Friday, 18 April 2014

Jimmy Moore's take on a high fat diet !

As a type two diabetic controlling my diabetes with a low carb (50 grams per day) high fat diet for close on six years, I reckon my dietary lifestyle is about right. Going from 300 grams plus carbs at diagnosis to 50 is a big chunk out of my daily food intake. As my protein intake has been about the same all my adult life, the fats had to be increased to maintain the same daily calorie intake. No rocket science needed there. The extra calories from fats came by way of butter, double cream, cheese, nuts, avocado, oily fish, olive oil and seeds etc.

This diet has kept BG numbers non diabetic, helped with BP, a good lipid panel and minimal diabetes medication (2 x 500mg Metformin) it works, it's simple, and I enjoy food as much as I ever did. Checking out the meals, Jan and myself and many diabetic friends eat and have been posted here, and on our website and food blog, most would say the meals do not appear to be overly high in fats.

Sorry for the pre amble, but contrast our meals to a Jimmy Moore breakfast. "Five eggs and a stick of butter" he posted up on Twitter within the last 24 hours. In the UK a standard pack of butter is 250 grams or almost nine ounces. If a stick of US butter is the same, I have to ask is Jimmy spoofing us, is this a wind up ?  We need to be told !


Post edit. A message via email from a well known and highly respected medical professional who asked to remain anonymous on this blog. Full name and address supplied.

"I follow Jimmy on Twitter, and yesterday he tweeted that he was eating five eggs cooked in Kerrygold butter with an additional stick of Kerrygold (8 oz, or roughly 240 grams), and that was it for the day. That's less than 40 grams of protein and over 200 grams of fat for the day. Jimmy is quite tall and needs at least twice that amount of protein at a minimum. 

When someone asked him why he didn't include any spinach or other greens with the eggs, he said that occasionally he eats greens but "I'm so carb sensitive that even greens can be problematic." This is nonsense, of course. And he doesn't even have diabetes! 

His latest cholesterol profile is abominable; I know you use different values in the UK, but his LDL-C and LDL-P are extremely elevated and place him at very high risk for a cardiac event.

I'm so conflicted because on the one hand Jimmy has been a great advocate of the low-carb lifestyle and is friends with all of the major researchers in this area. But what he's promoting now is very irresponsible, in my opinion. I'm worried about his health and the perception that the non-low-carb community will have of us, since he's such a visible and vocal proponent of low carb. 

Moderate protein, higher percentage of healthy fats, and lots of healthy vegetables. That is the way to follow low carb if you want to improve your health."

Post edit 23 7 2014 Graham

Our take on Carbsane who sounds so much like NS

Evelyn Kocur AKA Carbsane is a legend in her own lunch time. She spends her life stalking Jimmy Moore and Gary Taubes. If you ask her the time you get ten thousand words on the history of horology. Check out the link above to a Jimmy Moore podcast. Listen to Evelyn talk for over an hour without drawing breath. She has clearly mastered the trumpet players art of circular breathing. Marvel how Jimmy, no slouch in verbal communication is left almost dumb. Listen to the podcast and come back and tell me this woman is not one wave short of a ship wreck. As for exposing Taubes, it only exposes Evelyn, check the podcast out. BTW my good friend phoenix idolises her.

This is the response from Gary to his critics including carbsane (serial stalker?)


  1. In US the standard stick of butter is the equivalent of 1/4 of a pound or 113 grams or 1/2 cup of butter, so a usual pack of butter of about 250 grams consists of two sticks of butter separately wrapped in a parchment paper tacked in a carton wrap.
    I don't think that Jimmy Moore is a fitting diet model for the most people, he often sounds intentionally controversial and unreasonable. So,I don't think he adequately represents people who eat a LC diet, the last thing we need is an aggravating figure for the rest of the population. His diet regiment seems to be working for him, but it would be an extreme life-style for the most.

  2. Anyone who follows his regime is asking for trouble.

    He is not a good advert for the LC cause and seems to be a bit of a show off.

  3. I follow a LC diet since 2007, other of my family members (except for my mother who lives in Russia)do not eat and need a LC diet. I definitely enjoy the normality of my diet. It is easy to cook for me the same food as for my family members (but they get an additional starchy side-dish), to go to a restaurant or a fast-food place (but I skip bread and potatoes).
    Jimmy compensates eating too much butter with not eating till the next breakfast, it could be not convenient for the most people.

  4. @Galina L

    "His diet regiment seems to be working for him."

    NO NO & NO

  5. I doubt he's spoofing anything/anybody. The an is a poor representative of the diet/fitness sector. I think his lipid markers are in the extremely dangerous zone.
    That said, I know he has to take his show to the extreme to remain of interest on the interwebs to make a living.
    I wonder how much longer he'll be alive should he continues with this way of eating? He looks way older than what his age is, his body composition is poor. I also believe that he has painted himself in to the corner with his diet choice, he has to do this or become irrelevant. What a sad way to have to live, being watched by many as you slowly kill yourself with food.

  6. Well I too like butter, but I also like mushrooms, spinach, left over vegetables with my omelette.I also enjoy a low carb lunch and dinner.
    The food is enjoyable and nutricious,it is also easy to cook.Surely just eating one meal a day is not healthy?


  7. @Galina "His diet regiment seems to be working for him, but it would be an extreme life-style for the most."

    WHAT???? working for him??? Which of his pictures and test results are you you looking at?

  8. Breakfast is not a meal I always have my day starts with coffee and cream. Lunch is a light but nutrient meat and salad my evening meal balanced with low carb non starch vegetable, meat or fish and blueberries and double cream. May have cheese later in the evening. What this man is doing can not be recognised as being meal for good.


  9. He is in show business and that is how he earns a living.
    He has to be outrageous to keep the bucks coming in.
    He is not diabetic, but a sick man both physically and mentally and yet he is still getting applause.
    It's like watching a comic show and his audience are waiting for the macabre when he eventually snuffs it.

    I ate my way to death should be put on his tombstone.

  10. Well folks quite a few comments in only a few hours of posting up the thread. I have made no secret of the fact I like Jimmy, he has helped me and many others and done a lot for the low carb cause, but if this meal is typical of what Jimmy is eating these days it is ludicrous in my opinion.

    In fact it is a million miles away from what I believe is a healthy low carb diet. This diet may be of use in the short term to someone who suffers epilepsy and drugs have not worked. But for any healthy person including all diabetics it is doomed to fail.

    We have said over and over again, to control diabetes and also weight for many people, a change of lifestyle for life is the only way to go.

    What Jimmy is trying to achieve is beyond me, and I will be writing to him in the next few days. As I have said I like the guy, I may be getting up myself but I hope I can help him.


  11. Worrying read because for someone who is the voice and face of the low carb movement he appears to look unwell and is displaying worryingly unstable views.

    For Jimmy the low carb cause is his business for me the low carb cause is my way of leading a healthier "diabetic" life. With low carbing my blood sugar numbers have improved very well and I recommend it to my fellow diabetics at local groups.

    I do hope those close to Jimmy will express there concern as myself and fellow commentors have.


  12. Someone said he is a show-off. I agree. He is constantly touting his books that he's published and posting how many followers he has. I think he is so obsessed with his success and fame that he has become a negative role model.

  13. "When someone asked him why he didn't include any spinach or other greens with the eggs, he said that occasionally he eats greens but I'm so carb sensitive that even greens can be problematic.' This is nonsense, of course. And he doesn't even have diabetes!"

    Dr. Atkins wrote exactly the same thing about some of his patients--that they were too sensitive to carbohydrate to even have salads. And I thought that cholesterol didn't have anything to do with heart disease, except that elevated triglycerides weren't good (but mostly a sign of high carb consumption).

  14. Lori

    I think someone who is too carb sensitive to eat salad and low starch vegetables is a very rare condition indeed, even for a type two diabetic.

    To consume 50 carbs or much in the way of calories you have to eat a considerable amount of green vegetables to raise BG numbers by very much. These foods have a very high water content, very low in carbs and very low in calories.

    If Jimmy cannot consume hardly any without problems, it needs very special and urgent specialist medical attention.


  15. @Kay,
    eating one meal a day is healthy ( there are a lot of information nowadays about intermittent fasting), just , probably, too inconvenient for a person who doesn't live alone. Even if you are not hungry after eating a pound of butter for a breakfast, there are social reasons to eat and most of us do not want to forget about the joy of cooking and eating food. There is also a question of nutrients deficiency, starting with a protein, as a doctor emailed to Eddie. I found out, in order to commit to diet changes, it should not be in a way for you to enjoy your life and create major inconveniences.

    @Charles, I think JM diet works for him because he sorted out for now his problem with a creeping weight gain. I don't live in his skin, but it is obvious for me that he has a variety of issues I, Eddie or you don't have. He is a special case. It is possible, he needs extreme measures. I know you would gladly put him on low-calories high in vegetables diet, but my guess he wouldn't be able to stay on it outside of a hospital ward to check how it may work. I would put him on two meals a day, cut the amount of butter and bring protein more close to the norm, arrange the loose-skin reduction surgery and try Wooo's list of supplements to mitigate his undoubtedly low leptine.

  16. Is it possible that his VLCHF ketogenic diet ruined his metabolism to the point where he can't even eat veggies? After all, even Dr. Atkins only said to say on the induction phase for the first 2 weeks and then slowly add carbs back in.

  17. Jimmy has been doing this for YEARS

    start with minute 5.00

  18. Hi Galina

    With the greatest respect you said "I think JM diet works for him" but it is obvious it is not working for him. And I would not recommend his diet to anyone.

    It does the low carb cause no good at all. I have said all along a healthy plate of food is covered by around 50% vegetables, non starchy if you are a diabetic.

    Jimmy's diet is beyond extreme, and I sincerely hope he dumps it soon for his own good.


  19. To Galina.

    Thank you for your comment to me.

    As a child I was brought up on eating three good meals a day so possibly I find it hard to break the habit. However, for me it is not a habit I would want to change because it suits me. We must all do what is best for us, we all may have different health issues known only to us.

    Jimmy Moore is such a well known person in the low carb and health arena and his recent diet and appearance is bringing forth a lot of comment.


  20. My guess is that the doctor is Thomas Dayspring since his picture is featured as a follower of Jimmy and he's considered an expert on LDL-P

  21. it will be interesting to see him again next month. i sympathize with his finding that a lot of types of vegetables CAN be problematic, but that incredibly low protein content is just not enough, no matter what system one follows!

  22. @Charles,coincidentally I just had a similar to the featured in the youtube video meal minus butter, and instead of bread I used Foreman-grill-roasted 3 slices of an eggplant. It contained enough fat for my taste from cheese and a ground beef.
    I have no idea what ruined JM's metabolism, before going on a LC diet he was obviously not issues-free, but I find it illogical to disregard the effect of a weight-gain/weight-loss roller-coaster on metabolism when after-diet situation is discussed. I think the main feature of a LC diet in that case and many others would be the sharper weight-loss(and may be as the result the sharper leptine drop) and the definite possibility of the diminished sensitivity to carbs during cheats. Many people, as I noticed, incline to blame LC diet for the troubles which are created by the body reaction on a weight-loss itself
    Many LCarbers, especially very overweight or middle-aged, do not find the adding of carbs a workable solution, Dr.Atkins is not a God, many others who advised LCarbing didn't say the same. Most of the time diets works till followed. However, I noticed that there are also many in blogs comments testified that they could increase the amount of starches after LCarbing without a problem, so may be Atkins kept such people in mind, he was a practicing doctor, and undoubtedly saw many variations.

  23. Not all vegetables cause problems? There must be some he could eat?

  24. @ Kay, I was also raised on three meals a day, snacking was considered a child-spoiling by my parents and grand-parents, and they though that missing a meal would be unhealthy - like stomach juices would start digest a stomach at the absence of a food. I was also told that without a bread I would be hungry too soon. So, something was right, something was wrong. I now eat two meals a day + coffee with a heavy cream on the morning.

  25. @Eddie,
    I like my veggies because I like the taste and the texture, but I suspect that health benefits however exist, but are overblown out of proportion. I don't plan to follow Jimmy's advice ever - my food instincts are very different, and I am a cooking enthusiast . I guess, the low protein is more unhealthy than low fiber in his case. The the cultures where people consumed small amounts of plants, they often ate the whole animal, while not relying on butter as the main source of energy.
    I also have a mother who eats abnormal volumes of plant food, and that particular fact made me sort-of skeptical of the current idea "the more plants - the better". Probably, in a fast-food environment it often makes sense because plants on plates replace mashed potatoes and pasta, snacking on celery and cucumbers is way better that eating chips, and eating an apple is better than a candy-bar.
    Looking at my mother's example made me aware of a down-side of overdoing veggies and especially fruits, and I grew-up without an access to a commercial food. Reading in Dr.Bernstein's book about the "China Buffet Effect" confirmed my suspicions. Like a butter, vegetables matter needs a moderation.

  26. I don't think that it is that unreasonable. To stay in deep ketosis takes significant effort, in my case (1) extreme carbohydrate restriction <<25g, I aim for close to zero (2) moderate protein restriction (I try to limit meat to one meal a day (3) lots of exercise (I try to run almost every day).

    My diet is in excess of 80% fat. I eat lots of egg, lots of butter and lots of cream. I also eat quite a lot of green vegetables (and especially spinach).

    It's not for everyone, but it works for me. My fasting BG is 4.2 mmol/l, my A1c<5% and my Total Cholesterol 3.6 mmol/l.

  27. " His latest cholesterol profile is abominable; I know you use different values in the UK, but his LDL-C and LDL-P are extremely elevated and place him at very high risk for a cardiac event."

    Jimmy's current TC is 10.13712 mmol/l
    HDL-C is 1.8102 mmol/l, LDL-P>3,000, LDL-C >8 mmol/l

    This would put him in the 99th percentile for CVD risk

  28. I don't see how he can be in any danger of a cardiac event if his heart calcium score is 0? Dayspring seems to be another of those doctors who keep chasing yet more fractions of lipid measurement to prove the lipid hypothesis still has value. Not all doctors agree with him. I guess we'll find out soon enough is Jimmy is in as much danger as he's claiming.
    The fact that JM ever weighed 400+ lbs and has spent years of yo-yo dieting means that his metabolism can never be the same as any person who hasn't dealt with the same problem.

  29. "If Jimmy cannot consume hardly any /vegetables/ without problems, it needs very special and urgent specialist medical attention."

    My guess the big part of Jimmy's problem is the particular hormonal balance after a massive weight loss. What sort of a medical attention such people normally receive besides the advice to eat less and move more? People in such condition do not receive an adequate help and manage the best way they can, often on their own. For example, Wooo reported, that according to her experience, leptine injections completely stopped her body from regaining weight after a big weight loss. I am sure it wouldn't help everyone, but others like her could be possibly helped and would be like insulin-dependent diabetics living with daily injections.

  30. Eddie,I predict Jimmy will brush you off.

  31. Stephen,
    I am in ketosis, mostly not in a deep one, in order to control migraines. What is you reason?
    If you eat a lot of eggs + meat once a day, most probably your consumption of proteins is sufficient.

  32. "After all, even Dr. Atkins only said to say on the induction phase for the first 2 weeks and then slowly add carbs back in."

    Actually, Phase 1 of the Atkins diet is one week, and and although adding back carbs is allowed, it isn't required. Dr. Atkins said that his patients' "Critical Carbohydrate Level" (where they would start gaining weight) was 20 to 40 grams daily. He added, "Only an underweight person has to eat carbohydrates," the exception being people who do strenuous exercise and can't convert fat to energy fast enough. Source: Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution.

    As to Jimmy's heart attack risk, last I heard (it's been a few years), he had a calcium score of zero.

  33. Surprised it took the Jimmy Moore apologists so long to show up heretelling us there is nothing wrong in what he is doing.

    Seems Eddie has become somewhat well known.

    I still can't fathom why anyone would follow Jimmy Moore, it just isn't logical. Unfortunately he is the first name people see once they start investigating the LC thing.

  34. Galina,

    I'm a T2D who has kept my HbA1c at 5% or less for the past three years on <25g a day of carbohydrate.

    All of that hasn't been strict keto, but I'm currently training to run the Berlin Marathon on zero carbohydrates, being is deep ketosis should have the benefit of preventing me from "hitting the wall" which is just another word for hypoglycemia.

    I've lost over 60lbs on low carb, but I'd also like to lose anther 20 or so before the marathon. So the keto should help me with that too.


  35. @Lori Miller

    His CAC score was 0 a few years ago but one cannot say what the score will be in a few more years if his LDL-P and LDL-C keep increasing.

    Aso - he is basically betting his life on the fact that if one has low hsCRP high LDL-P doesn't matter.

  36. @Lori Miller

    It’s not essential to start New Atkins in the Induction Phase, but doing so is the fastest way to turn your body into a super efficient fat-burning machine.

    You’ll stay in this Phase for at least two weeks, unless you have only a few pounds to shed and they come off very quickly, in which case you can move sooner to Phase 2, Ongoing weight loss.

  37. @Eddie

    Perhaps you could e-mail the doctor and ask for his permission to publish his name.

  38. @ Eddie

    To Charlie and gutless anon.

    You two really don't get it do you. I believe in loyalty. I like Jimmy he has helped me. I would never comment about Jimmy to slags like you two, ever.

    Jimmy has something you two will never have, guts.

    Show us some recent pictures of yourselves, you anonymous guttersnipes.


    15 April 2014 19:14

  39. BTW

    Jimmy REMOVED the video from his youtube account - guess the fat bastard can't take any criticism at all

    Charles Grashow said...

    Jimmy has been doing this for YEARS

    start with minute 5.00

    18 April 2014 18:5

  40. @Stephen Ferguson,
    I trained myself to do long cardios in ketosis, I should tell it really trains body to switch on glucose production, in some people it even gets too high...
    My fasting BS got higher after such adaptation. I am not a diabetic.

  41. I wonder, would everyone choose a more normal lower weight over a better health marker number? Higher BMI doesn't look good from the medical perspective.

  42. JM is a buffon's bufoon. Worse, he uses dishonesty for self gain without any shame or care to the damage it does to others. Very Christian like indeed. Anyone familiar with his exchanges with Dr Dayspring is well aware of this. In the end, he will suffer the same fate as Dr Atkins - "blocked arteries" (in case people need reminding) and when he meets his god, he will not even be able to say that he lived his honestly. What a specimen.

  43. Bravely spoken anonymous one, now, get back in the sewer you piece of excrement !

    BTW have a nice day.


  44. Morgues are full of people who had wonderful health test results just before they died.

    John Ilhan an extremely wealthy Australian businessman died very shortly after passing a medical examination aged 42 (the same age as Jimmy Moore).

    Unfortunately Jimmy probably won't reach the age of 50 unless he makes some rdaical lifestyle changes.


  45. Bravely spoken anonymous one, now, get back in the sewer you piece of excrement !

    BTW have a nice day.

    20 April 2014 08:13

    Since one can bet on anything in England what are the odds the Jimmy will even answer your e-mails??

  46. Charlie

    Jimmy has never failed to answer my emails swiftly and politely. I commented on what I consider to be a ludicrous breakfast Jimmy’s photo showed. I have not turned him into an obsession and rubbished him personally, and stalked him 24/7, as you and your bloated dominatrix mistress Evie has done. I do not hide in the shadows like you and Evie, and Jimmy has more character in his little finger than a muppet like you has in their entire body.

    Do you really believe any straight thinking person gives a monkeys toss for what you and Evie believes ? A couple of obese hypochondriacs looking for the next quick fix, because you have no self discipline and “It’s everyone else's fault“ merchants, give me a break. BTW I will not be publishing the name of the Doctor, he is a friend and I wouldn't want you and your fellow morticians stalking him, he has better things to do, than waste his time providing wanking material for you and your boss.


  47. @Eddie

    No matter how many insults you and your lackeys, sycophants and followers hurl at me they will slide off my back like water off a duck!

    The fact remains that Jimmy Moore is a pathetically stupid man.

    His TC/HDL ratio is now 5.92:1. Optimal is 3.5:1, over 5:1 is dangerous. The stupid comment refers to the fact that he was taking berberine for blood sugar control.

    He is/was never T2D and berberine is as effective as metformin BUT it also lowers cholesterol via a different pathway than statins.

    So, when he stopped the berberine his cholesterol went up dramatically. But being stupid he probably didn't realize the effect the berberine was having.

    As to you - you obviously have problems which require intense psychiatric therapy - the sooner you start the better.

    Someone who lashes out with insults whenever anyone posts criticism needs help. Get it ASAP.

    One more thing - Jimmy's TSH is appx 3.7 and the T score from his DEXA scan was -0.4. Not good at all.

    Osteopenia and hypothyroidism are in his future which, I'm afraid, might not be of long duration.

  48. Charlie said.

    “As to you - you obviously have problems which require intense psychiatric therapy - the sooner you start the better”

    Jeez lad have you only just worked that out ? With your powers of observation, have you considered a career in the Police Force, you're wasted as a pox Doctors Clerk. BTW have you received permission from Evie to spend so much time over here ?

    Can you remember how quickly you rubbished Evie over at the Carbsaner blog, when Evie tired of you and booted you off her blog ? I can. Anyway, keep coming back, see I have a heart after all, most of the big blogs don’t want to know you do they mate. You have cried wolf so many times, people aren't listening anymore. Why don’t you start your own blog ? It must be better than spending most of your life pushing up the comment counts and page views on others blogs.


  49. @Eddie

    As usual you IGNORE any legitimate criticism regarding Jimmy Moore.

    Why not respond to that?

    But, of course, you won't - so sad, so pathetic

  50. Low TSH is very possible the result of his body efforts to respond and reverse the weight loss.

  51. Grasho

    What in the name of hells teeth makes anything you say legitimate you moron. Look back at your comments on this thread, you're fu**ing demented. Check out the latest thread at Evie's cesspit, head bangers to a man and woman.

    Get a life, before it's over.


  52. If you look at Charles' Facebook profile, you can see him wanking over the death of Barry Groves too.

    Talk about undignified.

  53. Ah, was that the Barry Groves who lived to 78 years of age and was a world class sportsman well into his sixty's, what a terrible example to us all.

    I'd give my right nut to live to 78 years of age and mentally and physically active to the end.

    But what do I know.


  54. Grashow said...

    As to you - you obviously have problems which require intense psychiatric therapy - the sooner you start the better.

    That's a bit rich from coming from you the ultimate cyber psycho, your probably beyond help when it comes to psychiatric therapy.

    Kind regards

  55. @Galina

    Can we chat about ketosis + cardio?

    My email is

  56. 1) Jimmy Moore posted all of his blood tests, etc. on his blog so my commenting on them is fair game.

    If you presented a 42 year old man with 99th percentile LDL-C and LDL-P most, if not all doctors would express some concern.

    Jimmy is basing his continued existence on his low hsCRP and TG/HDL ratio BUT his very high TC/HDL ratio is very problematical.

    2)As to Barry Groves - a man who promotes a VLCHF die and only lives to the age of 78 is also fair game for comment. He lived an average length life span - what was the cause of death? CVD, cancer - did his diet play a role in his death? That's also fair game to speculate on.

    Again - I pose questions and you respond with insults.

    BTW - if you want I'll tell you the results of my last blood work and other tests.

  57. Jimmy has pushed himself into a corner as it is obvious that he has an eating disorder.
    Whether his followers will take that on board is another matter.
    He gets attention from being outrageous to the detriment of his health. Is this a way to make money or a quick way to get to the graveyard or both?
    He has not learned over the years that too much of anything is not healthy and if low carbers were to add up the calories they were consuming prior to going low carb then they would see that their success is down to eating less.
    Those who cannot lose weight or keep falling off the wagon need to take a reality check. Too much equals weight stalls and weight gains.

  58. I think the label of "eating disorder" is being pushed left and right on a wide variety of people like calling each other "psycho". Jimmy is not a vulnerable teenage girl falling victim of a modern trend to be stick thin. Most of the people on a diet or not have sort-of inner gadget which tells them that eating a pack of butter for their breakfast would be too much, others would just vomit after their first attempt. He is in a weight-loss corner after his yo-yo weight-loss history, and almost everybody who has an experience with attempts to loose more than 20 lbs and especially to keep it off can tell that the more you need to loose, the harder it gets.

  59. Charles Grashow said...
    "1) Jimmy Moore posted all of his blood tests, etc. on his blog so my commenting on them is fair game."

    OK Charlie we have got the message, how many more times are you going to tell us the same thing ?

    "If you presented a 42 year old man with 99th percentile LDL-C and LDL-P most, if not all doctors would express some concern."

    What has that info got to do with me ? Am I promoting a Jimmy Moore diet ? NO

    "Jimmy is basing his continued existence on his low hsCRP and TG/HDL ratio BUT his very high TC/HDL ratio is very problematical."

    Why don't you tell Jimmy ?

    "2)As to Barry Groves - a man who promotes a VLCHF die and only lives to the age of 78 is also fair game for comment. He lived an average length life span - what was the cause of death? CVD, cancer - did his diet play a role in his death? That's also fair game to speculate on."

    Barry Groves died of cancer. As have healthy athletes and millions of people who did not low carb or follw any particular diet, many did not smoke or use alcohol. Sorry to upset you Charlie but people die, shit happens.

    "Again - I pose questions and you respond with insults."

    I believe you are a deranged gadfly Charlie, hopping about the internet making a lot of noise but saying nothing of any use to most people. Am I not entitled to an opinion ?

    "BTW - if you want I'll tell you the results of my last blood work and other tests."

    No interest to me Charlie, but I note your HbA1c is high for a non diabetic. I know many diabetics holding lower numbers, what do reckon is the cause ?


  60. @Eddie

    I'm satisfied with A1C of 5.2%

    BTW - can't tell Jimmy anything - he bans or deletes comments/tweets he doesn't like

    So thin skinned

  61. "I'm satisfied with A1C of 5.2%"

    Wow. I wouldn't be, and I'm a diabetic. Should try some of the old LCHF dude, it'll probably help sort out your lipids as well as your BG levels.

  62. "I'm satisfied with A1C of 5.2%"

    Wow. I wouldn't be, and I'm a diabetic. Should try some of the old LCHF dude, it'll probably help sort out your lipids as well as your BG levels.

  63. @Stephen

    My lipids are fine. Let me ask you a question - if you had a CT scan with the resulting score of 48 what would your diet look like?

  64. @Charles

    Firstly, I don't know what a CT scan of "48" is. If I'd had a CT scan I'd trouble myself with what the scores mean, but it has no relevance to me.

    But probably I'd follow a Jaminet <160g per day moderate CHO diet. The only reason I eat VLC is because I am a diabetic (and a runner).

    I don't think that VLC is for everyone, but I do sincerely believe that it's the best choice for T2Ds (and probably most T1Ds).

    VLC has it's risks, but they are largely speculative and insignificant compared to the known risks of uncontrolled T2D.

    Do what you need to do to manage your own health, I wouldn't judge anybody who made informed decisions about how to treat their own condition.

  65. @Charles

    Just read up on the CT scan thing.

    If I had calcium deposits in my arteries I'd
    (1) Research the fuck out of it.
    (2) Make sure I cut out refined carbohydrates from my diet.
    (3) Stop trolling diabetic websites and stressing out about other people's diets, and worry about my own health.

  66. @Stephen Ferguson

    1) Done
    2) Done
    3) I do not troll - I constantly search for information

    4) Perhaps Eddie should stop worrying what other people say about him!

  67. We need people like Charlie ! Then we can point our fucking fingers and say, there's the bad guy. Does that make us good ?

    Tony Montana

  68. Grashow said...

    4) Perhaps Eddie should stop worrying what other people say about him!

    You must be deluded if you really think Eddie gives a fuck about what other people say about him Charlie boy?

    Question for you Charlie do you have have any other interests in your life other than trolling blogs?

    Nightie night

  69. @Graham

    You must be deluded if you really think I give a fuck about what other people say about me

  70. low carb pudding22 April 2014 at 15:52

    What pleasant people you all are!!

  71. Pudding puller

    Thank you for your most accomplished comment to date, you are a great asset to our humble blog. Be sure to come back soon.


  72. low carb pudding22 April 2014 at 16:49

    There is no point expressing opinions as you said before you won't publish them - only insults are published.

    There are certainly plenty of insults on here today but keeps me laughing.

    So are you shutting this blog down as promised?

  73. I never said it was shutting down, we work as a team. I am calling it a day here soon. Other blogs and a website to work on. This blog has become a bit soft. I want to start a blog with far more villainy and aggravation. Imagine a really down market sort of joint, full of sleaze and smut, you will luv it. Be sure to look out for it and put it your favourites.


  74. low carb pudding22 April 2014 at 17:48

    oh great - one day you will hit the jackpot.

  75. low carb pudding22 April 2014 at 17:51

    Actually that is how I would describe this blog - down market.

    All you do is bitch about people - have you noticed when you post about a study no one posts?

  76. Your fascinated by me aren't you pudding, you just can't get enough.

    I am so chuffed you have something to do with your life. We offer so many services to all sorts of people. I reckon we should try for charity status. What do you think ?


  77. low carb pudding said...
    What pleasant people you all are!!

    Awwww thanks little pudding how sweet of you.

    Love and hugs
    Graham xxx


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The best of health to you and yours.
