Tuesday, 8 April 2014

“get seriously pissed off” - it may just help you and your CHILDREN’S health!

Children are our future, but some days I do worry about what future we may be leaving for them. I recently read that the children of this generation may not live as long as the one before? This may well turn out as fact ..time will tell.
There are many of us that read and follow the ever growing number of blogs and forums, available to us at the click of a mouse. We all choose our favourites, we all choose the subject matter that we want to read about.
One of my favourites is Zoe Harcombe and I fully applaud her as she writes.

“My goal in life is to reverse the obesity epidemic. I joke that I’ll try world peace afterwards, but I’m deadly serious about the first goal. In the UK, obesity has increased ten fold since the 1970′s. Clearly it cannot increase ten fold again or 250% of us will be overweight. However, the prediction of the Foresight report is that 90% of today’s children will be overweight or obese by 2050. We cannot allow this to happen.”

Zoe has recently written an excellent piece on “The Perfect Five a Day”, it was about the eat 5 a day slogan which ‘the powers that be’ want us to increase to 7 a day.
I have given a link below to where she has written such an informative and eye opening article … which if you haven’t already read …I would strongly say please do. You will then read for your own eyes why Zoe does “get seriously pissed off with five-a-day. It isn’t evidence based, never was and we are telling people to eat foods that can never compete with genuinely nutritious foods. To add insult to injury – the most nutritious foods are the ones that we demonise. I think that justifies the words pissed off!”
Well Done Zoe … and here’s the link http://www.zoeharcombe.com/blog/
Keep Well Everyone

All the best Jan


  1. I couldn't agree more, Jan! staying with my daughter's family for the last week, I've been around a lot more kids (when we take them to their evening activities mostly). I can already see the "skinny fat" ones, who I can predict will have health problems in future, as well as the already-overweight ones. it's so sad....

  2. Harcombe's table is very well constructed. When out shopping with my wife, it does sadden me to see the highly processed foods in the trolley next to our basket.On ocassion I have noted a person whose age is similar to mine will have real food in their basket. The older generation can still give valuable lessons to the younger.

    Sandy Denis B Sc

  3. low carb pudding8 April 2014 at 16:39

    Ah yes you can always rely on good old Zoe - like the advice she has been giving to pregnant women to eat liver - excess Vitamin A can cause birth defects. She promotes foods she does not eat - she clearly said a few days ago I hate the stuff.
    That is what you get from a maths graduate!

  4. Hi Charlie

    You can't keep away. BTW did you like the photo I posted for you. No testosterone injections for me mate. I don't get called Eddie the Bull for nothing ha ha.

    I like Zoe, good looking, slim with a great figure, highly intelligent, the woman's got it all.

    What have you got ?


  5. low carb pudding8 April 2014 at 17:18

    yes she has everything plus a new hip and a self confessed eating disorder!

  6. Tell me pudd puller, what's it like cringing in a sewer shaking with fear that your identity will be found out. Slagging people off who publish under their real names and placing their photographs on the internet.

    What have you got to hide ? Are you a criminal on the run ? Does slagging people of as an anon thrill you, what do get out of this ?


  7. low carb pudding8 April 2014 at 17:31

    It is not slagging people off - it is what is on her website.

  8. Yeah your all heart, just trying to keep us informed. No, your'e a sick, sad git, with nothing better to do.


  9. Well - you put a post up and you never know how many reads it may receive, how many comments will be generated, what type of comments will be received ....as fingers hit the keyboard keys.

    That's what can be good, or bad about 'blogging'. The important thing is that most people do go away ...perhaps have a think ...do some more research, and then they can make up their own mind.

    We all strive for a better understanding of lifestyle,health, fitness and any other interesting reading....Talking of which, sometimes it's just nice to read a 'feel good' story on a blog.

    You never know where reading a post could lead you.....

    Thanks all for stopping by.

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
