Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Jimmy Moore, Richard Nikoley and Evelyn Kocur what do they have in common apart from being batshit ?

First let me say I like Jimmy, he has helped us in the UK low carb high fat cause, by helping Graham and me dispose of a Stalinist mod who ran DCUK the forum. I believe him to be an honest guy that has done a great deal to promote low carb, and by doing so, has helped countless people. I have no axe to grind against Richard. He runs a very well read blog, with some very interesting information over the years. Why he feels his blog has to contain so many four letter words, is beyond me. OK now and again I have used words that some may find offensive, but RN goes over the top. I know a lot of women read this blog, maybe some kids, OK, you've got the picture. As for Evelyn, I have said much in the past, but for me, she is the biggest hypocrite in the history of low carb and paleo blogging. She has so much to say re others weight and appearance, yet admits to being morbidly obese, the NSA  is an open book compared to the way Evie hides her appearance. In short, her blog offers nothing to anyone of any use, it’s nothing more than 100% hate and ridicule 24/7 in my opinion. Her blogs offers no encouragement to others, she offers not a shred of personal success. So what do these three have in common?

At the moment they are all promoting books. All pushing the boundaries of stupidity to the limit. Anyone that reads this blog, knows we have been saying for years good natural fats promote good health. Butter is a natural fat and has been eaten for thousands of years, it is infinitely a better food than margarine, even Unilever have thrown in the towel against butter, and are looking to dump their margarine business. That being said, eating whole packs of butter in one meal is ridiculous. I am not saying this is a health hazard, but come on, what sort of image does that portray to a new recruit, or someone considering a low carb high fat lifestyle ?  We have also said for years. replace the carbs you have dropped, with healthy fats rather than protein. This is good advice for many reasons that I won’t detail in this post. Richard has pulled some crazy stunts in the past. The ultra high milk diet, the high spuds diet you name it, these days resistant starch is the new way to eternal life and good health. Anyone remember the no soap or deodorant craze he went through? I can understand wanting to eat like a cave man, but smelling like one seemed a bit over the top to me.

So there we have it, if you you want to flog books and make money from your blog, it’s no good tapping people on the shoulder and saying 'I say old chap', no, you have to hit them on the head with a bat and pull all sorts of crazy stunts. Over the years, I have turned down many offers to advertise on our sites, don’t get me wrong, I have a price. If I thought Graham and myself could be cruising around in top of the range Mercs, swilling fine wine and getting rich, I would have said yes to every offer that ever came in. It does not work that way, to earn a lot of money from books, you have to sell an awful lot of books, for these three that ain't gonna happen. So, why these people are selling their arses for next to nothing is beyond me.

Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes, low carb and paleo.



  1. also none of them are diabetic.

  2. Please add woo as another off the wall wackadoo.
    They are all nuts but kocur is the most useless one.

  3. @anon

    The Woo has one thing the likes of kocur will never have that is an understanding of the effects of carbs on T2 diabetics.


  4. The truth is it is often difficult to put the people you appreciate in a white group you agree 100% with and everybody else in a wrong group consisted of evil people mostly because hardly anyone is evil, and your friends not always share your opinions, and your non-friends are not always wrong. For example, your friend Franziska LC dietitian would choose Evelyn aka Carbsane over Jimmy Moore any day as far as I know.

    It is the the first time in couple years I don't read every post (except for his little farm reports) on Tom Naughton's blog because he writes nowadays too about RS, and I have no interest in the issue (I tried experimenting out of curiosity without any good results). I used to enjoy socializing on Richard's blog, but his abrupt changes in diet trends recommendations and some blog posts (especially about rape) got me cold feet. I understand that views are the subject of change, but claiming many time that you finally feel you best first time in your life is hard to believe . What about previous outstanding reports? The most friendly thing to say in such case is that somebody like that must be extremely susceptible to experience a strong placebo effect when exited from trying something new.

    The closest to the guru person for me Dr.Eades disappointed me with his last book, but it didn't change my fondness for him.

  5. I trust Wooo more than the others, 'cos she's not trying to sell me anything or drum up business for her books. Her latest post is very helpful for any diabetic tempted to try resistant starch. I know I'm not the only person who had SIBO/IBS before being diagnosed with Type 2 and is very hesitant to over-run my gut with more bacteria, especially since LCHF solved so many of the issues for me.


  6. I stopped reading Jimmy Moore a long time ago. Yes, he provided me with lots of information but the commercial side of it all put me off. The resistant starch thing is just everywhere at the moment but is no good for me. I'm happy without it. In fact, I've stopped reading so many blogs that I used to enjoy!

    Don't even start me on people who suggest you just eat loads of butter - sure I eat it as one normally would but I don't believe tons of it is any good for anyone.

  7. Wooo is a rather volatile young woman who expresses herself over-strongly sometimes, but i have a great deal of faith in her actual KNOWLEDGE. CS reads a lot of studies, but often doesn't understand well what she reads, because of her lack of health-science background ... AND she cherry-picks egregiously. her bias is often self-contradictory. Wooo, like me, reports what works for HER (nothing has worked to save CS from obesity, so how can one take her seriously?) -- and Wooo has done the reading to understand WHY it works. i don't always agree with things she writes about, which she hasn't experienced personally, but i know damn well she's not trying to deceive anyone.

  8. I hope Jimmy Moore is not reading my comment , but in reality what puts me off him the most is his lack of sophistication, may be another term would be a better description, but I can't find it. May be I just can say I don't like how his head works. What he says and does too often is not smart or mature enough, he has trouble to predict consequences of his actions,how other people may react or he just acts on impulses. Look at that story with David Duke for example (probably the main source of Franziska's disapproval). Bragging everywhere about eating gagging amounts of butter is another stupid thing which he is doing without much thinking, mostly in order to show off, which could be normal in a teen , but not in an adult at mature age who wants to generate profit from his audience, not just to say whatever he wants to express his opinion on the web or to entertain his personal haters. Trying to shock others and not understanding how others may react on what they read or hear hinders him a lot.

    He offers a good observational material for an outsider, it is enough for me to be curious about how he is doing, but not enough to follow his blog.

  9. I love Wooo's blog, she discusses experiences using her medical knowledge and observations. Whole my life I relayed on personal observations over myself and others making medical decisions because I have been having several medical conditions, but without any medical training.

  10. If I had access to only one blog, it would be Dr. Eades's. It's had the answer to some significant health problems on a few different occasions. He reads widely, has a large knowledge base, and he looks at evidence before making up his mind. I see he banned Charles Grashow from commenting.

    Some people need to fine-tune their diet and lifestyle or like to self-exeriment, which is fine, but when someone jumps on every bandwagon that comes along or constantly says things for shock value, it's hard to take them seriously.

  11. I like the woo, she can talk the talk and walk the walk, a sort of low carb pin up girl. As others have said she is not selling anything.

    But, let's be honest, she is crazy. Don't get me wrong, I like crazy, I fit right in.


  12. The Woo ? Where do we find this person's blog please. I like a bit of entertainment now and again.

  13. Anonymous said...
    The Woo ? Where do we find this person's blog please. I like a bit of entertainment now and again.

    You can find her here http://itsthewooo.blogspot.co.uk/



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