team) serial liar, manipulator and spoofer joined the forum, yet again, and held the joint in awe with tales of suicide and grief. The usual suckers for a hard luck story fell for the total and utter bollocks, hook, line and sinker. Not Andy and a few others fortunately. Some people were very upset and thought the troll had topped himself. This was all to upset and turn member against member. The troll was successful.

This was clearly a case of identity theft, even the semi-comatose forum manager, smelt a rat early in the afternoon, but the macabre charade carried on for six pages of dross. Clearly Junior Mods are not in a position to lock or take down a thread, what use are they ? 

This sort of grief is becoming a regular feature at the flog, who will forget the ludicrous Kman and his antics. Maybe the forum management should contact the guy who had been cloned, maybe the management should involve the Police. There are clearly some very vulnerable members at the flog, and some people need more protection than the forum is giving them. 

What really annoys me, is the fact great genuine and highly informative threads have been locked for years, on the whim of various idiotic mods, or complaints from the low carb anti clique, but obvious wind ups and nonsense is allowed to run for weeks, and in some cases, months at times. Get a grip Mods ! And management, stop treating the members like disposable cannon fodder and no more than a mailshot list. The members are paying your wages !


Post edit

I have just had a look at Mark Turner's Twitter account, what a geezer !!!, he reminds me of But that was twenty years ago or more. Ah well, off to my wine merchants. Well, it will soon be Saturday night, AC DC and air guitar anyone ?


  1. The older I get the madder the world gets, or perhaps it's people are. Do we blame the highly processed foods I wonder?

    Like many last night I was watching / reading the babble that was on that forum. It was clear the new moderators were power less to intervene.

    The main person had "smelt a rat" but let sleeping dogs or cats lie (seeing the post today, couldn't resist)

    I stay away, I comment here on the ocassion. My comment is identity theft has happened and what are the forum and it's owners going to do?

  2. Have to say that was a pretty good troll. Not surprisingly he caught the usual collection of fish on that thread. It's amazing how quickly people trust strangers on line no matter how silly the story they are being fed.

    What is it with donnellysdogs talking to a dead guy all about. She that kid for The Sixth Sense??? Nice deflection on her part at the end though, obviously didn't read the thread in its entirety.

  3. "what are the forum and it's owners going to do?"

    They will do what they have done for years, nothing.

    Remember this is a health forum ! Not some place to talk about cats and trivia. What that place could have achieved. But there is no passion, no drive, no ambition.

    A great shame, but thems the breaks.


  4. Totally agree lots were taken in or had suspicions but it's easy to say in hindsight. I am probably more naive than most. As for us, there is no University of Moderators, no training, no certificate. I'm just a normal bloke trying to help out on a forum in my own time, no pay. Maybe it's not my cup of tea, we'll see. It's a thankless task really. You don't get much thanks but there are plenty queuing up to give you a slap ! Life's a bitch eh Vader :-)
    Right, stop feeling sorry for myself and off for a beer now :-)

  5. Mo

    For what my opinion is worth you a great guy, totally even handed and very fair. Yes a forum mods job can be a thankless task, blogging can be very much the same. We do it because we think we can make a difference. We all have different styles in how we fight the cause. But fight the cause against dietary stupidity and dangerous information is what we do, for love, not money.

    I have turned down requests to advertise on our sites and the money that was offered. Don’t get me wrong, I have a price, but no one can afford the amount it would take for me to tell other people lies regarding their health. I believe totally in what I preach. I am very lucky, I have a great family, friends and team working with me. I reckon you are the same.

    The very best of health and luck to you and yours.

    Vader, the man from the darkside.

  6. **I'm just a normal bloke trying to help out on a forum in my own time, no pay. Maybe it's not my cup of tea, we'll see. It's a thankless task really. You don't get much thanks but there are plenty queuing up to give you a slap !**

    no doubt about that, but good for you for volunteering :)


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The best of health to you and yours.
